TPFR on the Gunpowder - Sept 12

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2021年8月22日 下午2:39:112021/8/22
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders

Come join TPFR on the Big Gunpowder Falls River for a casual day of fishing.

When:     Sunday September 12    8 am -ish  until whenever 
Where:    Gunpowder Falls - Bunker Hill access point
See attachment for details and directions.

Hey all - we are planning a Gunpowder Fishing Day on the water with TPFR.  

The Gunpowder Fishing Day will be free form - show up, meet folks, chew the fat, go fish, and relax amidst the beautiful surroundings of the Gunpowder.  While not intended to be a casting church, If you arrive before 10 am, some casting Instructors and the other usual suspects from the Sunday Casting Church will be on hand to help.   

If the Gunpowder Fishing Day is successful (meaning you attend) then we may add this type of event to TPFR a few times each year. 

If you haven't been to the Gunpowder Falls, this will be a fun way to fish this tailwater of the Pretty Boy Reservoir, just north of Baltimore and put some of those casting skills to use.  For more information about Gunpowder Falls see the MD site.

Hope to see you there.

TPFR Board member

This gathering will follow the same guidelines for health and safety that we use for the Casting Churches and Beer Ties.   As of August 21, 2021 neither the State of Maryland nor Baltimore County have mask requirements relevant to this event. Please use your best judgment for your personal safety and that of others, if you are ill or suspect you might be, rest up at home.

TPFR Gunpowder Day.pdf

2021年9月4日 中午12:49:422021/9/4
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Remember the Gunpowder River fishing day with TPFR on Sept 12.
Currently, water levels are good and fishing reports are excellent. The weather forecast for Sunday, 9/12, is clear and dry, (but the event will go on rain or shine.)  

Details and directions are in the PDF attached to this original post.

P.S.  don't forget your MD fishing license. If you need to purchase or renew - go to the MD DNR site

Hope to see you there....


2021年9月12日 晚上10:07:552021/9/12
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Thanks to everyone that came out to the Gunpowder for a beautiful day of fishing.  We had about 25 - 30 people wader up to wet a line and test their skills with dry flies and nymphs to outwit some trout.  Both new faces and familiar ones, with some getting their first exposure to the Gunpowder.

All in all, a successful outing complete with fish caught, underwater snags, and a modest appetite by trees for our flies.  A good time had by all.

Hopefully we'll do more events like this in the future so please share thoughts and feedback about what you liked and things to do differently…

Fish on folks …


Owen Williams

2021年9月13日 清晨7:39:312021/9/13
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Many thanks to Brook and everyone else who organized and attended! 

I had a great day sharing a few techniques with new friends. We mostly focused on casts that are much easier to do and see on moving water (like water hauls, roll casts, and reach mends). Beautiful weather and a gorgeous river with rising trout to fish to added to the experience.

As for feedback, maybe a map of the stretch we are fishing could be collectively annotated by those who know it best according to current conditions? "Swing tricos through the deeper water here." "Look for risers along  the banks here." "Nice riffles at here and here for #16 nymphs under a hopper or beetle." That sort of thing. 

But that's about all I have to suggest, which just shows how successful this trip was. 

Angler Access Map of Bunker Hill Gunpowder.pdf

Doug Graebner

2021年9月13日 下午2:47:332021/9/13
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
This was a wonderful outing! thanks for organizing even if I was a Tad Late

On Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 10:07:55 PM UTC-4 wrote:


2021年9月13日 下午4:29:472021/9/13
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
No such thing as late for fishing, Doug. Just don't be late for dinner.  ;-)


2021年9月15日 晚上9:40:582021/9/15
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Gunpowder Sunday was lots of fun with beautiful weather and a great turnout. Special thanks to Brook for setting up the event and local expert guide Brian Donoway (Flies in Disguise) for giving everyone enough pointers to make the fish nervous.
Here are s few pics of Brook stalking and catching those elusive Gunpowder trout.

Looking forward to future TPFR group trips!

Brook on Gunpowder 91221.jpg
Brrok with gunpowder trout 91221.jpg

Owen Williams

2021年9月16日 上午9:27:512021/9/16
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Nice pics of Brook, Tom!

Brian Donoway was definitely a hero of the day with tips for flies and techniques! 

Here's his website for anyone wanting to book an expert for their next trip: 



2021年9月20日 下午6:42:342021/9/20
收件者:Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Thanks for putting this together.  We had a great time getting acquainted with this stretch of the Gunpowder.

I do have a lost and found situation.  I found an item near the old bridge trestle on the North bank and there was no one else around at the time.  If you're missing a very large fishing accessory, please respond to my post or email me.  If you can describe it accurately, I will make arrangements with you to get it back.

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