Front End Engineer & UX Technologist wants to help.

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Scott Blew

Jan 25, 2013, 5:55:27 PM1/25/13
Hello Team Maker Map!! I am working on something similar and came across this project when trying to purchase a good domain name. Funny how that works ;)
In the spirit of open source making I'd like to help and if it makes sense I'd like to share my idea and see how it relates to this project. 

A brief introduction. I am currently the Creative Director @Launchrock but that's just my fancy title. I recently created the UX, worked with our visual designer on the UI and built the front end of our new platform. I have a Master of Architecture and I am problem solver & maker at heart. If you are are curious see more of my work via

How can I help? 

Renee DiResta

Jan 28, 2013, 1:54:16 PM1/28/13
to, justin
Thanks for reaching out here - sorry for the delayed reply, I was at a conference. :)  Would love to hear more about your idea.

As far as what's needed for help, the open issues/feature tracking discussion is happening here: Feel free to implement any of the features listed there.

Scott Blew

Jan 29, 2013, 7:29:19 PM1/29/13
to, justin
No worries, I was traveling myself :)
I took a quick stab at improving the UI which you can see here: and can make changes as soon as people share their thoughts. 

The idea I have been working on is very similar to the maker map but instead of a vast array of resources it's solely focused on mapping 3D printers. Personal and Professional alike. The goal is to connect makers with 3D models to makers with 3D printers and help facilitate printing. This would allow for much faster print times - hours not days, expand the maker community and empower ones with printers to make some extra $$ with their under served printer and extra material.

I'm not sure the best way to combine the maps or if it is beneficial to either of them but I'd love to help build the maker map as well as fork it to start the 3d printer map, does the maker map license allow for this. Both maps are heading in the both direction but for now I want get people printing with the 3D map as quickly as possible.

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