Archives 2006: Israel is creating an empire, "from the Nile to the Euphrates

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John Churchilly

May 11, 2024, 5:38:42 PMMay 11
to themeritocracy
posted to the_iraqi yahoo group on 15/06/2006

[catapult] Israel is creating an empire, "from the Nile to the Euphrates
Israel is creating an empire, "from the Nile to the Euphrates." Israel is
doing it, thanks in large part to the stranglehold which they exert on all
major broadcasting media ... but the poor brainwashed "goyim" are just
too dense to see what's going on right in front of their own eyes.

" ... Professor Hillel Weiss, said Ma'ariv, spelled out what this meant:
'The purpose of the armed struggle is to establish a Jewish state in
all the territory that will be captured, from the River Euphrates [in Iraq]
to the Egyptian River [Nile].' For good measure, Rabbi Haim Steinitz,
writing on behalf of the rabbis of the Beit El settlement, explained, 'In
general, the Euphrates and the Nile are the main points of reference, as
 well as the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.' That takes care of the western
border. There is some dispute about the eastern border. Most West Bank
 rabbis say the Kingdom of Israel "should rest on the upper Syrian stretch
of the Euphrates. Others, wrote Ma'ariv, 'take a broader view with a border
that runs down to the mouth of the Persian Gulf.'
One rabbi calls for the military conquest of all Arab countries. Even
this was not enough for Rabbi Zelman Melamed, who wrote: 'It is not
impossible that the Jewish people will have the ability to threaten and
put pressure on the entire world to accept our way.
 But even if we acquire
the power to seize control of the world, that is not the way to realize the
 vision of complete redemption.'
Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg says he knows in the near future the Land of Israel
is about to expand. "It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven
Noahide laws, and if not — they will be killed." 

Imams do not have exclusive rights on loony  tunes. Palestinian state anyone?'"
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006
Subject: Re: Dan Abrams and Israeli Control of MSNBC
The truth is, the three major cable television news networks, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have become nothing but machines for 24x7 hate propaganda originating from the worst extremists in the Zionist world.  One advances in this world, moves up the career ladder, by trafficking in Nazi-style hate speech which pleases the owners of these media outlets and fulfills their strategic political objectives.
David Brock's Media Matters for America has done an excellent job of documenting many specific instances of hate speech from demagogues like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.
Very few Americans understand that Dan Abrams, now the head of MSNBC, is associated with pro-Israel extremists like David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes at Jewish World Review, which, like Commentary and the Weekly Standard, is a key gathering spot for neoconservatives.
The cable news networks played a major role in promoting the disaster in Iraq, and they are now beating the drums for war against Iran.  The end game in mind is obvious: the use of American military power to nuke (literally) Israel's enemies.  The last thing on their mind is the American strategic interest or American values.
-0-------------------Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006
Subject: Re: Dan Abrams and Israeli Control of MSNBC
The truth is, the three major cable television news networks, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have become nothing but machines for 24x7 hate propaganda originating from the worst extremists in the Zionist world.  One advances in this world, moves up the career ladder, by trafficking in Nazi-style hate speech which pleases the owners of these media outlets and fulfills their strategic political objectives.
David Brock's Media Matters for America has done an excellent job of documenting many specific instances of hate speech from demagogues like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.
Very few Americans understand that Dan Abrams, now the head of MSNBC, is associated with pro-Israel extremists like David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes at Jewish World Review, which, like Commentary and the Weekly Standard, is a key gathering spot for neoconservatives.
The cable news networks played a major role in promoting the disaster in Iraq, and they are now beating the drums for war against Iran.  The end game in mind is obvious: the use of American military power to nuke (literally) Israel's enemies.  The last thing on their mind is the American strategic interest or American values.
 Re: Dan Abrams and Israeli Control of MSNBC
The truth is, the three major cable television news networks, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have become nothing but machines for 24x7 hate propaganda originating from the worst extremists in the Zionist world.  One advances in this world, moves up the career ladder, by trafficking in Nazi-style hate speech which pleases the owners of these media outlets and fulfills their strategic political objectives.
David Brock's Media Matters for America has done an excellent job of documenting many specific instances of hate speech from demagogues like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.
Very few Americans understand that Dan Abrams, now the head of MSNBC, is associated with pro-Israel extremists like David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes at Jewish World Review, which, like Commentary and the Weekly Standard, is a key gathering spot for neoconservatives.
The cable news networks played a major role in promoting the disaster in Iraq, and they are now beating the drums for war against Iran.  The end game in mind is obvious: the use of American military power to nuke (literally) Israel's enemies.  The last thing on their mind is the American strategic interest or American values.


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