1 camel is sufficient to feed 100 people

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Tibb-e-Nabawi course

Sep 22, 2024, 3:15:18 AMSep 22
to tibb-e...@googlegroups.com
البداية والنهاية/الجزء الثالث/غزوة بدر العظمى يوم الفرقان يوم التقى الجمعان

Ibn Ishaq narrated that Sahaabah captured some water carriers of Quraish at the spring of Badr & they were brought to Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, so he asked them :
فقال لهما رسول الله ﷺ: «كم القوم؟». قالا: كثير. قال: «ما عدتهم؟». قالا: لا ندري. قال: «كم ينحرون كل يوم؟». قالا: يوما تسعا ويوما عشرا. فقال رسول الله ﷺ: «القوم ما بين التسعمائة إلى الألف
"How many are the people (in the enemy's camp)?" They said, "Many." He asked, "What is their number?" They replied, "We do not know." He then asked, "How many camels do they slaughter each day?" They said, "Some days nine, and some days ten." The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "The people are between nine hundred and a thousand."

It was the event of Ghazwat Badr. This is the answer to our question asked on September 18th 2024.

That spring was near Masjid Areesh & its water was available 30-40 years ago, but now it has dried.
Attached herewith are the old pictures & a new picture of Masjid Areesh.

العين ومسجد العريش 2.jpg
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