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Marriage Seminar at Redemption Rock

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Mike Pratt

Sep 7, 2022, 1:46:11 PM9/7/22

Hello Fellow Glory of God on Cape Cod prayer warriors!


I’m Mike Pratt, the pastor of Redemption Rock in South Chatham and I want to let you know about our upcoming Biblical Marriage Seminar.


If the Lord is willing, on Friday, September 23, from 7-9 PM and Saturday, September 24, from 9AM-5PM we’ll be holding our “What Does a Biblical Marriage Look Like?” seminar.  Everyone is welcome and we still have several openings.  If you’d like to attend, please reply to this email and let me know or register online at the website below.  The fee for the seminar is $50 per couple which includes materials, lunch on Saturday and snacks.


Here’s a website where you can get more information as well as register online if you’d like:


I look forward to seeing you!


In His service,


Mike Pratt




Redemption Rock

195 Meeting House Rd.

S. Chatham, MA 02659

(508) 432-8022 office

(774) 209-0182 mobile



Karen Cummings

Sep 7, 2022, 2:23:43 PM9/7/22
Looking forward to it. 

Rob and Karen Cummings

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Seth Campeau

Sep 7, 2022, 6:10:00 PM9/7/22
HI Mike, short ermail, but this is great and thanks for sharing. We are milling oliver and praying about a marriage discussion family style month.... 
BUt i will let our folks know this is happening late Sept.
Thak you for sharing. I love that we can pool resources together, no church can do it all well. Together we can!!!

On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 1:46 PM Mike Pratt <> wrote:

Mike Pratt

Sep 8, 2022, 1:47:25 PM9/8/22
Amen Seth!  Blessings to you!

Typed with thumbs by Mike Pratt

On Sep 7, 2022, at 6:09 PM, Seth Campeau <> wrote:

HI Mike, short ermail, but this is great and thanks for sharing. We are milling oliver and praying about a marriage discussion family style month.... 
BUt i will let our folks know this is happening late Sept.
Thak you for sharing. I love that we can pool resources together, no church can do it all well. Together we can!!!

On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 1:46 PM Mike Pratt <> wrote:

Hello Fellow Glory of God on Cape Cod prayer warriors!


I’m Mike Pratt, the pastor of Redemption Rock in South Chatham and I want to let you know about our upcoming Biblical Marriage Seminar.


If the Lord is willing, on Friday, September 23, from 7-9 PM and Saturday, September 24, from 9AM-5PM we’ll be holding our “What Does a Biblical Marriage Look Like?” seminar.  Everyone is welcome and we still have several openings.  If you’d like to attend, please reply to this email and let me know or register online at the website below.  The fee for the seminar is $50 per couple which includes materials, lunch on Saturday and snacks.


Here’s a website where you can get more information as well as register online if you’d like:


I look forward to seeing you!


In His service,


Mike Pratt




Redemption Rock

195 Meeting House Rd.

S. Chatham, MA 02659

(508) 432-8022 office

(774) 209-0182 mobile


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