Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 13 by Breakpoint put in not reachable point
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. run the following test:
public void testTest() {
AnnotatedTestRunner runner = new AnnotatedTestRunner();
HashSet<String> methods = new HashSet<String>();
runner.setMethodOption(MethodOption.ALL_METHODS, methods);
runner.runTests(TestTest.class, TestedObject.class);
public static class TestTest {
TestedObject to;
Map<Integer, Integer> valuesThread1;
Map<Integer, Integer> valuesThread2;
public void before() {
to = new TestedObject();
public void mainThread() {
valuesThread1 = to.getValues(new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1)));
public void secondThread() {
valuesThread2 = to.getValues(new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1)));
public void after() {
Assert.assertEquals(valuesThread1, valuesThread2);
private static class TestedObject {
public Map<Integer, Integer> getValues(Set<Integer> keys) {
Map<Integer, Integer> values = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for (Integer key : keys) {
if (key.equals(1)) {
values.put(key, key);
else {
getOtherThanOneValue(values, keys);
return values;
private void getOtherThanOneValue(Map<Integer, Integer> values,
Set<Integer> loadKeys) {
for (Integer key : loadKeys) {
values.put(key, key);
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
expected: test should be green
actual: test is red, end with "Did not reach Breakpoint"
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
revision 55 on Win7
Please provide any additional information below.
It would run fine without the line
runner.setMethodOption(MethodOption.ALL_METHODS, methods);
but I want to test all methods
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