Muslim Brotherhood

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Omar Zaid

Jun 23, 2009, 9:10:57 AM6/23/09
Mar 24, 2008
Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence

Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent...states in his report on Iran's Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by "the great names of British Middle East intelligence"...and that their mission was to "keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted..."

The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.

Without the British, "radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous."

The real Muslim Brothers are...the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.

The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize and destroy Western civilization.

They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank.

The globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Etobicoke, Canada

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Mar 24, 2008
The ELITE Use The Muslim Brotherhood To Create CHAOS and WARS

The City of London is the Illuminati. They are also the ones behind what many of us call a New World Order. They are also the one we call the ELITE. They have many names and they have hidden inside many different groups over the years from the Rhoads Round Table to the Fabian Socialists to the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Their plan for the "little people" is the same...death or slavery!

The City of London created CIA, Mossad, ISI and MI-6, and controls the Muslim Brotherhood which now calls itself Al-Queda the base!

The City of London utilizes the above intelligence agencies and Muslim Brotherhood to create chaos and wars so they would have a foothold in the Middle East in order to control the oil, increase their wealth by selling weapons and illicit drugs.

Al-Queda "sleeper cells"

The term "sleeper" denotes a group of terrorists who have undergone training at an Al-Queda camp and then moved into a community where they live like ordinary people just awaiting their orders.

A mind controlled "sleeper" is a person who has been programmed and given a specific mission. When the person is "triggered" they carry out their mission and then kill themselves or are killed by bystanders or police!

The Muslim Brotherhood was created, hired, trained, and influenced by British Intelligence.

Etobicoke, Canada

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Apr 2, 2008
Muslim Brotherhood was created, infiltrated, or at least promoted by British Intelligence and/or British Freemasonry.

The British used Islam to legitimize their puppet rulers in Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Palestine after taking over the Middle East in World War I. Because of this Islam was seen by much of the Arab populace as just another part of the corrupt colonial establishment. That is why the legitimate anti-colonial movements, such as those of Nasser, Mossadegh and Bhutto, were primarily secular in nature. When these nationalist movements began to succeed outside of the British sphere of influence the British turned to their Islamic allies to subvert these independent regimes. The Muslim Brotherhood stands out as the most important counter-revolutionary movement of this period in the Middle East, and one of the British-based Globalists' most important strategic assets today.

Etobicoke, Canada

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Apr 2, 2008
Freemasonary and Muslim Brotherhood

Dr. John Coleman alleges that it was created by "the great names of British Middle East intelligence...", Stephen Dorril writes that the Brotherhood was linked to British Intelligence through dame Freya Stark prior to World War II, and the Shah's regime in Iran considered it to be a tool of British Freemasonry.

Some Muslims will find these claims hard to believe but they should not be rejected out of hand. Hasan al-Banna was a devout Muslim who put Islam first but it should not be considered inconceivable that he was influenced by Britain's Masonic Brotherhood, or that he accepted British aid to advance his movement, at least in the early stages. Islam was used effectively by the British outside of Egypt, so why would they not try to use it in Egypt as well?

Freemasonry appeared in Egypt soon after Napoleon's conquest in 1798 when General Kleber, a French Mason and top commander in Napoleon's army established the Lodge of Isis. French Masonry dominated Egypt until British lodges began to appear after the British occupation in 1882. Freemasonry was very popular in the first half of the twentieth century, and many important Egyptians were Masons, along with the British rulers and aristocrats who occupied the country. In fact the Egyptian monarchs, from Khedive Ismail to King Fouad, were made honorary Grand Masters at the start of their reigns. From 1940 to 1957 there were close to seventy Masonic lodges chartered throughout Egypt. At one time the leaders of the Nationalist and Wafd parties were Freemasons, and many members of the Egyptian parliament were Masons as well, where they mingled with the military commanders and aristocrats of the ruling British occupation.

The bottom line is that the Muslim Brotherhood's success could not have been achieved without the approval of the British ruling establishment, and al-Banna's association with the Masonic Brotherhood goes far to explain how efficiently it was organized and how seamlessly it fit into Egyptian society. Like the Masonic Brotherhood it was established initially as a charitable organization. However, while Freemasonry was liberal and allowed members of all faiths to join, the Muslim Brotherhood was focused specifically on Islam. It was Masonry for Muslims only. Like Masonry the Muslim Brotherhood was devoted to secrecy and it was run according to a pyramidal command structure. The foot soldiers at the bottom had no idea of the true goals of the leaders at the top.

Etobicoke, Canada

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Apr 2, 2008
The British, the Middle East and Radical Islam

I. Britain Takes the Middle East

II. Britain and Egypt

III. The Overthrow of Iran's First Democracy

IV. The British War Against Nasser

V. Islam Turns Against the West

VI. Afghanistan, Pakistan, the ISI and the BCCI


Ashland, KY

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Apr 3, 2008
Seek the Truth, you make some very interesting points in your posts, but I am failing to see what any of it has to do with the Nation of Singapore.

They seem to be more of a concern for Britain and the nations of the middle east than that of southeast Asia.

Omar Zaid Abdullah, as'Siddiq, M.D.
Author, Editor, Physician, Research Fellow, ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur

rizal hargono

Jun 24, 2009, 11:15:56 AM6/24/09
what is the purpose odf spreading this stupid lies? what is your intention. We should not even need to read what more to forwrad or redistribute this fitnah or lies. Come wake my friend how come you dont even know what good or bad

From: Omar Zaid <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 4:10:57 PM
Subject: Muslim Brotherhood

Omar Zaid

Jun 25, 2009, 5:27:59 AM6/25/09
Salaam To All,

These are not lies.  Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that Muslims have strayed so far from Allah's Guidance that they are easily manipulated by Occidental spies and purposes.  This is what has happned and is still happening.

The research has been confirmed by many scholars.  Dr. Coleman is absolutely correct. Below is a fairly complete bibliography covering the matter:

Bibliography for these assertions regarding Mohammad Abdul, Hasan al’Bana, Ali Shariati, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Mohammed Rashid Rida etc., as well the Muslim Brotherhood, see:

1.        Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War On, Yossef Bodansky, 1999

2.        “Islamism, Fascism, & Terrorism”, Mark Erikson, Asia Times, 2002 - Provides detailed account of Egyptian Islamism with respect to espionage, Freemasonry, the Muslim Brotherhood and Nazi collusion.

3.        Historical Development of the Methodologies of al- IkhwaanSalafi Publications, Sheikh Abu Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waad'iee from Sa'dah in Yemen   March 2003;

4.        Afghani and Abdul, Elie Kedurie, Univ. of London, 1992;

5.        The Esoteric Deviation in Islam, Umar Ibrahim Vadillo Publisher: Madinah Press, Madinah Media (2003);

6.        Algar, Hamid, "An Introduction to the History of Freemasonry in Iran." Middle Eastern Studies vol. 6 (1970);

7.        Hanioğlu, M. Sükrü. "Notes on the Young Turks and Freemasons, 1875 - 1908." Middle Eastern Studies, vol.  25 (1989).

8.        Kedourie, Elie. "Young Turks, Freemasons, and Jews." Middle Eastern Studies, vol.7 (1971);

9.        Landau, Jacob M. "Prolegomena to a Study of Secret Societies in Modern Egypt." Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 1 (1964).

10.     Sayyid Jamal ad-Din Al-Afghani, N.R. Keddie, Berkeley, Ca., 1972;

11.     Pioneers of Islamic Revival, Ali Rahnema, London, 1994;

12.     Modern Egypt, Evelyn Baring, vols. I & II, London, 1908 (British Library);

13.     Arabs and Young Turks, Ottomanism, Arabism and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire 1908-1918, Hasan Kayali, Berkely, Ca., 1997;

14.     Pilgrimage of Passion- The Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, Elizabeth Longford, London, 1979;

15.     The Return of the Khalifate, Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi, Cape Town, South Africa, 1996;

16.     Technique of the Coup de Bank, Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2000;

17.     Osmanli History - 1289-1922, Mehmet Maksudoglu, International Islamic University Malaysia, 1999;

18.     "Now It Is Clear""The Oldham Intifada", Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi, internet: 6/2001


Anyone wishing to discuss this further should feel free to contact me. The truth is not always comforting, and neither will be the Day of Judgment for most of us.


dr omar

Omar Zaid Abdullah, as'Siddiq, M.D.
Author, Editor, Physician, Research Fellow, ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, rizal hargono <> wrote:
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