Humanism and Idolatry, the breaking of the First Commandment

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Larry Rice

Jun 11, 2008, 2:05:15 AM6/11/08
The first story of sin we have is about Lucifer, the Morning Star, deciding he would be God.
The second story is Satan tempting Eve with the idea of being her own god after she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The whole issue we can see revolving around Satan is who will be as gods, knowing good and evil.
This issue is addressed in the First Commandment.  Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.  We are prohibited from idolatry of any kind. 
Some idolatry is obvious to see such as people bowing down to statues and worshipping idols of all kinds.
Other idolatry is less obvious.  Idolatry of self, being your own god, is false justification for ignoring or disobeying Almighty God, the One True God.
Many other things can be catagorized under idolatry with this broad understanding.
Slothfulness happens when a person worships (respects ) his comfort and ease
more than obedience to get the necessary job done.
Negligence is a variation of slothfulness.
Lack of paying attention.  Disrespect and disobedience are falsely justified in the mind of a self-idolater.
Pay the price in time and effort to get the job done, and be not like Essau who
accepted his comfort to rest over his inheritance.
The big story I see now is humanism spreading around the world, and deepening
into American lives and culture, both politics and public schools are guilty.
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