Todolist Plugin: A wonderful Tiny to-do got new update (1.2.1)

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Apr 3, 2020, 9:43:12 AM4/3/20
Announcement: Todolist plugin
Date: Apr 3rs, 2020
Release: 1.2.0
Status: Stable

Todolist is now a mature and quite powerful plugin and it can be used as a useful addition to Tiddlywiki empty edition.

Todolist in many ways beats the todolist and task manager apps out there! It sports minimal interface, very short learning curve, and highly customizable behavior

This stable release focuses on simpler interface, drag and drop feature, documentation improvement and distributing under Kookma Plugin Library.

The recommended way to install is using the attached Kookma Plugin Library if you have it!

Star it if you like it and send your feedback!
Documentation proof reading for English is welcome!


Todolist Plugin

1st April 2020 at 8:48pm

Statusin progress

What is Todolist plugin?

Todolist is a small pure wikitext plugin, contain all of the tasks that you need to complete on a given day. Todolist gives you the confidence that everything’s organized and accounted for, so you can make progress on the things that are important to you.

You can also make to-dos for major tasks like a project, a work assignment or an overall goal. Therefore, the overall purpose of creating a to-do is to remember tasks and prioritize them.

Easily organize and prioritize your tasks and projects so you’ll always know exactly what to work on next.


The Todolist Tutorial is the starting point to learn more about plugin features, help, demo and examples. See below for online pages.


From the below three methods for installing todolist plugin, select any suitable method you like.

I. Use plugin library

The simplest method is to have the Kookma Plugin Library which acts exactly like Official Plugin Library

  1. Drag and drop $:/config/KookmaPluginLibrary into your wiki
  2. Open $:/ControlPanelPlugins tab and the click on big button Get more plugins
  3. Click open library under Kookma Plugin Library
  4. Find todolist and click install, or reinstall if you update todolist
  5. Save and reload your wiki
II. Standalone configuration

Follow these instructions when using Tiddlywiki as a standalone HTML file:

  1. Drag and drop $:/plugins/kookma/todolist into your wiki
  2. Save and reload your wiki
III. Client-Server configuration

Follow these instructions when using Tiddlywiki under Node.js:

  1. Download the todolist folder
    • To download you can go to, and click on Clone or download
    • After downloaing the source code, take the plugin from source folder and copy and paste it into kookma folder under your Tiddlywiki plugins folder
    • If you have not kookma folder, create it in your Tiddlywiki plugins folder
  2. Quit the server if it is running
  3. Add it to your wiki of choice
    1. Edit the file (it is in JSON format) and locate the plugins section (see below)
    2. Add entries corresponding to the plugins you wish to add. Here add todolist
    3. Take care to retain commas to separate items, but do not terminate the last item in a list with a comma
  4. Restart the server

	"plugins": [
	"themes": [
    "languages": [

For local installation under Node.js,
i. quit the server if it is runing,
ii. put the todolist folder into your local plugins folder under your wiki folder,
iii. restart the server.

Code and demo

It is highly recommended to backup your data before trying any new plugin! Do it before installing todolist.

More information
  • Installing a plugin from the plugin library
  • Installing custom plugins on Node.js
  • Uninstalling a plugin


Release 1.2.0

  • 3rd Apr 2020
  • [NEW] moved to the new Thirdflow development platform
  • [NEW] Todolist items can be rearranged using drag and drop
  • [NEW] Number of tasks is shown under options
  • [NEW] priority colors are more pale now
  • [NEW] the order of priority colors can be set now
  • [NEW] Todolist has a setting tab under $:/ControlPanel to manipulate internal tiddlers
  • [FIXED] Todolist is smart enough to prevent adding empty item to list
  • [FIXED] all global macros removed and only required ones kept global

For all changes see ChangeLog


  • Anthony Muscio for conditional todolist

Kookma Plugin Library.tid


Apr 3, 2020, 9:49:09 AM4/3/20
to TiddlyWiki
Unfortunately these works take alot of time. I would like to prepare examples and read use cases!
The Todolist has many features of commercial apps out there! Yet it is on the shoulder of giant Tiddlywiki, so it a lego and one can customize it in many ways!
I did some comparison with Wunderlist now Microsoft ToDo, and Google Keep, if not all but most of the features of those apps can be found in Tiddlywiki Todolist!

There are grounds to improve and the most important one is working on Touch screen! This is an issue in Tiddlywiki itself as it is not that much touch screen friendly...

Best wishes


Apr 3, 2020, 9:53:27 AM4/3/20
to TiddlyWiki
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Apr 5, 2020, 2:19:57 AM4/5/20
to TiddlyWiki
Announcement: Todolist plugin
Date: Apr 5th, 2020
Release: 1.2.1
Status: Stable

Small issue in drag and drop items fixed.



Apr 5, 2020, 12:16:43 PM4/5/20
Thanks, Mohammad, I did get drag and drop working yesterday once I realized I had to edit the list first, but this way is much easier! As a happy user of version 1.0.0, I do have one bit of feedback: As best I can tell, it's not possible to upgrade to 1.2.1 from 1.0.0? I couldn't see any documentation about this (I'm sorry if I missed it). But after several attempts I found that the only way I could "migrate" my lists to 1.2.1 was to
1. delete all 1.0.0 lists (and associated files) 
2. delete not just the 1.0.0 plugin but also several other system files related to todolist 
3. install 1.2.1
4. recreate lists and tasks from scratch



Apr 5, 2020, 2:44:19 PM4/5/20
Hi Cmari,
 Todolist actually does not delete the previous todos, but there is a change in new version which does not shows the Todos from previous version!
In the old version, if you open the $:/ControlPanel and then Plugins, Todolist and then Internals tab you see all the internals used for keeping your Todos!
You can even export them and email to somebody else and even share on other devices, so one can keep all those todos.

What happen in 1.2.1?
The internals now can be accessed from $:/ControlPanel, Settings with one small change, the naming rule

The old version uses $:/plugins/kookma/todolist/data/ as prefix!
The new version uses  $:/todolist/data as prefix

The reason was, I got feedback, the prefix $:/plugins/kookma/todolis is used form plugin itself!

What you can do?
Simply correct the prefix and they will appear in new version!
I may recommend Tiddler-Commander to do this for you with few clicks.

Please let me know, if I can be of any help. I also add the note to tutorial for this issue!

Many thanks for your feedback and sorry for troubles.



Apr 6, 2020, 11:58:27 AM4/6/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammad,
I did try removing the prefix before I sent my previous message. But in 1.2.1, the "tasks" tiddler has a list field. So the imported tasks don't show up on a 1.2.1 list. However, I did just discover that if I change all of my tasks to "done" before I transfer them, I can see them in the 1.2.1 list, so I can reactivate them. 


Apr 6, 2020, 2:39:12 PM4/6/20
to TiddlyWiki

If you used the Todolist with drag and drop, it is the same! But it seems your previous version was the one without drag and drop feature.
You are right! To change the order, it uses a list field in task tiddler to keep track of the order of items. So, adding a new item also its key is added to 

Good to hear you have solved the issue!


arun babu

Mar 28, 2021, 5:59:56 PM3/28/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammad, 

I was planning to use todolist for one of my personal use from next month onwards. I had checked other todo plug ins of tiddlywiki, but only todolist is suiting the workflow needed for my use case. I wanted to ask whether is it possible to add a deadline for each task (only the time is needed, not the calendar) with reminders as in ToDoNow plug in by Thomas Elmiger


Mohammad Rahmani

Mar 29, 2021, 2:05:32 AM3/29/21
Hi Arun
It is a great pleasure to hear you like Tint todolist. As you see from name, tiny todolist is for very short/one line note and also it uses a base tiddler so you can
use it per tiddler e.g. it can be embedded in a tiddler and works independently. It is not designed for task management (e.g. like ToDoNow)

I recommend using the Task manager in Shiraz. It has a lot of flexibility! It can be simply customized! You can add more fields as you like. You can have multiple task managers in a single wiki! You can use the Eric Time tool ( to trigger reminders and much more. One great feature of Shiraz Task manager is, it is actually a dynamic table, so you can change and customize it in many ways!


For customizing the Task manager in Shiraz, you don't need to write any new script.

Best wishes

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Mohammad Rahmani

Mar 29, 2021, 2:14:53 AM3/29/21
 I have attached another screenshot show how due date is set

I have also attached a sample task manager tiddler with a new task button. Drag and drop in any wiki with Shiraz installed for example 

to see how it works.

Best wishes

Task Manager in Shiraz.tid

arun babu

Mar 29, 2021, 4:22:02 AM3/29/21
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Mohammed for the detailed reply. I have attached a file showing my plan (making a food schedule for my baby). Using the "Multiple todo lists" feature in todolist, I have made separate snippets for each day of a week with different food items so that I can just select the snippet appropriate for that particular day and follow it. What I wanted was an option to add a time to each food item with option of remainder or alarms on reaching that time. 

For this purpose, I think todolist suits more than shiraz task manager. Also I checked Eric's alarms - but it functions separately and so I will have to do double entry (both in todolist and Eric alarms). Can you think of any other solutions ? Some timer or alarms which can work together with todolist
Demo for todolist-2-2.html

arun babu

Mar 29, 2021, 4:32:29 AM3/29/21
Just now only i noticed that i replied using my other email id. Sorry for the mistake

Mohammad Rahmani

Mar 29, 2021, 7:30:59 AM3/29/21

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 12:52 PM arun babu <> wrote:
Thanks Mohammed for the detailed reply. I have attached a file showing my plan (making a food schedule for my baby). Using the "Multiple todo lists" feature in todolist, I have made separate snippets for each day of a week with different food items so that I can just select the snippet appropriate for that particular day and follow it. What I wanted was an option to add a time to each food item with option of remainder or alarms on reaching that time. 

Do you want to only have a time stamp or you need the functionality of ToDoNow! Does that mean to have a reminder?


Mar 29, 2021, 7:52:53 AM3/29/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Arun,
Very interesting request. ...

I'm summarizing it for myself, to see if I did understand it.

What I can  see from your demo wiki is, that

 - You intend to create journals, that contain the "copy" of a predefined "plan" for 1 day.
 - This journal will be active for 1 day ...
       - and then it may be archived (no edit possible anymore.)
 - There should be a due-time ... _no_ due-date ...
       - So a calender isn't needed
 - If the due-time is reached, there should be a notification
 So there are some questions.

 - Will there be more than 1 baby?
 - Will you have 1 wiki for 1 baby?

 -  Is it important, to see who made changes to the wiki?

 - What should happen with the notification if the browser is _not_ running?

have fun!

arun babu

Mar 29, 2021, 10:38:13 AM3/29/21
@Mohammed and PMario
  • Reason behind this request is that only I will be with my child during the daytime for the next month or so. There is only one child who is 2 and 1/2 yrs old now. So I have to take care of his food and hence it’s a temporary arrangement. But a long term plan was to track his daily nutrient intake using Carbocommander.  For this reason, a daily notes page or journal page was central to my plan. 
  • Open the daily notes (journal) page and enter the food items for that day in a checklist fashion - this was my initial plan. I wanted to avoid frequent repetition of the same food items. So I listed out different food items for each day in a week and thought of repeating it weekly.
  • Since projectify and ToDoNow use a central dashboard like approach I couldn’t use them. So initially I used grosinger’s checklist plug in for testing my plan out. It was working fine. 
  • But then I found "multiple list features" in Todolist a few days back and I thought that it can help me to break each day into breakfast, lunch, dinner and so on easily. This is shown in the demo wiki.
  • Then what I needed was a template function to automatically populate each day's food checklist into the respective daily notes page. I tried using the view-template option and snippets. Temporarily settled with snippets as of now. That’s what I was showing in the demo wiki. But now I understand that I will have to uncheck the checklist items when I use it the next time if I am using the snippet feature. Is there any other way of auto-populating the checklist for a particular day?  If nothing is working, I am ok with manually typing each day's food plan. 
  • Then yesterday while checking the todo apps again, I got interested in the remainder feature in ToDoNow.  If I could add a time to each todo which gives a remainder on reaching the deadline, that would be useful. I also have some daily todos other than these food checklists. So a remainder based on time (not date) will be a very useful feature. 

To answer Mohammed's questions
  1. Do you want to only have a time stamp or you need the functionality of ToDoNow!  - I need to add a particular time to each todo as a deadline (not as a date)
  2. Does that mean to have a reminder? - Reason for adding a particular time of a day is to receive notification or reminder on reaching the deadline.
To answer PMario's questions
  1. You intend to create journals that contain the "copy" of a predefined "plan" for 1 day --- Yes 
  2. This journal will be active for 1 day and then it may be archived (no edit possible anymore.) --- Partly yes. I am thinking of repeating the plan weekly on the same day (Monday plan will be repeated on the next Monday). How to repeat the plan is the other question - by using snippets or view-template or manually typing?
  3. There should be a due-time, no due-date. So a calendar isn't needed --- Yes I need only time. So the calendar is not needed.
  4. If the due-time is reached, there should be a notification --- Yes
  5. Will there be more than 1 baby? - No
  6. Will you have 1 wiki for 1 baby? - No
  7. Is it important to see who made changes to the wiki? - No
  8. What should happen with the notification if the browser is _not_ running? --- I haven't thought about it much. Will the notification be shown while opening the wiki next time if the deadline has passed. 

I am open to other ideas as well. There is one more week left before I have to start implementing it.


and put it in a checklist format with due time attached. When the time comes, there should be some sort of a remainder (or notification).  

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arun babu

Mar 29, 2021, 10:40:14 AM3/29/21
The last line in the above reply was supposed to be deleted. Please ignore that line.


Mohammad Rahmani

Mar 29, 2021, 1:13:08 PM3/29/21
Hi again Arun
I actually did not implant any time reminder so I do not know how to do that. I also think the reminder only works if you keep Tiddlywiki open in the browser.

Best wishes

arun babu

Mar 29, 2021, 1:34:59 PM3/29/21
Thanks Mohammed for the reply. That's fine. I am still experimenting with it and will find some way out, maybe make some changes to the workflow i am planning.


arun babu

Apr 1, 2021, 2:47:18 AM4/1/21
I finally settled with Thomas Elmiger’s ToDoNow plug in along with tgrosinger’s checklist plug in. I made ToDo tiddlers like Monday Breakfast, Monday Lunch , Monday Dinner and so on from the ToDoNow Dashboard. Within each of these ToDo tiddlers, I made a list of items to be made for that particular time using tgrosinger’s checklist plug in. 
I repeated this for all seven days of a week and set a deadline for all these ToDo tiddlers. Once a deadline is completed, I will just change the date to the same day of next week. That’s the planned workflow currently.

For Carbocommander to work I will have to make a separate journal or daily note tiddler daily.

Pumin Wuvanich

Apr 25, 2021, 2:56:56 AM4/25/21
to TiddlyWiki
hi Mohammad,

Just wonder if you plan to support due date / scheduled tasks ?

Thanks a lot,

Mohammad Rahmani

Apr 25, 2021, 5:23:29 AM4/25/21
Hi Pumin,
Tiny todolist actually does not support due date! For task management with due date and calendar support you can see Shiraz!
It has a due date feature! and is very flexible! See

Best wishes

Nicolas Petton

May 21, 2021, 4:43:40 AM5/21/21
to arun babu,
arun babu <> writes:


> - Since projectify and ToDoNow use a central dashboard like approach I
> couldn’t use them.

While Projectify comes with a dashboard, it is actually completely


Jon Light

May 23, 2021, 4:30:46 AM5/23/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammad,

I have tried the install method II - quote....

II. Standalone configuration

Follow these instructions when using Tiddlywiki as a standalone HTML file:

  1. Drag and drop $:/plugins/kookma/todolist into your wiki
  2. Save and reload your wiki
It seemed to import the plugin ok but the "ToDo" tab did not appear on right hand side tool bar, I am working on the standalone non-server version of Tiddlywiki.

I have tried the standard starter 'empty.html'  Tiddlywiki to make sure that it was not an issue with other plugins but still the ToDo list Tab does not appear, I can install other plugins by drag and drop.

I am working on Ubuntu / Mozilla Firefox.

The plugin looks great on the demo site and there it works for me just fine so it seems to be an installation problem.


Mohammad Rahmani

May 23, 2021, 5:22:27 AM5/23/21
Hi Jon,
 The plugin itself does not add the sidebar! Instead in the Tutorial it explains how to do this in a few steps!

For your convenience I have attached a screenshot


There are some other tips and tricks in the tutorial!
One is to use a view template to conditional shows a custom todo list on selected tiddlers!
For example I use this if a tiddler tagged with [[Graduate Student]]

Best wishes

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Jon Light

May 23, 2021, 5:58:00 AM5/23/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammad Ahhh .... sorry I did not spot that ..... Many thanks for the advice - Jon

Mohammad Rahmani

May 23, 2021, 6:09:50 AM5/23/21
On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 2:28 PM Jon Light <> wrote:
Hi Mohammad Ahhh .... sorry I did not spot that ..... Many thanks for the advice - Jon

You are most welcome! feedback is always welcome and always help me to improve plugins!
Thank you

Jon Light

May 23, 2021, 6:36:34 AM5/23/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Mohammad, thankyou

I am now experimenting with the following line in my custom CSS which overides the plugin CSS

/* Set a lower minimum width for the todo list plugin so important controls do not go off screen - was 320 px*/
.kk-todolist-ui { min-width: 200px !important; }

I wanted to experiment with making sure that the controls were visible for most screen widths.

Do you think there is any problem with this kind of customisation?

So far I have not seen any critical issue with allowing a narrower min-width, everything I have tried worked perfectly at this narrower width.

Thanks Jon

Mohammad Rahmani

May 23, 2021, 6:47:17 AM5/23/21
On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 3:06 PM Jon Light <> wrote:
Hi Mohammad, thankyou

I am now experimenting with the following line in my custom CSS which overides the plugin CSS

/* Set a lower minimum width for the todo list plugin so important controls do not go off screen - was 320 px*/
.kk-todolist-ui { min-width: 200px !important; }


I wanted to experiment with making sure that the controls were visible for most screen widths.

Do you think there is any problem with this kind of customisation?

Feel free to customize! There is no problem with plugin! If you find something interesting can improve the plugin share with me through GitHub
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