Applying the Free 4E4th Language for MSP430G2553 populated LaunchPad

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Oct 4, 2012, 1:39:59 AM10/4/12
My site will be expanded soon to cover Data Logging applicatios such as measuring temperature using the launchPad and 4E4th.  I have nearly finished an eBook using the LaunchPad with 4E4th .  Feedback on the type of projects and experiments you are interested in would be appreciated ------------ just for interest ----------Once The free 4E4th is Flashed to you launchpad the language is resident and may be used in real time.

For instance -------- red cclr ------- turns the red led off  ----------------- red cset ---------- turns the red led on -------- Thats it!

Ideal to expand into easy data logging and straight forward process control --------- beam me Up !! regards  andrew
A3-TI-1-Free Intro Draft 123.pdf
A5-Two Temperature & their Difference Overtime .pdf

Jeffrey Schwartz

Oct 4, 2012, 10:34:10 AM10/4/12
This is just plain neat.

I wasn't aware of 4E4th, so I Googled it.. and found which has some more info
about it.

That's a pretty neat way to do things - I imagine it'd be quite handy
for on-the-fly finagling of different doo-hickies.

John Evans

Oct 4, 2012, 5:19:22 PM10/4/12
Hey, there are lots of noobs here, so try to limit the technical jargon please ;)

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Jeffrey Schwartz <> wrote:

Michael Tauson

Oct 4, 2012, 7:32:33 PM10/4/12

From: [] On Behalf Of John Evans

Gotta agree with this (he says, being a gnubee).  Or at least provide translations. ;-)


Best regards,


Michael, WH7HG, A&P 1803851 Ph: 1-866-733-0218

I live with a maniac at home... my other me.

Hiki Nô!


Jeffrey Schwartz

Oct 5, 2012, 8:18:47 AM10/5/12
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 7:32 PM, Michael Tauson <> wrote:
> From: []
> On Behalf Of John Evans
> Hey, there are lots of noobs here, so try to limit the technical jargon
> please ;)
> On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Jeffrey Schwartz
> <> wrote:
> ...
> That's a pretty neat way to do things - I imagine it'd be quite handy
> for on-the-fly finagling of different doo-hickies.
> Gotta agree with this (he says, being a gnubee). Or at least provide
> translations. ;-)


OK, I was actually thinking that with the Forth language built in, you
could just hook up a terminal,with the other pins going to the device
you're building, and tweak the code as it ran, without having to wait
for compiles and flashes.

I like that idea - I grew up with LEVEL I BASIC on the old TRS-80's,
and this sounds like it has the same "I'm having fun playing" feel to

Kasriel Lewis

Oct 5, 2012, 2:07:56 PM10/5/12
Could you guys either post a youtube vid of this or some (simple) instructions so us nubs can get an idea what it is that you are doing and how you are doing it.


Michael Tauson

Oct 6, 2012, 9:36:56 AM10/6/12
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Jeffrey Schwartz
> OK, I was actually thinking that with the Forth language built in, you
> could just hook up a terminal, with the other pins going to the device
> you're building, and tweak the code as it ran, without having to wait
> for compiles and flashes.

This makes sense, although it does involve learning yet another language.
I've been out of the game for a while (20 years) so am relearning BASIC
(compiled, several versions) and learning C. Forth is one to which I've had
no prior exposure so I'd be going into it cold. On looking at it, I think
I'll have to wait. C at least has the advantage of having a syntax that
bears a resemblance to what I used before - BASIC, FORTRAN, PL/I and to a
lesser degree ALGOL.

At the same time, I do have three Launchpads here ... so maybe I'll load one
with 4E4th to learn it.

> I like that idea - I grew up with LEVEL I BASIC on the old TRS-80's,
> and this sounds like it has the same "I'm having fun playing" feel to
> it.

Let's see ... first home machine was a homebrew using a 6514 and 256 bytes
of RAM. Yes, bytes. I later upgraded it to 1k. I went through a bunch of
others until I got to the National SC/MP at which point I fell in lust. My
National rep was very generous and I got pretty much anything I wanted and
then some, in part because I worked for a college and in part because she
loved how my mind worked. Of the SC/MP line, my favorite was the last of
the line, the INS8073, of which I had a number doing a number of different
things with three of them in one system. There were also the COP 402 &
COP410 (the ROMless 4-bit COP chips), 8 & 12-bit ADCs and DACs etc. I'd
love to get my paws on some of the INS8073 SC/MPs - and I'm sure there are
some unloved and hidden in dusty corners - just to play with again. (TI
bought National's line so it's legit to mention it here, right? ;-) )

Anyway, what I liked about the aforementioned beasties was the ability to
get directly to the busses so I could do pretty much what we can with the
MSP430 Launchpad now, although the "buss" structure is vastly different.
(You knew I was going to get this back on topic again, right?) The
Launchpad reminds me a lot of those SBCs we used to make (or buy for those a
little less dazzling with soldering irons or wire wrap tools) back in the
70s & 80s, minimalistic but packed with potential and high in the fun
factor. The 4E4th package sounds like it could be fun so I probably will
dedicate one of my boards to it for those times when C is driving me sane.


Dec 19, 2012, 1:44:15 PM12/19/12
4e4th Launchpad Mains Power point  Switcher may be of interest -----------
A-Wireless Mains Power Point 4E4th Mk1 V0.4 .pdf


Mar 3, 2013, 3:10:00 PM3/3/13

Thanks to CamelForth 4E4th has interface to the great one wire devices from Maxim and in particular the DS 18B20 temperature sensor.
4E4th Code and an Application program is all free--------- more details my site ---- under heading 
MSP430.  I have uploaded a PDF which may give insight. Download it and email me for clarification.  For those interested in Data logging it may be worth a read ------- particularly as where time permits I will help and share information.

Regards  Andrew -------

Monash 4E4th Paper V0.8.pdf
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