Alberto Fernandez, 'US has shown arrogance and stupidity in Iraq' 22 Oct 2006

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Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
22 October 2006
All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Londoner was victim of secret CIA rendition 22 Oct 2006 A former inmate of the Guantanamo Bay camp has been identified as the first British citizen [Martin Mubanga] known to have been subjected to the CIA]s practice of rendition , the capture and transfer of terrorism suspects across the world without legal process.

Report: CIA flights land at Danish airports regularly 21 Oct 2006 Dozens of planes linked to the CIA's rendition of terror suspects landed regularly at Danish airports, said a report reaching here from Copenhagen on Friday.

False-detention stories come out of Guantanamo amid legal fight --Lawyers: They aren't enemy combatants, so law doesn't apply 22 Oct 2006 Abdul Rahim has fallen into a black hole in the war on [of] terror in which the Taliban and then the United States imprisoned him as an enemy of the state... U.S. interrogators accused Rahim of being an al-Qaida terrorist and deprived him of sleep, threatened him with police dogs and kept him in stress positions for hours, he says. He's been held ever since as an enemy combatant.

US warns of potential threat to Saudi oil Facilities 22 Oct 2006 The US government has warned that it had received information of a potential threat against oil facilities in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province. "The US Government has received new information of a potential threat to oil facilities in the Eastern Province, including those operated by Saudi Aramco," according to a "warden message" issued to alert US citizens. [Bush bin Laden's October surprise?]

Embassy of the United States of America Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Warden Message 19 Oct 2006 The Embassy requests that wardens pass the following message in its entirety to members of the American Community: The U.S. Government has received new information of a potential threat to oil facilities in the Eastern Province, including those operated by Saudi Aramco. New information indicates threats against westerners living in Saudi Arabia continue. We are advising U.S. government employees to avoid non-essential travel to oil facilities, and recommend that American citizens take all possible precautions.

"The IDF holds phosphorus munitions in different forms." Israel admits using phosphorus bombs during war in Lebanon 22 Oct 2006 Israel has acknowledged for the first time that it attacked Hezbollah targets during the second Lebanon war with phosphorus shells. The announcement that the Israel Defense Forces had used phosphorus bombs in the war in Lebanon was made by Minister Jacob Edery, in charge of government-Knesset relations.

Expert Warns Iraq In A "State of Almost Full Collapse" 20 Oct 2006 Kenneth Katzman is with the Congressional Research Service, which advises lawmakers on Capitol Hill. And the way he see it, Iraq is "in a state of almost full collapse," with the U.S. "powerless" to prevent a total breakdown.

'US has shown arrogance and stupidity in Iraq' 22 Oct 2006 Alberto Fernandez, director of public diplomacy in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the State Department, said in an interview aired Saturday on al-Jazeera television that the United States had shown "arrogance" and "stupidity" in Iraq but was now willing to talk to any group, outside of 'al-Qaida,' to further reconciliation in the country.

US in secret truce talks with insurgency chiefs 22 Oct 2006 American officials held secret talks with leaders of the Iraqi 'insurgency' last week after admitting that their two-month clampdown on violence in Baghdad had failed.

At White House Meeting, No Big Changes on Iraq 22 Oct 2006 President [sic] Bush met with his top advisers and military commanders on Iraq yesterday in a White House session that, senior officials said, weighed options for forging a way forward amid the surging violence but did not contemplate any major shifts in strategy.

KKKarl Rove must be a busy little bee! Two weeks before the mid-term 'elections,' the US Diebold-installed dictatorship tells the US Halliburton-installed dictatorship in Iraq to put its death squads on a leash. U.S. to Hand Iraq a New Timetable on Security Role 22 Oct 2006 The Bush regime is drafting a timetable for the Iraqi government to address sectarian divisions and assume a larger role in securing the country, senior American officials said. Details of the blueprint, which is to be presented to [US-installed dictator] Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki before the end of the year [*election* time] and would be carried out over the next year and beyond, are still being devised. [Oh, I thought Bush's GOPedophiles view timetables as an element of 'cut and run?' policy? --LRP]

Lawmaker calls for Pentagon to oust any CNN reporters embedded in Iraq 21 Oct 2006 CNN has become "the publicist for an enemy propaganda film" by broadcasting a video showing an 'insurgent' sniper in Iraq apparently killing an American soldier, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said here Friday. California Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Terrorist-El Cajon) called for the Pentagon to oust any CNN reporter embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq.

U.S. endures deadliest month of '06 in Iraq 22 Oct 2006 A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5 was killed in fighting in Anbar province west of Baghdad on Saturday, the military said Sunday, raising the death toll among U.S. troops in Iraq this month to 79, surpassing the year's previous monthly high of 76 in April.

Another Disastrous Coverup --Forward Base Falcon Disaster By Brian Harring 20 Oct 2006 Late on the evening of October 10, 2006, Iraqi resistance groups lobbed mortar and rocket rounds into the immense 'Forward Base Falcon,' the largest American military base in Iraq, located 13 km south of the Green Zone in Baghdad. In addition to accurate mortar fire, Grad and Katyusha rockets were also used... Not only has the U.S. military machine lost much of its armor and transport, and its entire reserves of ammunition and special fuel, but the casualty list for only the first day is over 300.

Iraqi Youth Want U.S. Troops to Withdraw 22 Oct 2006 Majorities of Iraqi youth in Arab regions of the country believe security would improve and violence decrease if the U.S.-led forces left immediately, according to a State Department poll that provides a window into the grim warnings provided to policymakers.

5 killed in bomb attacks in Baghdad market, bakery 22 Oct 2006 [US] Bombs on Sunday ripped through a Baghdad market and a bakery where shoppers were stocking up on sweets and other delicacies to celebrate a major Muslim holiday, killing at least five people, police said.

Mortar attack on Iraqi market kills at least 18, injures 21 Oct 2006 Mortar rounds rained down on a crowded outdoor market south of Baghdad on Saturday, killing at least 18 people and injuring dozens, police said. A bicycle rigged with a bomb tore through the market in Mahmoudiyah first, followed by at least a dozen mortars, said army Capt. Oday Abdul Ridha.

US helicopter bombs Al-Sadr office in Suwaira, south of Baghdad 21 Oct 2006 A US helicopter on Saturday bombed an office of Al-Sadr militia in Suwaira, 45 kilometers south of Baghdad, witnesses said.

Iraq death rate estimates defended by researchers 21 Oct 2006 A controversial estimate by public health experts that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died because of the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq is likely an accurate assessment, researchers said on Saturday.

More than 750,000 Iraqis displaced since US invasion: UNHCR 20 Oct 2006 More than 750,000 Iraqis have been displaced by violence since the US-led invasion of their country in March 2003 and their resources are running out, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has said.

Britain 'risking defeat in Afghanistan' 22 Oct 2006 Field Marshal Sir Peter Inge, the former head of Britain's armed forces, has broken ranks to launch an attack on the current military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, warning that British forces risk defeat in Afghanistan.

Canada gives Afghanistan warning 21 Oct 2006 Canada's foreign minister, Peter Mackay, has told Nato that the alliance's other members must provide more support to the military operation in southern Afghanistan.

Netherlands to send more troops to Afghanistan 21 Oct 2006 The Dutch cabinet has decided to send 65 additional soldiers to the Afghan province of Uruzgan, Radio Netherlands reported on Friday.

US Republicans launch terror ad 21 Oct 2006 The US Republican Party [the actual terrorists] has launched a controversial terror-linked TV advertisement to bolster support ahead of mid-term 'elections' next month.

Republican's bin Laden Ad Sparks Furor --Party hopes to focus election on [its failed] national security 21 Oct 2006 Republicans unveiled an advertisement on Friday featuring the image and words of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and a warning to voters that "these are the stakes" in the November 7 election.

BYU Scholar, Sept. 11 Theorist, Resigns 21 Oct 2006 A Brigham Young University physics professor who suggested the World Trade Center was brought down by explosives has resigned, six weeks after the school placed him on leave. Jones, who helped found a group called Scholars for 9/11 Truth in 2005, said he plans to continue researching and speaking about his Sept. 11 theories.

BYU professor in dispute over 9/11 will retire --Jones had been placed on leave 6 weeks ago 21 Oct 2006 Professor Steven Jones and Brigham Young University finalized a retirement package Friday, six weeks after the school placed the physicist on paid leave to review his statements and research about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center.

Schroeder: Bush's faith raised suspicion 21 Oct 2006 Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, whose second term was marked by vehement opposition to the war in Iraq, described in an advance copy of his memoirs how he was suspicious of President [sic] Bush's constant references to his Christian faith... Schroeder accused some elements in U.S. as being hypocritical when it comes to secularism in government. "We rightly criticize that in most Islamic states, the role of religion for society and the character of the rule of law are not clearly separated," Schroeder wrote. "But we fail to recognize that in the USA, the Christian fundamentalists and their interpretation of the Bible have similar tendencies."

Conservative pundit settles case over promoting US propaganda 20 Oct 2006 Conservative pundit [Reichwing whackjob] Armstrong Williams, whose 2003 deal to promote President [sic] Bush's education reforms on TV, radio and in newspapers spawned a government-wide crackdown on propaganda, will pay $34,000 for not delivering all that his contract required, according to documents signed Friday. The inJustice Department didn't pursue the propaganda case, but a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, Congress's non-partisan watchdog, found that the contract violated a government ban on "covert propaganda."

"During National Character Counts Week, Bush Stumps for Philanderer" --The Washington Post Sex scandals dominate midterm elections 21 Oct 2006 In Pennsylvania, four-term Republican Rep. Don Sherwood is running for his political life after revelations that he had a five-year extramarital affair, and that he settled a lawsuit claiming he had choked the woman. He denies the choking part. White House spokesman Tony Snow was left to explain why President [sic] Bush had agreed to campaign on behalf of a confessed adulterer.

Lieber Bush has collected million$ of GOP dollars in campaign cash: Many GOP Donors Pitch In For Lieberman 21 Oct 2006 Among the post-primary contributors to Joe LieberBush ("D"-CT), running as an independent for a fourth term, was Joseph Allbaugh, one of the four members of Bush's tight inner circle during his 2000 presidential campaign, and two Republican Senate committee chairmen. Also giving was Melvin Sembler, former ambassador to Italy and longtime friend of the Bush family, former assistant Republican Senate Leader Don Nickles, and dozens of others from Texas, Missouri, Colorado and other states where Lieberman usually does not find contributors. The effort to get Bush loyalists into Lieberman's camp was triggered by White House political guru Karl Rove's Aug. 8 phone call to the senator, just before Lieberman learned he would lose to Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Democratic Senate primary.

Officials Probing Possible Theft of Voting Software in Md. --Ex-Delegate Says FBI Contacted Her About Disks She Received 20 Oct 2006 The FBI is investigating the possible theft of software developed by the nation's leading maker of electronic voting equipment, said a former Maryland legislator who this week received three computer disks that apparently contain key portions of programs created by Diebold Election Systems.

Democrats Strengthen Chances For Senate 22 Oct 2006 Democrats in the past two weeks have significantly improved their chances of taking control of the Senate, according to polls and independent analysts, with the battle now focused intensely on three states in the Midwest and upper South: Missouri, Tennessee and Virginia. Democratic challengers are in strong positions against GOP incumbents in four states -- Pennsylvania, Montana, Ohio and Rhode Island -- a trend that leaves the party looking for just two more seats to reclaim the majority.

Democrats Leading Many Pivotal Races --Democrats Lead Many Important Congressional Races, but Some GOP Hopefuls See Recovery in Polls 21 Oct 2006 Democrats hold solid leads for four of the six Republican seats they need to capture the Senate and about 10 of 15 required to win the House, according to officials in both parties.

Please Contribute for October's expenses. Thank you!

[21 October lead stories:] Steve Jones Announces Early Retirement From BYU --Steven E. Jones, Ph.D. Physicist - Co-Chair, Scholars for 9/11 Truth 20 Oct 2006 "Friends and Colleagues: BYU issued a press release today -- I have elected to take early retirement from BYU. I don't have the actual release -- it will be in local papers tomorrow and may be on the BYU web site now... I assure you all that I will continue in my research on 9/11 issues, and speaking out -- should have more time for these activities in fact."

"No court, justice, or judge" [No Sh*t!] Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases 20 Oct 2006 Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by Dictator Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. In a notice dated Wednesday, the Justice Department listed 196 pending habeas cases, some of which cover groups of detainees. The new Military Commissions Act (MCA), it said, provides that "no court, justice, or judge" can consider those petitions or other actions related to treatment or imprisonment filed by anyone designated as an enemy combatant, now or in the future.

Stop calling for closure of Guantanamo Bay, US official says 20 Oct 2006 The chief legal adviser to the American State Department, John Bellinger, says foreign governments should stop calling for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention centre. He says they should instead help resettle some of the prisoners held there. More than 400 people are still detained at Guantanamo Bay.

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