There were times when the practice of MEDICINE was purely in the hands of Muslims, & you are unaware of the secrets hidden in the books; which were compiled by our old doctors.
Ibn al-Baytaar / ضِيَاءٌ الدِّينُ أبو مُحَمَّدٌ عَبد الله بن أَحُمِّد المَالِقِي was one of them, we was born in Maliqah~ مالقة known today as Malaga in Spain; that is why his last name is Maliqi.
Before 800 years, he wrote a book الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية ~ Compendium of Basic Medicines and Foods; in which he discussed 1400 plants, foods & their uses / applications.
والمختار من الورد القوي الرائحة الشديد الحمرة المندمج أوراق الزهرة
The preferred rose is the one that is strongly fragrant, deeply red, and with tightly closed petals.
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