Sensors And Transducers By D. Patranabis Pdf 14

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Alyse Eshelman

Nov 27, 2023, 12:56:31 AM11/27/23
Sensors and Transducers by D. Patranabis: A Comprehensive GuideSensors and transducers are devices that convert one form of energy into another, such as mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, or magnetic. They are essential components of many instrumentation systems in various fields such as engineering, medicine, manufacturing, and environment. Sensors and transducers can be classified based on their principles of operation, characteristics, applications, and technologies.

sensors and transducers by d. patranabis pdf 14

In this article, we will review the book Sensors and Transducers by D. Patranabis, which is a lucid presentation of the principles of working of all types of sensors and transducers. The book covers both conventional and advanced sensors such as electromechanical, thermal, magnetic, radiation, electroanalytical, smart, and intelligent sensors. The book also illustrates the application aspects of sensors used in several domains such as automobiles, medical, and environmental monitoring. The book is designed to serve the needs of engineering students of instrumentation, chemical, mechanical, and electrical disciplines. It will also be a useful reference for the students of applied sciences.
Book OverviewThe book consists of 14 chapters that cover the following topics:
Chapter 1: Introduction to sensors and transducers: definition, classification, characteristics, performance parameters, selection criteria.Chapter 2: Mechanical and electromechanical sensors: resistive (potentiometric), strain gauge, inductive (reluctance change, mutual inductance change, transformer action), LVDT (linear variable differential transformer), proximity sensor.Chapter 3: Capacitive sensors: variable distance (parallel plate), variable area (parallel plate, serrated plate), variable dielectric constant, stretched diaphragm (microphone).Chapter 4: Piezoelectric sensors: piezoelectric effect, charge and voltage coefficients, crystal model, materials (natural and synthetic), force and stress sensing, ultrasonic sensors.Chapter 5: Thermal sensors: material expansion (solid, liquid, gas and vapor), resistance change (RTD - resistance temperature detector), thermistor (thermally sensitive resistor), thermo emf (thermocouple), junction semiconductor (IC - integrated circuit and PTAT - proportional to absolute temperature).Chapter 6: Radiation sensors: types (photovoltaic cell, photoconductive cell,photodiode,phototransistor,photoresistor,photomultiplier tube,pyroelectric detector),characteristicsandcomparison.Chapter 7: Magnetic sensors: types (Hall effect sensor,magnetoresistive sensor,fluxgate sensor,SQUID - superconducting quantum interference device),principlesandapplications.Chapter 8: Electroanalytical sensors: types (pH sensor,ion-selective electrode,gas sensor,biosensor),principlesandapplications.Chapter 9: Smart sensors: definition,features,components,communication protocols,standardsandexamples.Chapter 10: Intelligent sensors: definition,features,components,architectures,learning algorithmsandexamples.Chapter 11: Sensor signal conditioning: amplification,filtering,linearization,modulation,demodulationanddigitization.Chapter 12: Sensor data acquisition and display systems: analog-to-digital conversion,digital-to-analog conversion,multiplexing,data logging,computer interfacinganddisplay devices.Chapter 13: Sensor applications in automobiles: engine control system,fuel injection system,ignition system,exhaust emission control system,anti-lock braking system,airbag systemandother systems.Chapter 14: Sensor applications in medical and environmental fields: blood pressure measurement,blood flow measurement,body temperature measurement,electrocardiogram measurement,electroencephalogram measurement,electromyogram measurement,pulse oximetry measurement,glucose monitoring system,air quality monitoring system,water quality monitoring systemandother systems.The book also contains numerous schematic representations, examples, review questions


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