The Only Way to Land Safely

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Jan 7, 2011, 4:31:35 AM1/7/11
to Israel
The Only Way to Land Safely

It was during a major energy crisis in the United States. From the White House on down, people were turning off lights, canceling or combining automobile trips, and using energy conservation steps they had never even considered before. A Christian college in the Boston area had a chapel with a yellow-lit cross on the top. In keeping with the need to conserve, they turned off that light. Before long, they got an urgent call from an air traffic controller at Logan Airport. He said, "You need to turn on the lights on your cross...immediately!" The college learned that night that they hadn't known before. The flight controller said, "That cross is the first landmark for flights coming in from Europe, and we have a flight coming in on low fuel. I know we're having an energy crisis, but turn on the lights on that cross. If they can't see the lights on the cross, they cannot land safely."

For nearly 2,000 years, the cross has guided people to a safe landing; for their years here on earth and for an eternity in heaven. If you're interested in landing safely, it's vital that you understand how to navigate your way to heaven. That's why I want to "turn the light on the cross" right now. God may have brought you to this place at this time so you can understand how deeply personal the cross of Jesus can be for you and how to find your way to heaven by the way of the cross.

It is, in fact, the only way to get there. I know you can find a lot of people who will debate that, but they have no authority to tell you how to get to God's heaven. Only God can tell you that. Everybody else is just guessing. And God has made the way clear all through the Bible. Take, for example, our word for today from the Word of God in 1 Timothy 2, beginning with verse 3. "God our Savior wants all men to be saved." That's "saved" as in rescued from a situation where we will otherwise die. "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all men." That's "ransom" as in the price you pay to get someone back.

God says there is one person who can bring you together with Him, and that is His Son, Jesus Christ. Why? Because He's the only One who did and the only One who could do what it took for you and me to be forgiven of our sins. He "gave Himself as a ransom." In other words, He paid the price to get us back from our sin and to give us a relationship with God. He didn't just pay the price for you; He was the price for you on the cross, because He loves you with a love you can't even imagine.

So there really is only one way to land safely in heaven someday - the way of the cross, because that cross is where the awful death penalty for your sin and mine was absorbed by God's one and only Son.  In the words of the Bible, "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree..." (1 Peter 2:24). So that cross isn't just history or religion. It's personal. It's deeply personal. It represents the total sacrifice of Jesus on your behalf.

And it is the place where you can leave every wrong thing you've ever done and have it completely forgiven by God; erased from God's records so you'll never meet those sins on Judgment Day. The cross is the place where you trade the hell you deserve for the heaven you could never deserve, and where the incredible love of Almighty God becomes yours for life.

The light is on the cross of Jesus today. Your safe landing depends on your navigating your life by His cross. And you will be forgiven, you will have your name entered in the book of those who are ready for heaven, if and when you put your total trust in Jesus to be your spiritual Rescuer. Because we're talking eternity here, it doesn't make much sense to postpone telling Him that you're opening your life to Him this very day.

We'd love to help you do that if you'll just drop by our website. It's there to briefly explain just how to begin your relationship with Jesus Christ. Just go to Or, if you'd like me to send you that information in my little booklet, Yours For Life, just call and ask for it at 877-741-1200.

Join the Conversation Like an old hymn says, "There's room at the cross for you. Though millions have come, there's still room for one. Yes, there's room at the cross for you."

Ron Hutchcraft

Israel Christian Fellowship

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