Re: [thesteinlages] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

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Vincent Chase

Nov 21, 2012, 9:12:24 AM11/21/12
     Vince and I will be the only 2 from our family for the Christmas party.

From: "" <>
To: Digest Recipients <>
Sent: Wed, November 21, 2012 12:49:27 AM
Subject: [thesteinlages] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    "Roger & Karen Ranly" <> Nov 20 07:52PM -0500  

    Doris asked me to forward the following regarding the Steinlage Christmas
    party. Please forward this information to your kids and send me an email
    before November 25th letting us know how many will be attending, etc., so I
    can get the info to Doris by Sunday night! I sent this email to many of the
    grandkids already, but didn't have all of their email addresses saved in my
    address book, so please make sure your whole family knows.


    From: Doris J Rindler []
    Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:47 PM
    Subject: Christmas party

    Hello everyone,

    My computer crashed so I will not have access to e-mail at home anytime
    soon. Hope to buy one on the "Black Friday" sales. Karen volunteered her
    time and computer to get this information to you. Please reply to her
    e-mail address.

    Below are the details of the party.

    1. I need to know how many people will be attending (adults and Kids
    under 12) so I can get the meat and potatoes ordered. Please try to let me
    know by
    Sunday evening November 25.

    2. I will be preparing a food list once I know who will be attending.
    The menu will be pretty much the same as previous years. I know a lot of us
    don't like to make dressing, so if someone wants to volunteer to make it,
    fine. If not we just won't have dressing this year

    3. If there is anything that you really want to bring, let me know.
    Otherwise, I'll assign a food item as done in prior years. I will not be
    listing wine as an item to bring for the group.

    The party is early this year, so please let me know ASAP.

    Steinlage Christmas Party 2012

    Saturday, December 8, 2012
    St Henry Church Basement
    Committee Roger Steinlage, Doris and Ron Rindler

    Party Begins 1:30 PM
    Santa Arrives Probably 2:30 PM ?? will confirm
    Gift Exchange After Santa Leaves
    Dinner 5:30 PM

    Santa Gifts
    Please secretly bring a $10 - $15 gift for your child to be presented to
    them by Santa. Give it to Doris, Ron, or Roger 15 minutes or more before
    Santa arrives.

    Exchange Gifts
    For those who wish to participate in a gift exchange, ladies are to bring a
    $20 lady's gift and men are to bring a $20 man's gift and label them
    accordingly. Not sure yet what type of swap game we'll play. Any
    suggestions will be welcomed.

    In Between Gifts
    If your child is too old to participate in the Santa gifts and too young to
    appreciate the adult exchange gifts, please bring a $20 gift for him/her to
    open sometime before we begin the adult exchange.

    Please remember to bring drinks for your family. Coffee and Cream will be
    provided by the committee. Bring high chairs and booster seats for your
    children if needed.

    Chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy have been ordered from the
    Town Tavern in Chickasaw. The cost to rent the church basement is $100.
    Money for the kitty will be collected (from the Steinlage siblings) to pay
    for the food and rental.

    The church does not want to assume any liability for parties and wants no
    alcohol consumed on the premises unless we purchase a liability policy at a
    cost of $125.
    The renter needs to sign a form stating they have $1 million of liability on
    their personal insurance that would be applicable to the party.

    Soooooo...... Please be sure that you leave no evidence behind of any
    alcohol consumption.


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