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TICTeC 2024 Early Bird tickets end tomorrow: Here's a taste of what to expect

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Gemma Moulder

Apr 19, 2024, 10:13:16 AM4/19/24
to poplus, TICTeC, mysociety-community,, OGP Civil Society community
Hello all,

If you're interested in attending our Impacts of Civic Technology Conference (TICTeC) in June in-person, now is the time to secure your spot. Registering before the end of 20th April will mean a saving of £100. All previous in-person TICTeC conferences have sold out, so do register in good time.
A taste of what to expect

We're delighted that one of our keynote speakers will be María Baron, founder and now Global Executive Director of Directorio Legislativo. Find out why she's the perfect fit for inspiring discussions around civic tech in safeguarding and advancing democracy where it is under threat in this mySociety blog post.

We're currently beavering away on the full TICTeC schedule, which is looking amazing and currently features 60+ speakers from 23 countries worldwide. We plan to publish the full schedule in the next week or so. In the meantime, we're excited to share that the following organisations/communities will be hosting sessions at TICTeC 2024, as well as many others:
Do let me know if you have any questions, otherwise, we hope to see you there - either in-person in London or online. 

All the best


Gemma Moulder (she / her)

Events and Engagement Manager


Steven Clift EDem

Apr 25, 2024, 9:54:36 PM4/25/24
to Gemma Moulder, poplus, TICTeC, mysociety-community, CivicTechFest, OGP Civil Society community
Check it out at:

An oldie but a goodie.

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