Mordheim Round 3 Continued

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Mike Geyser

Jun 20, 2014, 9:27:33 AM6/20/14
to threeplus

The letter taken from the courier had detailed instructions to the location of… something. Some kind of drop off. It’s all very cryptic. Cautiously, your warband investigates the drop off location and finds the following parcel. You’re uncertain what it could, if anything, have to do with your mission, but loot is loot.

The item must be carried by your warband leader, but he can choose not to wear it. You cannot sell it.



Quintin Hoare

Ichabod’s Golden Hand

This item is a beaten and worn gauntlet that was at one point in time filigreed and plated in gold. It seems to grant the wearer remarkable, and almost otherworldly, vitality.

Regenerate any wound suffered on a 6+. Treat this like a ward save.

Matt Putter

Ichabod’s Rusted Blade

This strangely key-shaped iron sword seems to have been eaten away by years of rust, but is impervious to further damage. It’s once forged edge has gone, yet cuts from its gutted, pocked edge take longer to heal.

On a roll of a 6 to wound, if the target model fails its armour save, it is taken out of action. This weapon confers a +1 armour save, like a dagger. This weapon can parry.

Unclaimed as yet

Ichabod’s Phylactery

This dark wooden box is sealed and fused shut. It’s contents are a profound mystery, and the box cannot be opened by force - hammers just bounce off it’s smooth, black exterior. Quiet whispers can be heard from within the box, undecipherable and almost beyond hearing.

The model that carries this causes Fear and is Immune to Psychology. If they already cause fear they now cause Terror. No model can use this model’s leadership for any test required (other than warband rout tests).

Mission 2: Damsel in Distress

Save the Damsel, save the world. There may be some cultists that have something to say about that though.


As per normal.

Special rules:

A model representing the captured damsel is at the centrepoint of board. The damsel can only move if in contact with a friendly warband member, and will otherwise remain put.

To represent the ambush, when any warband model (from either side) ends their movement within 12” of the damsel, players take turns placing 2d6 + 5 Chaos cultists anywhere within 12” of the damsel.

The cultists will act after both player turns, and will attempt to do the following in sequence of priority:

  1. Attack a warband model in base contact with them and the damsel.

  2. Charge a model in base contact with the damsel, if they can reach.

  3. Attack a model in base contact.

  4. Move toward the damsel as quickly as possible.


A warband that moves the damsel off of their own table edge in the movement step, in their possession wins.


+1 Survives: If a Hero or a Henchman group survives they gain +1 Experience.

+1 This way, milady: The leader of the warband who freed the damsel at the end of the battle gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out Of Action: Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts Out Of Action.

Mike Geyser

Jun 20, 2014, 9:30:08 AM6/20/14
to threeplus
Hm. You may need some matchups with that... Sorry. :P



Quintin Hoare

Matt Putter

Francois Roussouw

Tiaan Janse van Vuuren

Matthew Street

Peter van Dyk

Ricky Veale

Thomas Huang

Quintin Hoare

Jun 20, 2014, 10:13:48 AM6/20/14

Thanks Mike.

Matt Putter, When will you be available to attempt to save the damsel?


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