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Persian rose

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Tibb-e-Nabawi course

Oct 28, 2024, 11:41:13 PM10/28/24

There were times when the practice of MEDICINE was purely in the hands of Muslims, & you are unaware of the secrets hidden in the books; which were compiled by our old doctors.

Ibn al-Baytaar / ضِيَاءٌ الدِّينُ أبو مُحَمَّدٌ عَبد الله بن أَحُمِّد المَالِقِي was one of them, we was born in Maliqah~ مالقة known today as Malaga in Spain; that is why his last name is Maliqi.

Before 800 years, he wrote a book الجامع لمفردات الأدوية والأغذية ~ Compendium of Basic Medicines and Foods; in which he discussed 1400 plants, foods & their uses / applications.

For each entry, Ibn al-Baytaar offers one or two succinct observations of his own, followed by concise quotations from a select group of earlier authorities regarding the subject. The majority of the material is derived from these preceding sources. His work encompasses citations from 150 prior Arabic physicians and 20 ancient Greek authors.

Because I have fallen in love with ROSE, I shall send you the text translated from the book of Ibn al-Baytaar.

Here in Hejaaz, we have Persian rose (dried) in the market, a beautiful purple color & it looks like a bud (Kali~كلى) rather than a full blossomed flower, I thought that it is harvested / picked when the rose has not opened fully, but I was wrong, & I was surprised what Ibn al-Baytaar wrote as : 

وأجوده الفارسي ويقال أنه لا يتفتح

The best quality is the Persian rose, which is said not to open fully.

He wrote further

والمختار من الورد القوي الرائحة الشديد الحمرة المندمج أوراق الزهرة

The preferred rose is the one that is strongly fragrant, deeply red, and with tightly closed petals.

About the Persian rose, What I see today was written by Ibn al-Baytaar before 800 years.

Our website

Persian rose.jpeg
Cleaned petals, after the seeds & lower green part have been removed.jpeg
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