Archives of Iraq 11/07/2004: Declaration of Arab Baath Socialist Party

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Mar 27, 2024, 10:15:43 AMMar 27
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INN - Iraq News Net

Special: Declaration of Arab Baath Socialist Party - 11/07/04

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Baath Simpson
INN-Newsletter Editor

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Declaration of Arab Baath Socialist Party - 11/07/04

Baath Party (Iraq), 2004-11-16

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The Arab Baath Socialist Party

One Arab Nation with an Eternal Mission

Unity, Liberty, Socialism

The Mujahideen Strikes during the Holy Month of Ramadan

Promises made and fulfilled by the Baath and the Resistance and liberation Command.

Dignified Iraqis!

Glorious Arab Nation!

Comrades, Baathists and Resistance Mujahideen!

Just as always promised by the Baath Party, the Resistance, and Liberation leadership in the beginning of this holy month of Ramadan, and according to well studied and precise tactics and operational setups, which take into consideration the movements of the Occupation forces and Washington military plans to attack and strike Fallujah, the “Inflexible“, and recognizing that the occupier is trying desperately, with its puppet authority, to peddle and prepare for the election-masquerade and to organize the Sharm-el-sheikh Conference, the Baath Leadership, the Resistance and Liberation Command have defined the enemy components and elements facing open-ended permanent attacks from the Resistance, thereby snatching the initiative from their hands before they were able to fully execute their military plans.

The Baath promised the People of Iraq and the Arab Nation’s masses planned heroic strikes in a statement issued last October 30th. It assured also that the future confrontation in Fallujah and al-Anbar, will be as costly and rough as the confrontation experienced by the Occupier last April. The Baath has asserted to Iraqis, and to the Arab Nation, in a further statement dated the 5th of this month, that the destruction of the puppet authority infrastructure is the heart of the Armed Iraqi Resistance Strategy and here are the Baath militants and the Mujahideen of the Iraqi Resistance fulfilling their promises. They write shining pages of Jihad worthy of the month of Jihad – Ramadan- as understood and celebrated by Baathists and Resistance alike. The open-ended and permanent confrontation is an absolute Baathist and Iraqi choice as long as there is an occupation on the land of Iraq and under whatever names means and ways.

As for the Occupier agendas, plans and programs, they will be, thanks to the Baath Party and the Armed Resistance of Iraq, mere chaff blown by the wind. These plans and programs are of no concern to any one except those who put themselves in the service of the occupier, before or after the occupation, be they politicians, collaborators, reactionary clergymen, mercenaries or procurers of any kind.

The Baath and the Armed Iraqi Resistance blow their Jihadi strikes according to a well planned and precise timing in Baghdad, Samara, Balad, Duluy'a, Beiji, Baa'quba, Kirkuk, Mosul, Tikrit, Tharthar, Fallujah, Khan-Dhari, Abu-Ghraib, Radhwanya, Haditha, Ramadi, Khalidya, Habanya, Al-Qa'im, Al-Husyaba, and on the east banks of the river Euphrates towards Babylon, Karbala, Najaf, Basra, and all over the land of Iraq. The Baath, its militants, the Iraqi Army, the Republican Guards, the National security Forces and the formations of the Islamic National Resistance, are all Iraqi legions of Jihad in the battle of liberation and the defeat of the aggression and the eradication of the puppet authority.

Long live Iraq free!

Defeat for the Occupier!

Long live the heroic Iraqi Armed Resistance!

Long live the Arab Baath Arab a Socialist Party!

Long live Al-Mujahid Saddam Hussein who is the Comrade Leader secretary General of the Qotr of Iraq, President of the Republic, symbol of courage, defying the jail camps, conceiver, engineer and planner of the Glorious Iraqi Armed Resistance!

Long live Comrade deputy-secretary of the Qotr of Iraq, the leader of the Glorious Armed Resistance!

Honor and Glory to the officers of the Army, the Republican Guards, the National security and the Resisting Mujahideen!

Glory to the Martyrs of Iraq, of the Baath, of Palestine and of the Nation!

Death and destruction to the Collaborating authority and to those who back it!

God is the Greatest!

Abased be the abased

Publication and Information political Bureau

The Arab Baath Socialist Party

Iraq, November 7th 2004

Translated by Al-Moharer team

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