Use of ROIs

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May 5, 2020, 1:01:08 PM5/5/20
to ThunderSTORM: discussion group

I have been trying to use the restrict to ROI function in THS for multicolor channel analysis but I am running into problems. Has anyone used this and has seen similar behaviour?

I can create and use an ROI in the first live 'preview' image when importing data but not in any other visulisation image. An ROI created in other images done via the visulisation is not accepted into the filter settings.

Also, if I create an ROI this way, export the data and use the same filter settings in the data set from the same experiement but different channel the image I get out has a different size. It is always slightly different and therfore I can't create an overlay of the different channels. I tried to just use magnifaction 1 to get around the different size problem but as I can't get THS to accept an ROI from the other visualisations this doesn't work.

Any idea what else I could try?

Thanks, Christa
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