Hardware Startup Job Board

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Feb 11, 2013, 9:02:03 PM2/11/13
to thema...@googlegroups.com
It was suggested by Lyra Levin for the group to have a job board, which we totally need. I'm getting hit up a ton for people and jobs, so I think it'd be a good addition to TheMakerMap. 

First, what do you guys think? 

Second, if you like it, I was hoping to be able to put an simple list of the jobs and use a gForm on the back-end for people to post jobs.

Here's a simple public Google Docs Embed that I'm hoping we can put on a page like TheMakerMap.com/jobs:


For expedience, I was hoping we could embed this in the page, maybe with a simple style to keep the color of the site consistent, but if that's too much trouble, than just the raw gForm.

What do you guys think? If it's cool with you guys, and someone wants to volunteer, then let me know when you need from me.

- Nick


Feb 13, 2013, 6:03:36 PM2/13/13
to thema...@googlegroups.com
What do you think guys?

Robert Han

Feb 14, 2013, 7:23:09 PM2/14/13
to thema...@googlegroups.com
sounds really cool. maybe just go with the google form for now. and see how much demand there is.

I can look into how to add it from a technical prespective


Feb 14, 2013, 8:49:09 PM2/14/13
to thema...@googlegroups.com
Are you saying that I should just do the form separately, or that you'll add the /jobs for that and we can think about further interface in the future?

fred hack

Mar 15, 2013, 9:57:46 AM3/15/13
to thema...@googlegroups.com
New to the group and might be misguided because I'm not exactly seeing how these two would co-exist, but my initial assessment is that it would be best to focus on MakerMap as a resource for makers to buy things and get work completed. 

There are lots of resources for jobs out there, but there's nothing that caters to special needs of makers for resources.  Thomasnet is ok for finding outsourcing of projects, there are the regular online suppliers like digikey/mcmaster carr (I'd often rather source local and in person if I have the option), and lots of google map searching will help to find various stores and suppliers(sometimes)... but having that all in one place... that would be amazing.

At the same time, I can see how a job board for maker types with a cross-section of skills that aren't normally advertised or easily classified could be useful, but again I would see that as a secondary goal that doesn't necessarily fit smoothly with the makermap concept.
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