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TICTeC 2024: One week left to submit session proposals

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Gemma Moulder

Mar 15, 2024, 1:01:53 PM3/15/24
*Apologies again for cross-posting*

Hello everyone, 

If you'd like to suggest a session for our Impacts of Civic Technology Conference (TICTeC 2024), you still have time to do so via this form (the deadline is next Friday 22 March). 

- Have you used civic tech in an impactful way to get things changed? 
- Have you researched the effects of civic tech? 
- Do you run tech-enhanced democracy innovations and have learnings to share?

If that's the case, or you have anything else to contribute related to the impacts of civic tech, we want to hear from you!

This year we particularly encourage submissions on how digital technologies have, and could, enhance democracy and democratic climate action; as outlined here.

We have a few travel grants available for selected speakers, so if you can't fund yourself to come to London, don't let this put you off applying, as there is a chance we can support you to attend. Moreover, this year we are accepting a number of virtual presentations, so you can present from your own home.

TICTeC 2024 will take place on 12 & 13 June in London and will also have virtual attendance options. To attend, you must register here. Be an early bird and you can save £100 if you register before 20th April.

If you need guidance on submitting a session proposal don't hesitate to contact me - we're very happy to provide advice!

All the best,


Gemma Moulder (she / her)

Events and Engagement Manager


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