With Allah's Help, our course has started well & for the 1st batch enrolled, assignment # 5 will be delivered within 10-15 days.Its title is Akhlaaq as a medicine.
Major categories of good & bad Akhlaaq are around 58, if we want to discuss all of them, we need to write a book of 1,000 pages, but because assignment # 5 mainly highlights the fragile relation between a husband & wife + problems & solutions related to the marital life, we shall limit our discussion only for the following :
Haya / Modesty ~ الحياء (as per the wisdom of Aishah Radi Allaho Anha, the uppermost class of Akhlaaq is Haya)
Pardoning & forgiveness ~ العفو والصفح
Anger & controlling the anger ~ الغضب
Probably by next year Insha’Allah & if Allah Wills, a separate book will be written covering all categories of AKHLAAQ.
Attached herewith is a short clip taken from this assignment.