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Daniel de Miranda

Oct 24, 2022, 3:27:59 PM10/24/22
Hello pastors, leaders and members of the Glory of God On Cape Cod!

I am Pastor Daniel DeMiranda, here to announce and invite you to our evangelistic event called +1ForJesus 2022!

Please join us in fasting and praying for a night of Salvation and Encounter, as we are pressing on to reach hundreds of nonbelievers all over Cape Cod!

+1 For Jesus is a night of Worship/ Dance Choreography/ Evangelistic Skit, and a powerful word by Pastor Shane Lima out of Rhode Island!

The event is free, and the idea is to bring at least one nonbeliever with us, so we can fill that auditorium with people who do not know Jesus as Lord, and leave as brothers and sisters in Christ!

If we all work together, we can make this happen! We believe +1ForJesus can become a catalyst on what we have been praying for for years! Revival on Cape Cod!

We covet your prayers and your presence in our midst, it will be an honor for us to host you, your congregation and your invitees!

If you need any more information, feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone.


Daniel DeMiranda
IPR Cape Cod Church
BTF Youth Ministries
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