Emel Mathlouthi: The Voice of the Arab Spring - Live in London, Feb. 14

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Soas Palestine Society

Feb 5, 2015, 10:57:29 AM2/5/15
to PALESTINE...@listserv.soas.ac.uk

Exclusive: Emel Mathlouthi live in London, Feb. 14th. Tickets now on sale.
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Emel Mathlouthi: Exclusive London Gig


This Valentines Day, Feb. 14, join Emel Mathlouthi for this exclusive London concert, followed by an evening of fine North African and Arabic DJ sets. At Rich Mix, London E1 6LA.


Tickets and more here

"I dedicate this album to all those who gave their
lives so that one day Tunisia might be free. The
road is long but every day...a new sun rises and
new hopes emerge...and we are these hopes."
- Emel Mathouthi

Gifted with a powerful, melodic voice singing rebellious lyrics about social justice, singer, songwriter and guitarist Emel Mathlouthi has been hailed as the ‘The Joan Baez of Tunisia’ and the ‘Fairuz of this Generation’. Her captivating style fuses rock and folk with oriental and trip hop influences.
Incorporating the words of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, amongst others, Mathlouthi began writing political lyrics at the age of 15. Dreaming and singing of revolution ever since, as the 2011 protests surged through the Arab world, her music expressed the people’s demands for change. Her lyrics and sounds, old and new, were soon being shared across the region, creating a soundtrack to the Arab Spring (and leading to her being banned by the then Tunisian government).
Don’t miss the chance to catch one of the most original and influential voices of her generation – Emel Mathlouthi plays live at Rich Mix on February 14.
Tickets / Details

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