Fwd: Glory of God in NE among Indian churches

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The Glory of God on Cape Cod

Jul 3, 2023, 8:35:54 PM7/3/23
to thegloryofg...@googlegroups.com, thegloryofgo...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ernest Gulla <emgu...@msn.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 8:11 PM
Subject: Glory of God in NE among Indian churches
To: thegloryofg...@gmail.com <thegloryofg...@gmail.com>

Dear Pastors / Elders / Leaders /Familly of God in NE 
  On Saturday , we had the first time gathering with 24 Indian churches from various of different denominations and languages from various states of india , responded to call of God and came together and worshipped with exhortations from pastors / leaders / elders from about 17 churches lasted 31/2 service . It is nothing but the answer to prayers of His people to break down the barriers & come together as one body and one family to exalt the Lord together and pray in unity. 

The gathering started by a brief reminder of why we gather in these monthly multi-church , multi denominations ( pastors & bishops & Fathers ) & languages ( Hindi , English , Tamil, Malayalam , Telugu ..) . Just read your email and wanted to report to you that it is the result of power of prayer 



Pray for us 

Ernest Gulla 
Indian intercessory prayer Group of NE 
India Christian day boston , 2023 
Phone : 508-631-1414 

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