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Chronos ez430 433 MHz reset problem

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Jul 2, 2016, 8:34:10 PM7/2/16
to TI Chronos Development

I am having problem to connect send data from my watch to PC chronos control centre software. I clock on 'Start Access Point' and then when I select ACC, ppt, or sync mode, the watch resets. It is showing voltage of 3.01 V and when I select ACC and press down button it shows 2.94 V.

I am stuck here. Can someone please tell me what to do there? Or some kind of hint. It will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time!


Carl SA

Jul 3, 2016, 9:03:55 AM7/3/16
to TI Chronos Development

I have exactly the same issue with my 868 model. Now I haven't really had time to play around with it too much, so I also don't have much experience. Something that I have noticed is that the default output power is +10dBm. This is quite a lot and what I think is happening is that the battery indicates that it is fine at 3V, but as soon as the transmitter is switched on it just doesn't have enough juice left in the battery. What I would suggest (this is also what I'm planning on doing once I get some time) is to change the default output power to 0dBm and also replace the battery.

Maybe this will work for you. Please keep us posted.

Carl SA

Jul 3, 2016, 9:03:56 AM7/3/16
to TI Chronos Development

Tamer Çelik

Jul 3, 2016, 12:47:22 PM7/3/16
Had same issue with 433 variant.
However i have returned it and never tested again.

Please see
Jason Kriek from TI, he recommended me to do

Can you run the watch tied into a debugger? If you run the example, and set a break point at the entry to main, you can inspect the contents of the PMMIFG register. Then look on page 102 of, and you can then see the source of the reset, then start working backwards from there. You will get to the break point immediately from launching(as expected), you will be interested in the next time it gets to this breakpoint.

Maybe it helps in your acse.

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