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Nov 17, 2021, 5:01:52 AM11/17/21
to Tibb-e-Nabawi, Healing by ISLAM
As'salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

One of my patient has asked this what should be recommended kindly let me know.

"This is regarding my mom she has thyroid problem from many years and the surgery was 30 years back. she has undergone cardiac surgery 9 years ago and she is also a Crohn's disease 15 years patient.  She is on allopathic medication for all these problems but the major thing is that after years of test and trials she eats only rice idle and mutton soup tender coconut water, no veggies but only soup from them that too if she doesn't have any major issue, not even tomato, she can't take citric food, no spice, no milk, no wheat, can't swallow the mutton from her soup, barley also causes loose motion, she tried many other alternative medicine like unani and ayurvedic at the beginning of the problem but nothing worked for long and now she is very restricted with her diet due to which she is getting weaker, her haemoglobin is also less all the time and she is developing other issues also.I have been reading a few of your medicine but could not connected to anything. she was much better few months ago but from 2 months if she take pre-probiotics she suffers from constipation and if she stops she passes loose motion. This is the major concern for me right now, if you can advice me something or any changes in her diet that would be helpful. "

Jazak Allahu khairan

Madlajat Te'hen ~ مدلجة تِعهن‎

Nov 22, 2021, 2:10:15 AM11/22/21
to A M, Tibb-e-Nabawi, Healing by ISLAM

Assalam o Alaikum,


Based on this case history, we feel that Saffron water will be so good, buy good quality saffron, soak 20 threads in one liter of water & it should be consumed in a single day, taken slowly (a glass) in morning, afternoon & evening.


Saffron is good for increasing the power of your digestion.


For low hemoglobin, half teaspoon of pure Thyme powder should be given daily, but see how she reacts to Thyme.

Tibb-e-Nabawi is the combination of healing the heart & body with correct Yaqeen & A'amal-e-Salehaat, foods & herbs recommended by Prophet Muhammad Salallaho alaihe Wasallam & finally Hijamah, put them all together & seek the cure for any kind of disease.
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