MSP430G2553 MicroSD .wav Music Player

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Andrew Tramposch

Jun 5, 2013, 11:52:55 PM6/5/13

Hey all,


I have attempted to take this project,, which was written for a G2353, and port it to a G2553. The main differences being:


1. USI on the G2353 vs. USCI on the G2553

2. Timer0_A3 on the G2353 has 3 control/compare registers, I needed to change the timer to Timer1_A3 on the G2553 since thats where it has 3 control/compare registers.

3. I also changed the pin defines to match the G2553.

4. Also the original project uses an SD card, while i am attempting to use a MicroSD card breakout board (should work the same as both can be formatted in FAT16, also the breakout board from sparkfun makes changing the files on the card super easy, plus it looks clean :smile: ) 

5. I think thats about it...


Overall, I am not quite sure about the .wav file format and how it needs to be placed on the the MicroSD card, ive seen people write raw data to the card in other projects, but that seems to defeat the point of the file system implementation... My current .wav file a mono, 24Khz sampled, 8 Bit .wav file (seems to be the kind of file the original project was using)


I've attached the code I've been working on.


Also here is the pinout i am working with: 


P1.3- Chip Select (Attached to CS pin on microSD breakout board)

P1.4- Card Detect(Attached to CD pin on microSD breakout board)

P1.5- SCLK (Attached to SCK pin on microSD breakout board)

P1.6- SOMI (Attached to DO pin on microSD breakout board)

P1.7- SIMO (Attached to DI pin on microSD breakout board)

P2.2- Left Channel Speaker output (Using TA1.1)

P2.4- Right Channel Speaker output (Using TA1.2) 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Thanks again for taking the time to read this post. Cheers.

Vladimir Chebotarev

Jul 9, 2015, 6:12:06 PM7/9/15
Have you had any progress?

Andrew Tramposch

Jul 9, 2015, 6:15:51 PM7/9/15
I finished this project last year. I might still have the project finished files from last year. I ended up utilizing a FAT file system for the MSP, we used this as the base and built a music player around it. The file types are definitely .raw 


On Thursday, July 9, 2015, Vladimir Chebotarev <> wrote:
Have you had any progress?

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-- Andrew Tramposch
(630) 809-5641

Vladimir Chebotarev

Jul 9, 2015, 6:58:01 PM7/9/15
I'd appreciate if you find and publish them.

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