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Democracy 2043

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Myf Nixon

Apr 20, 2023, 5:26:56 AM4/20/23
Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know about our upcoming free event, A better future: mapping the journey to Democracy 2043

Part of the Festival of Debate, it'll be live streamed as well as in-person in Sheffield, UK. 
Wed 24 May 2023, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm UK time.

Whether you'd like to attend in-person or online, please reserve your place at

Hope you can make it!



Imagine you had 20 years to shape a better democracy...

...what would that look like? And what do we need to be putting in place now to make it happen?

Most people would agree that we need a healthy democracy: one that's fair, accessible and transparent. It's easy to point to the ways in which our current democracy is not living up to those ideals — but how can we set it on a new, better direction? 

At this free event, our panellists will describe their visions for a better future. We'll be asking for yours, too.

Dr Kim Foale, Geeks For Social Change
Geeks for Social Change is a small tech studio creating tools and processes for community liberation.

Emma Geen, Bristol Disability Equality Forum
Bristol Disability Equality Forum works towards a society where Disabled people are respected and valued, and fully included in their communities and the country as a whole.

Joy Green, Systemic Futurist
Joy has fifteen years experience of applying futures, foresight and system change methodologies across a wide range of sectors and organisations. 

CIVIC SQUARE is a neighbourhood lab and creative participatory platform focused on regenerative civic and social infrastructure within neighbourhoods.

Louise Crow, mySociety
Louise started at mySociety as a volunteer and spent several years as a developer and project leader before taking on the role of Chief Executive.

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