周四和CAROL通了2小时电话 FW: 贴子发不上去, 发给你邮件吧

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车 东

2005/11/05 9:41:272005/11/05
To: tibetan...@googlegroups.com

>From: "Wang Xinyang" <xinya...@vaillant.com.cn>
>To: <wande...@sina.com>
>CC: <sin...@hotmail.com>,'妮子' <nbh...@163.com>,"'chedong'"
>Subject: 贴子发不上去, 发给你邮件吧
>Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 18:48:30 +0800
>周四和CAROL通了2小时电话, 这是我们商量的下一步措施。CAROL今天随一个旅行团

>了印度, 11月底回英国,所有关心
>1.新建学校建筑要成为公产, 不是私产
>2.大众慈善小学可以无偿使用这些建筑, 只要它的目的是用于免费教育和慈善行为
>的, 例如建筑要求和使用目的等).

>付13万, 10月在张浩和李逸航的帮助下支付19.5万;余下第三笔16.2万计划在彻底完工

>后, 第四笔在指定人员验收签字后支付.
>4.目前由于部分建筑和设施, 例如厕所\盥洗室\供暖\供电和热水等设施未建, CAROL

>暂时终止付款, 待学校方有进仪步进展再付.
>所以以下是我和CAROL起草的建议: (见我给她的邮件和她的回复)
>发件人: Wang Xinyang [mailto:xinya...@vaillant.com.cn]
>发送时间: 2005年11月4日 22:24
>收件人: 'Carol Turner'
>主题: Proposal of continueing process
>Dear Carol,
>After talking to Lao Xie (the tourist guide in Lijiang) and Zhang Hao,
>are the proposal I can think of:
>1. To define a public ownership of the school building, for example
>a. Educational Committee of Deqin or Zhong Dian Government (Deqin
>reports to Zhong Dian)
>b. Civil Warefell Bureau of Deqin or Zhong Dian Government (Deqin
>reports to Zhong Dian)
>c. Local Red Cross or Charity Society
>2. To sign an official donation agreement that the school building
>be property of public with following conditions:
>a. The Tongdashun community school can use this building free of
>b. The school should keep a system of open book for all
>incoming/outgoing cash and goods
>c. The school should have all the time at least 2 volunteer
>one keeps the book and one controls the cash/goods flow
>d. There should be an annual budgeting/expenses system and a monthly
>e. All above info has to be published in the website monthly and a
>has to be send to Carol (representing donation fund) and
>relative government body (representing the owner of the property).
>3. The school principal will get support based on he/she agrees with
>all above condition. And in additional he/she has to provide:
>a. Time schedule of finish with the rest facility of the building:
>toilet, washroom, warm water supply, electricity supply, etc.
>b. A guarantee o min. 5 hours/day for the children to be in the
>classroom for education, and a max. 10 hours/week working in the field.
>c. Monthly and annual budget for 2006: food and clothes for
>teaching materials and facilities, HR cost, telecommunication cost,
> transportation cost, power and other misc. etc.
>d. Regular volunteer shift and replacement plan
>4. In this way, Nyima has to call back the volunteer teachers, or get
>new teachers if he would like to continue to be the head and get the rest
>payment to the contractor.
>5. I will call him send him the following message:
>a. We can forget all the un-happiness and arguments before and start
>from today a new working method.
>b. He has to prove he is changing his behavior and put the children
>the priority.
>c. He will lose all the help and get a bad image in front of his
>community, and even in front of his supervisor (he is a government
>as the head and secretary of the party in the village)
>d. Any future payment from the donation needs approval and signature
>from one of the volunteer teachers.
>e. If he does not co-operate, the children will be moved to other
>schools, and even worth he will be replaced by the government.
>6. Since the volunteer teachers are in shift of average 6 month,
>corruption can be avoided.
>Unfortunately Lao Xie in Lijiang is not able to communicate in English on
>the phone. But he will take the job to contact the local government. And
>Zhao Hao has the receipt of the second payment, he will fax to copy to me.
>Zhang Hao also agrees that if I am able to make Nyima to call him back,
> he will return to work in the school.
>When I am back in Beijing, I will prepare an action list and distribute
>jobs with a time schedule and send it to you. If you agree, I can put the
>list in the website and get people working for it. And if necessary, I
>make a trip in Dec. to be there for the final check.
>What to you think?
>With love,
>和老谢(丽江的导游)及张浩通过电话, 这是我能想到的建议:
>1. 确定未来这所建筑的所有权归属单位, 例如
>a) 德钦或中甸政府(迪庆州)的教委
>b) 德钦或中甸政府(迪庆州)的民政部
>c) 当地的红十字会和慈善机构
>2. 和确定的机构签署一个正式捐赠协议, 将学校建筑的归属权交给公众, 并设

>a) 通堆水社区学校可以无偿使用这个建筑
>b) 前提是学校要建立公开的记帐制度, 包括进出现金和实物.
>c) 学校在任何时候必须有2名以上的志愿者教师, 一名负责记帐, 一名控制现

>d) 每月要有财务报告, 每年一次帐目审计
>e) 所有信息每月在往站上向公众公示, 并发一份副本给CAROL(代表捐赠者)和

>3. 校长只有在同意并签署以上所有条件的状况下可以得到帮助, 同时他/她必须提

>a) 完成学校设施(厕所\盥洗室\热水和电力等)的时间表
>b) 保证学生每天不少于5小时的课堂学习时间和每周不超过10小时的劳动时间。
>c) 2006年年度和每月的财务预算, 包括孩子们的食物、衣物、教学材料和设备、

>d) 志愿者工作和替换计划
>4. 这样, 尼玛得把张浩或其他志愿者请回来, 或者请新的志愿者, 如果他想继

>5. 我会把这样的口信带给尼玛:
>a) 我们会忘掉过去所有的不愉快, 从今天开始新的工作方式。
>b) 他必须证明他改变自己的行为, 把孩子们的利益放在第一位。
>c) 如果不合作或没有改进, 他会失去所有的帮助, 并且在村里和领导面前丢

>脸面。(他是村干部, 村副支书)
>d) 今后任何一笔捐款支出都要有志愿者老师的批准和签字。
>e) 如果不合作, 孩子们将渐渐被转到其他学校,对他更糟的是也许他会被撤公

>f) 由于志愿者会定期(平均6个月)替换, 避免了帐目不清。

>张浩受里也有第二次付款的收据, 他会把它传真给我。
>等我回北京,我将把不同的分工编写成工作表和时间进程表发给你, 如果你同意,

>将把工作表贴在网上征集志愿者。 如果需要, 我可以在12月去那里
>以下2个邮件是CAROL 在11月3日和5日发来的, 我实在没有时间翻译, 大家自己看
>发件人: Carol Turner [mailto:carol...@tiscali.co.uk]
>发送时间: 2005年11月5日 7:51
>收件人: Wang Xinyang
>主题: Re: Proposal of continueing process
>Xinyang, you are quite brilliant! I cannot think how you have found time
>work it all out and I think everything you have suggested is very good
>The only thing which worries me is that lack of heating, washing
>and toilets at the school. Can you say to Niyma that unless they are
>- and built properly, the school is not finished. He had better sort it
>and make a good job of it. 我最担心的是没有暖气和盥洗设施。你能否告诉尼玛,

>除非他把这些设施建完, 学校就没有完工。 他最好赶紧想办法好好干完。
>I leave in just a few hours, still not feeling very well, but I am sure I
>will be alright.
>With a very big hug from me,
> _____
>发件人: Carol Turner [mailto:carol...@tiscali.co.uk]
>发送时间: 2005年11月3日 3:40
>收件人: Wang Xinyang
>主题: Re: Tondashun school
>Dear Xinyang,
>It's good to hear from you. Well, I suppose I am not at all surprised
>the young volunteer teachers published their report on Niyma. I had a
>at some backpacker websites but couldn't see anything - which website was
>on? I'd be quite interested to see what they said.
>They came up to the school with me (as protection!) on 10 October when I
>travelling past with a group en route for Lhasa. We had a meeting with
>Niyma and the contractor and I discovered that yet again Niyma had
>undermined the agreement I made with the contractor that he should build
>washrooms and toilets instead of the stupa he had promised to donate to
>school. When I got there I was told that Niyma had got some local people
>build some sort of toilets and washrooms which will not, of course, be of
>anything like the standard the contractor would have built them.
>Quite honestly, when I saw Niyma, who was doing his usual bowing and
>wringing his hands saying he needed more money, I just wanted to slap him
>hard on the face!!
>Anyway I told him that once I have paid for the buildings, I am
>my sponsorship of the school as I have been feeding his little pocket now
>for 5 years! (I didn't say that bit, but would have liked to!)
>I tried to make peace between the volunteer teachers and Niyma, but it was
>hopeless. The teachers went back to the school the next day to collect
>their things, to find that all their possessions had disappeared. They
>very angry. Fortunately there is still one really good volunteer teacher
>the school who is teaching Chinese, although he is a young doctor. The
>children love him and he manages to stay out of all the politics. He says
>he plans to continue working at the school until next July, which is
>wonderful of him.
>My one remaining problem is that I need to get someone to confirm that the
>contractor has built according to the translated plans he was given by
>Maggie. I rang her and asked if she would be prepared to go up to the
>school with the contractor and the Quality Controller and if all was
>I would then pay the rest of the money to the contract. But she has not
>answered! I do not feel that I can just hand over such a very large
>of money, most of which the contractor did not earn, until this has been
>It has been one huge mess and what makes me so mad is to think of Niyma's
>misuse of the great generosity of so many people who were prepared to give
>and get involved.
>The two volunteer teachers said they had been talking to an important monk
>in Zhongdian to get Niyma replaced. Unfortunately the monks belong to the
>Dondruplin monastery down the road and the rimpoche is as dishonest as
>Niyma. Therefore I am not sure if a monk from Zhongdian can really help.
>They said that I should help with this, but I really do not feel that I
>should do this. My involvement has been from a great distance and only
>sponsoring the school, not concerning myself with the staff. I have no
>experience of the running of the school, nor do I have any first-hand
>of Niyma's dishonesty, although I believe everything the student teachers
>told me. I do certainly think that Niyma should be kicked out, but think
>this has to be an issue to be sorted out locally. As you said some time
>ago, what is worrying is who actually has ownership of the buildings!
>As regards an electricity supply, it seems that the new school has one! I
>am going to email you some photos and you will see lights in the classroom
>Now that I have no contact at the school, there is just nothing more I can
>do. I just want to pay off the contractor, however much he is being
>overpaid, and walk away from the whole situation.
>Instead I now have to find money for boarding accommodation for the
>school out at Genye, SW of Litang. I had an agreement with the local
>government that I would build the classrooms and they would build the
>dormitories, but when I visited the school in August there were no
>children because there was nowhere for them to sleep! The government said
>they had run out of money! However I have organised building a kitchen,
>dining room, washrooms, furniture for dormitories (in rooms which were
>used by government mining officials) and staffing for the children. I
>it will all be ready by March when the new term starts. The headmaster is
>only 24 years old, but he seems a good man and the local government
>officials agreed to help with the project.
>It is expensive for you to talk to me, so I will ring you - I shall first
>try tomorrow (Thursday evening) and if I cannot get you then, I will try
>again on Friday evening.
>I'm sorry I took so long to respond, but I have been quite ill as I came
>back with a kidney infection and had to go into hospital. I am hoping I
>shall be alright to travel to India on Saturday in which case I shall be
>away until the end of November. I think I am just exhausted - it's been a
>long year with all these upsets and moving house and taking groups.....
>Hoping to speak to you before I leave,
>Very best wishes, Carol


2005/11/07 22:49:102005/11/07
To: xinya...@vaillant.com.cn、tibetan...@googlegroups.com
1. 关于受赠人的选择,从中国行政隶属的相关性上,受赠对象应为政府的民政部门。当地教育局

车 东 <che...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Judie Q

2005/11/08 11:43:272005/11/08
To: tibetan...@googlegroups.com、xinya...@vaillant.com.cn、lebesg...@hotmail.com、mil...@hotmail.com、ro...@msstudio.net、zhangyu...@hotmail.com、au...@hotmail.com、yanhon...@gmail.com、iwonder...@hotmail.com、blue...@msn.com、goldenf...@hotmail.com、parabo...@hotmail.com、chick...@hotmail.com、iamz...@hotmail.com、youngba...@hotmail.com、sea...@hotmail.com、yuqia...@hotmail.com、ttca...@hotmail.com、biaoge...@hotmail.com、sin...@hotmail.com、TB...@hotmail.com、redsand...@hotmail.com


>From: ellen <elle...@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: tibetan...@googlegroups.com
>To: xinya...@vaillant.com.cn, tibetan...@googlegroups.com
>Subject: Re: 周四和CAROL通了2小时电话 FW: 贴子发不上去, 发给你邮件吧--法律
>Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 19:49:10 -0800 (PST)
>1. 关于受赠人的选择,从中国行政隶属的相关性上,受赠对象应为政府的民政部门。

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