Archives of Iraq 7/9/2007 ; Iraq withdrawals "off the table": Republicans 06 Sep 2007

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Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
07 Sep 2007

Iraq withdrawals "off the table": Republicans 06 Sep 2007 Leading Republicans in Congress on Thursday declared that troop withdrawal legislation should be scrapped because the United States has made significant 'progress' in the Iraq war, just as Democrats were resuming efforts to bring soldiers home. [Gee, how much more GOP-style progress can Iraq take?]

DemocRATs Newly Willing to Compromise on Iraq 06 Sep 2007 With a mixed picture emerging about progress in Iraq, Senate DemocRATic leaders are showing a new openness to compromise as they try to attract Republican support for forcing at least modest troop withdrawals in the coming months.

General urges U.S. to reduce Iraq 'footprint' 07 Sep 2007 The U.S. military should reduce its "footprint' in Iraq to counter the impression that it is an occupying force, a prominent retired Marine general said Thursday in congressional testimony that challenged the case for continuing the troop increase backed by the White House.

Most people want troops out of Iraq: global poll 07 Sep 2007 Two-thirds of people questioned around the world want US-led troops to pull out of Iraq within a year, but fewer than half believe that they will ever leave, according to a poll published Friday.

US troops levels edge toward new record 06 Sep 2007 The number of U.S. troops in Iraq has climbed to a record high of 168,000, and is moving toward a peak of 172,000 in the coming weeks , a level that could extend into December, a senior military official said Thursday.

Iraq government near collapse, secret report says 06 Sep 2007 Lawmakers returning here this week got hit with more bad news about Iraq in a confidential report that says the fragile democracy [sic] is "collapsing," the Daily News has learned. The boycott of the government by certain Shiite and Kurdish political blocs has left Iraq's leadership hanging by a thread, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service.

Britain 'backed US decision to disband Saddam's army' 07 Sep 2007 The British Government and military high command fully supported the controversial US policy of disbanding Saddam Hussein's armed forces after the 2003 invasion, according to Washington's former proconsul in Baghdad, Paul Bremer.

US strikes in Baghdad kill 14 sleeping civilians 06 Sep 2007 US combat helicopters and tanks bombarded a Baghdad neighbourhood in pre-dawn strikes on Thursday, killing 14 sleeping civilians and destroying houses, angry residents and Iraqi officials said.

Seven US troops killed in Iraq 07 Sep 2007 The US military said on Friday that 'insurgents' have killed seven American troops in separate attacks in Iraq. Four marines and three soldiers were killed in two different incidents on Thursday, the military said.

Police break up anti-war meeting in Washington 06 Sep 2007 Mounted police charged in to break up an outdoor press conference and demonstration against the Iraq war in Washington on Thursday, arresting three people, organizers and an AFP reporter said.

General says troop shortage is hindering Afghanistan gains --Top NATO officer, a Canadian, says 'gaps' are being debated as alliance meets in Ottawa 07 Sep 2007 A shortage of NATO and Afghan forces on the ground in Afghanistan is hampering efforts to win and hold ground from 'insurgents,' NATO's top military commander says.

Israeli jets 'drop ammunition' in sortie over Syria 07 Sep 2007 Syria was considering its response last night after an Israeli warplane violated Syrian air space and was accused of dropping ammunition inside the country. The incident, near the Turkish border on Wednesday, came just after midnight at a time when tensions are running high between the two neighbours. It prompted Syrian air defence units to open fire on the Israeli jets, Syrian officials said. ['Drop ammunition in sortie.' Uh, that's called 'bombing.' --LRP]

Doctors accuse US of 'unethical practices' at Guantanamo Bay 07 Sep 2007 More than 260 doctors from around the world have launched an unprecedented attack on the American medical establishment for its failure to condemn unethical practices by medical practitioners at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba. In a letter to The Lancet, the doctors from 16 countries, including Britain and America, say the failure of the US regulatory authorities to act is "damaging the reputation of US military medicine".

Germany sounds out US over arrest warrants for suspected CIA agents 06 Sep 2007 Germany's Justice Ministry is sounding out U.S. authorities over whether they would be willing to cooperate with legal proceedings against suspected CIA agents sought in the alleged kidnapping of a German citizen, an official said Thursday. The ministry sent a formal legal request over the warrants issued by German prosecutors earlier this year, a ministry spokeswoman said on customary condition of anonymity.

Heads up! A US false flag may arrive mid-September: All stateside Air Force fighter, bomber flights to be halted September 14 --Air Force investigates mistaken transport of nuclear warheads 06 Sep 2007 Six nuclear warheads on cruise missiles were mistakenly carried on a flight from North Dakota to Louisiana last week, prompting a major investigation, military officials have confirmed... The Air Force announced that all flights of fighters and bombers in the United States will be halted on September 14 to allow for a review of procedures. Once the mistake was discovered, the Air Force immediately began an inventory of all of its nuclear weapons [LOL!], a military official said.

Exercise Vigilant Shield '08 slated for October 30 Aug 2007 North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command along with U.S. Pacific Command, the Department of Homeland Security as well as local, state and other federal responders will exercise their response abilities against [with] a variety of potential threats during Exercise Vigilant Shield 08, a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-designated, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)-sponsored, and U.S. Joint Forces Command-supported Department of Defense exercise for homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities missions. VS-08 will be conducted concurrent with Top Officials 4 (TOPOFF 4), the nation's premier exercise of terrorism preparedness sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, and several other linked exercises as part of the National Level Exercise 1-08. These linked exercises will take place October 15-20...

U.S. has copy of purported bin Laden video [Right, and as soon as they're done editing/Photoshopping, they'll release it.] 07 Sep 2007 The White House has obtained a copy of a purported video by Osama bin Laden ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and has begun to analyze its contents, a Bush administration official said Friday. The official would not discuss the contents or say whether any conclusion has been reached about whether it's really the al-Qaida [al-CIA duh] leader.

Osama bin Laden is poised to release a 'new' (CIA-edited/NSA hosted video) to scare everyone into supporting the bumper-crop of Reichwing terror-mongers and GOPedophiles (Dr. Ron Paul excluded) running for president: Bin Laden 're-emerges' to mark 9/11 attacks 07 Sep 2007 A new video message from 'Osama bin Laden' to the American people will soon be broadcast, to mark the sixth anniversary of the attacks of 11 September, according to a terrorism analyst group. The Site intelligence group, which monitors Islamist websites, said al-Qa'ida's media arm al-Sahab had announced the forthcoming video.

Osama bin Laden to Address the American Public 06 Sep 2007 Terror monitoring groups are reporting that terrorist mastermind Osama [Bush] bin Laden plans to address the American public via video, regarding the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. The Intelcenter, which monitors 'Islamic' websites said the video is expected within the next 72 hours.

George & Osama: Friends Helping Friends By Terry L. Clark 06 Sep 2007 Seems that George wants to jack up his poll numbers for a mandate to blast Iran into smithereens, murdering millions in the process, so he's called upon his old friend Osama to yell "Boo". Or at least send a video card. Let's see, we have the announcement, a report of a dye job on the beard, lookin' good we're told. And while the US is being turned into a totalitarian state, in which the Brownshirts can tap your phone clear across the country, the new Osama video is gonna rock DerBu$hler's poll numbers upward, and not a single electron is going to be moved in any attempt to stop the video from being broadcast around the world.

Police fuming after bin Laden lookalike cracks APEC's security blockade 07 Sep 2007 The TV comedy [The Chaser's War on Everything] pranksters charged for breaching APEC's $250-million security blockade with a bogus motorcade say police gave them permission... "The police only detained the Chaser motorcade when it was turning around and after Chas Licciardello emerged from a car dressed as Osama bin Laden." The comics left authorities red-faced yesterday after the security breach only metres from the Sydney hotel where US President [sic] George W. Bush is staying. Eleven people were charged, including Licciardello, who sat in the back of one of the cars dressed as bin Laden, and Morrow, who posed as a security guard running alongside. The 10 men and one woman were last night charged under new APEC laws on entering a restricted area without justification. Police are furious about the prank.

Bin Laden comic mistaken for Canada diplomat 06 Sep 2007 A group of Australian comedians, including one dressed as terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, have managed to penetrate the high-security lockdown in place in Sydney, where world leaders have gathered for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) talks. The security measures, the toughest ever imposed in Australia, include closing much of the city and erecting steel and concrete barriers around landmarks such as the Opera House. <g>

Bush goes into gaffe overdrive 07 Sep 2007 Bushisms were famous before the man even entered the White House. But with his pResidency entering its twilight phase, there is no end, it seems, to the steady supply of inadvertent slips of the tongue. Yesterday he had reached only the third sentence of his address to an audience at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, when he committed his first gaffe.

Germany considers increased spying on Muslims 06 Sep 2007 After thwarting what might have become a "massive" attack on American installations [Yeah, right!], German authorities will review ways to fight [foment] homegrown terrorists, including a proposal to allow Internet spying on all German converts to Islam. The search for seven other suspected members of a German cell of the Pakistan-based Islamic Jihad Union continued into Thursday night, with investigators saying only that they knew who they were seeking.

10 hunted over German terror plot --International quest for backers of Islamist cell --Immediate threat has receded, police say 07 Sep 2007 German authorities launched an international quest yesterday to close the net on 10 suspects who they believe supported an Islamist cell intent on causing massive destruction in the country.

German police hunt for terror plot 'back-up team' 06 Sep 2007 German police were today searching for around 10 more members of a terror cell suspected of plotting major bomb attacks, after the arrest of three men and the seizure of explosives materials.

Edwards: Throw away Bush's 'failed' terrorism policies; 'reengage with the world' 07 Sep 2007 President [sic] Bush's "so-called 'global war on terror' " has been a "a double-edged failure," Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards will argue later this morning during a speech at Pace University in Manhattan.

Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks; 67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7 --Over 30% Seek Immediate Impeachment (Zogby International) 06 Sep 2007 As America nears the sixth anniversary of the world-churning events of September 11, 2001, a new Zogby International poll finds a majority of Americans still await a Congressional investigation of President [sic] Bush' and Vice President [sic] Cheney's actions before, during and after the 9/11 attacks. [See and sign CLG's Petition to Senate to Investigate Oddities of 9/11, started January 2002 - over 32,500 signatures.]

Judge Rules Provisions of Patriot Act Unconstitutional 06 Sep 2007 A federal judge today struck down portions of the USA Patriot Act as unconstitutional, ordering the FBI to stop issuing "national security letters" that secretly demand customer information from Internet service providers and other businesses. In his 106-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero wrote that Patriot Act provisions related to NSLs are "the legislative equivalent of breaking and entering, with an ominous free pass to the hijacking of constitutional values."

Judge: Court order needed before ISPs turn over user info without notification --A federal court struck down part of the USA Patriot Act 06 Sep 2007 A federal court today ruled that the FBI can't compel ISPs to turn over user records without notifying those users unless it has a court order or a grand jury subpoena. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York struck down part of the amended Patriot Act's National Security Letter (NSL) provision, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which had filed a lawsuit challenging the provision.

Judge fails to see patriotic side of FBI gags on Net service providers 06 Sep 2007 If you're scoring at home, that's strike two for the idea that under the umbrella of national security investigations, the FBI, without oversight, can demand customer records from an Internet service provider while ordering the ISP never to disclose the probe to its customers or anyone else.

Justice Department opposes 'Net neutrality' 06 Sep 2007 The inJustice Department on Thursday said Internet service providers should be allowed to charge a fee for priority Web traffic. The agency told the Federal Communications Commission, which is reviewing high-speed Internet practices, that it is opposed to "Net neutrality," the principle that all Internet sites should be equally accessible to any Web user.

Bush's New World Order marches on, under the Iraq radar: Mexican Trucks Can Start U.S. Deliveries Today 06 Sep 2007 Mexican trucks are getting ready to roll across the border. The first of up to 150 Mexican trucks is ready to deliver cargo throughout the United States today.

Argentina shuts Shell refinery, citing pollution 06 Sep 2007 Argentina's government on Wednesday ordered the closure of Royal Dutch Shell's 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) refinery, citing environmental concerns.

Sen. Johnson welcomed back to work 06 Sep 2007 Nine months after being stricken by a brain hemorrhage, Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) returned to the Senate on Wednesday to the applause of his colleagues and the relief of his party. "It must already be clear to you that my speech is not 100%," Johnson said on the Senate floor, his words and his gait slowed by the life-threatening attack. "But my thoughts are clear and my mind is sharp, and I'm here to be a voice for South Dakota in the Senate."

Craig Still 'Expects to Resign' From Senate, Spokesman Says 06 Sep 2007 Idaho Senator Larry Craig still "expects to resign" from the Senate this month and is preparing for the transition, his spokesman [Dan Whiting] said.

Back-breaking work, 17-hour days, minimal pay: a glimpse inside the factories of Victorian Britain 07 Sep 2007 A fascinating new light has been shed on the attitudes of child workers, their parents, employers and the government's inspectors early in Queen Victoria's reign has been shed in a 900-page document posted on the internet yesterday. It is a set of reports to the Children's Employment Commission on conditions in the textiles industry in 1841.

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[Previous lead stories:] U.S. builds for future at Guantanamo 05 Sep 2007 The U.S. military is building a mobile [kangaroo] courtroom complex on an unused runway at the Guantanamo Bay naval base and plans to be ready by March to conduct as many as three terrorism trials at a time. The $10 million [KBR] project will add two new courtrooms to the existing one, which is being fitted with a new computer projection system to display 'evidence' for the war crimes tribunals set up to try suspected 'al Qaeda' operatives held at the U.S. naval base in eastern Cuba.

Defense Dept. pays $1B to outside analysts 29 Aug 2007 The Defense Department is paying private contractors more than $1 billion in more than 30 separate contracts to collect and analyze intelligence for the four military services and its own Defense Intelligence Agency, according to contract documents and a Pentagon spokesman.

US military pushes for changes to Iraq report 06 Sep 2007 A bleak portrait of the political and security situation in Iraq has sparked sharp protests from top US military officials in Baghdad, who described it as flawed and "factually incorrect".

U.S. report says Iraq Interior Ministry 'dysfunctional' 05 Sep 2007 Iraq's Interior Ministry is regarded as "dysfunctional and sectarian," and the National Police should be "disbanded and reorganized," according to an independent report obtained by CNN.
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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright , 2007, Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

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