For gall-stones

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Tibb-e-Nabawi course

Jul 31, 2024, 4:40:25 AMJul 31

Wassalam, unfortunately, gallstones are very difficult to remove by any kind of medicine.

If the pain is unbearable, the best treatment is to remove the gallbladder by surgery.

Gallbladder releases the bile in cystic duct which is very narrow (3 mm), hence stones can’t pass down; & if the tiny stones come down, they get stuck in the pancreatic duct & create major problem (gallstone pancreatitis), severe belly pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and jaundice


Kidney stones are a different story, the ureters are not narrow like the cystic duct (ureter is 6 mm in diameter), hence kidney stones come down in the urinary bladder & can be expelled out.


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Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2024 2:06 PM


Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuh..

Could you please suggest tibbe nabavi remedies for gall bladder stones ??

Tibb-e-Nabawi course

Aug 5, 2024, 12:14:10 AMAug 5
Assalamo Alaikum,

Seeking the cure (Shifa) also includes preventing the factors which cause & aggravate the sickness.
To prevent formation of gall-stones, every person should be careful with the diet, oily foods, fried foods & FATS should be reduced & limited, that's why olive oil is the best, butter or Ghee should be taken in small quantities, at few occasions only. Take Hijamah regularly, it drops down the cholesterol, especially Triglycerides.
Olive oil does not elevate Triglycerides, but corn oil & sunflower oil surely do.
As per some research, Gallstone formation is associated with high triglyceride levels.

Regarding the surgery, kindly note that seeking help with medical procedures is a part of cure, we can't ignore surgery, but it should be adopted as the last option.
Amputation has a reference in the old books, read the story of Urwah Bin Zubair below :

روى هشام بن عروة إن أباه خرج إلى الوليد بن عبد الملك حتى إذا كان في وادي القرى وجد في رجله شيئًا، فظهرت به قرحة، ثم ترقى به الوجع، فلما قدم على الوليد قال: يا أبا عبد الله أقطعها، قال: دونك، فدعا له الطبيب وقال له: اشرب المُرَقّّد فلم يفعل، فقطعها من نصف الساق، فما زاد على قوله: حَسَّ حَسَّ، فقال الوليد: ما رأيت شيخًا أصبر من هذا، 

سير أعلام النبلاء هو كتاب في علم التراجم ألفه الحافظ أبو عبد الله شمس الدين الذهبي

Hishām ibn ʿUrwa narrated that his father went to visit al-Walīd ibn Abd al-Malik, and when he reached the valley of al-Qurā, he felt something in his leg, which then developed into an ulcer. The pain escalated, and when he arrived at al-Walīd's place, al-Walīd said, "O Abū ʿAbd Allāh, let it be cut off." ʿUrwa responded, "Do as you wish." A doctor was summoned and suggested that he drink MURAQQID (a sedative plant, like opium), but ʿUrwa refused. They then cut his leg off from mid-calf, and all he said was, "Hiss, hiss." Al-Walīd commented, "I have never seen a man more patient than this."

On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 12:11 PM N wrote:

Assalamu Alaykum. I suspect that I have gallstones as well (probably not big). Did Rasoolullah(SAW) not say that Allah sent the cure for every illness? Does it mean we just haven't found the cure?

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