Releasing Thread Weaver

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Lukas Lang

Feb 1, 2010, 7:01:25 AM2/1/10
to Thread Weaver

I first took notice of Thread Weaver when it was featured in Google
Code blog [1]. I'm pretty excited about the way you introduced
(deterministic) multithreading unit testing. Unfortunately, I would
like to use Thread Weaver in an open source project in a Maven
environment and therefore we are not able to deal with foreign sources
and Ant build processes. Now I'm wondering whether you will release
Thread Weaver as a binary into the Google Code Maven repository or
somewhere else?

Thanks so far.



Alasdair Mackintosh

Feb 5, 2010, 3:03:55 PM2/5/10
On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Lukas Lang <> wrote:
> Hey,
> I first took notice of Thread Weaver when it was featured in Google
> Code blog [1]. I'm pretty excited about the way you introduced
> (deterministic) multithreading unit testing. Unfortunately, I would
> like to use Thread Weaver in an open source project in a Maven
> environment and therefore we are not able to deal with foreign sources
> and Ant build processes. Now I'm wondering whether you will release
> Thread Weaver as a binary into the Google Code Maven repository or
> somewhere else?

Hi Lukas,

I'm afraid I've not had any experience with Maven, so I don't really
know what's involved. Can you point to to a resource that would
explain what I have to do to make this work?


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