New Defect Tracker - HP Quality Center - Not Working - ThreadFix v2.3

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Apr 25, 2016, 8:45:56 PM4/25/16
to ThreadFix
Can not Create New Tracker for HP Quality Center. Throws message below when clicking GET PRODUCTS NAME. Any idea?

Input information: 
Type: HP Quality Center
URL: http://<hpHost>/qcbin
Username: ABC
Password: ZZZZZ

Failure. Message was Unable to communicate with the HPQC server.. HTTP status was 500

Note: I can login to HP Tracker site from browser as information above.
I also try to call HP REST API and receive 401 response

  • Status Code: 401 Authentication failed. Browser based integrations - to login append '?login-form-required=y' to the url you tried to access.

May 5, 2016, 4:26:51 PM5/5/16
to ThreadFix
Are there anyone can help? Do I need configuration from ThreadFix server to use HP Tracker?

May 5, 2016, 5:44:23 PM5/5/16
to ThreadFix
Currently, we are using HP Quality Center 12.x so I think it's the reason why ThreadFix throws Exception. The last HP's version which ThreadFix support is 11.52, is it right?

@ThreadFix team,
Will we support for HP version 12.x in future?


On Monday, April 25, 2016 at 5:45:56 PM UTC-7, wrote:

Daniel Maldonado

May 12, 2016, 4:15:56 PM5/12/16
to ThreadFix

Sorry for the delay in response.

What version of ThreadFix are you currently running?

Daniel Maldonado

Daniel Maldonado

May 13, 2016, 11:49:23 AM5/13/16
to ThreadFix

Ignore the previous post, I did not notice that you put the version in the title. Sorry about that.

After doing a little digging, it does look like we had some issues with HPQC 12.5 in 2.3 RC but they should have been resolved before the final release. Is it possible that you are on an RC build and not the final build?

Daniel Maldonado

May 17, 2016, 3:19:56 PM5/17/16
to ThreadFix
Hi Daniel,

We try with last version of ThreadFix v.23 and we see that the issue have not been completely resolved for HP version 12.x. 

We can Create New HP Tracker to ThreadFix. However, when we edit the tracker to Get Products Name, the system throws exception. 

One more thing to let you know that, some of HP Products Name is longer than 25 character. However, we are using Products Name as ID on Application table so it will face potential issue. I think you need to know about it for next releases. 

About the issue, we nearly to fix it by ourself and let you know when it done. 

Thank you, 

Daniel Maldonado

May 20, 2016, 12:32:45 PM5/20/16
to ThreadFix

Thank you for the additional information regarding character limit of Product Names.

Daniel Maldonado

Jan 27, 2017, 3:39:21 AM1/27/17
to ThreadFix


we use HP ALM 12.20.3264.

using pythong - wisht to complete an automation task. For which , i need to achive below tasks using python 2.7.9

1) Connect HP ALM ==> Success
Log :(u'Open ALM session success', u'AUTH URL:', u'', u'HEADERS:', {'Cookie': None, 'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': 'application/xml', 'KeepAlive': 'true'})

2) Get test case name information from Testing -> TestLab ==> Failed with below error

(u'[ALMSession] Get ALM function with errors', 401, "Authentication failed. Browser based integrations - to login append '?login-form-required=y' to the url you tried to access.", u'PATH:', u'', u'HEADERS:', {'Cookie': 'LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY=kFvs5DG2lK918ErK8Kf11u1bua_1bjLYpuPxw-1QCLBd3Pu4DoXZzCoVjuzMckASy-_87uA-5hGBnLd-atrhiMaRxkD2Ed79frDzx-qzWCCw-V0lSeWOXTWt57L-HdA9ZzWb3biMqaEnEdQvokPZteJKSgsXyMVqqRQgUrj3bB-ybLNuWngycagsTkLGnshoaNdqGaW6H_UVu7tOsNQxK2on3rMrbnqe2UrP6gPzyViBMPKFPRvuwhb_bsgPF8L3GdfWTbKg7u5Fz6cxq_eerwe2G8PrwFe2PzRC5D2VCHyxxAvk4trI4eUx4U5cVMPZ;Path=/;HTTPOnly', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': 'application/xml', 'KeepAlive': 'true'})

3) Update test case state- pass/Fail ==> Yet to Implement

--> Please help in this regards.

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