It's a Boy!

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Kelly Steinlage

Jul 18, 2012, 5:52:26 PM7/18/12

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christopher Michael Dorman <>
Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:00 PM
Subject: It's a Boy!
To: Kelly Steinlage <>

Ten days late, last night Jack Eliot made his appearance on the grand stage of life. He entered the world (wide-eyed and confused) at 8:59 PM, sharing the same birthday as his cousin Nick.

While the labor process was painful, long, and hard, Jack is one mellow guy. In fact, right now he is lying in his crib silently dreaming of, well, he hasn't seen too much yet, so he's probably dreaming about the side of the crib and the ceiling light fixture. And, just like his parents, he is cute as hell (see attached photos).

He was born with a mustache and an "I love mom" tattoo. No, not really. But he was born weighing 4,134 grams (9 lbs, 2 ozs) and 21 inches long, so he's pretty well developed already.

A true champ, Kelly (now going by: MOM) is doing great, with the exception of some "minor" aches and pains.

All the best from the 5th floor of Pennsylvania Hospital.

-The Dorlages (Christopher, Kelly AND the newest addition)

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