(Apologies for cross-posting.)
Dear all,
I would like to gently remind you that the call for proposals for g0v Summit 2024 will close in less than 24 hours, at March 10th 23:59 GMT+8.
Initially, the call for proposals was set to end in January. Due to numerous requests we received, we have extended the deadline by an additional two months.
g0v Summit is one of the major civic hacking gatherings held in the Asia-Pacific region. The event will take place on May 4th and May 5th, in Taipei, Taiwan.
Please visit
https://summit2024.g0v.tw/en to submit a proposal. You are also welcomed to review and make any edits to your proposal before the submission is closed. Should you have any inquiries or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
Pomin Wu
Chair of g0v Summit 2024 work group