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Sep 6, 2008, 12:16:07 PM9/6/08
to Thompson looking for Thompsons
At 43 you would think i would be ready for a child. And after already
having three prior you would really think I would know what I am
doing. If so I think we are both wrong. My 19 month old son Coda is
quite a hand full and different from all three of my easy going
children. Coda is very determined to do what he wants to do and unless
i give him 100 percent of my attention he is not a happy little boy. I
have either forgotten my other children was like this or maybe it is
my age but he can were you out. I love having a child at 43. My next
youngest is 8 and she is a awesome little girl who is going on 18 at 8
all she thinks about is the Jonas Brothers and how cool and cute they
are. A lot has changed my oldest daughter who is now 20 at the age of
8 thought only of me and her dolls and what we were going to eat i can
not remember any boys she thought were just it at 8. But on the other
hand the Jonas Brothers was not around. And I did have to put up with
the back street boys but at least she was around 13. My son on the
other hand thinks and breaths tractors. likes the green and yellow
ones the best but he would sit and look at any of them all day and God
help you if you drive past one on the road and he sees it and you
don't stop. You would have thought the sky fell on him he wants to
stop and look at it for a few hours. Even worse when you let him get
on one and then tell him you have to go. What really is fun is to
watch just how engrossed these two youngest children are in there
interest be it boys or tractors they have a great determination that I
am glad they have. I just hope they keep it and focus it on everything
they do. My oldest son is now in the army and has always had a great
focus on what he was doing and what he was wanting to do in the
future. A very talented child who I do remember wanting to hang on the
wall a time or two. He had a temper that was off the charts then one
day poof he is the easiest going boy you would ever want to meet and
still is. You can tell if he is upset but he found a way at a young
age to control and turn his temper around said reading and learning
was a great part of it. the more he learn't the more he wanted to
learn more. I have always wondered how my birth father was. Did he
have a temper i know i had a bad one when i was young. My mother
always told me everything I did was just like my father and not all
the bad stuff. I was a natural horse trainer and animals love me for
some strange reason its almost like Dr. Doolittle. Playing the guitar
to so many things never have met the man and I am told we are so much
alike. How much is passed on thrue the genes I am nothing like my
brothers who we all grew up in the same house. Having different
fathers and never knowing him seems you cant change somethings. Would
be good to know a few more things to look for as i get older any
cancer or other illness that run in the family. being part Native
American i know off a few that are common. My oldest girl i worry
about women seem to carry things that men dont i kind of use my self
to watch my boys but my girls i worry about. Well for now I have other
things to do hope to here from someone soon love Shawn
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