Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God

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Scott Lively

Apr 22, 2018, 8:22:15 AM4/22/18

An Appeal to New England Clergy
from the Political Mission Field

God is sovereign over all spheres of life, but it takes a special skill set to be a missionary in the realm of politics. Success here requires compromise on everything but one's principles, and one must be so free from the constrictions of denominationalism and religiosity that those principles can be held in their purest and simplest form. One must be able to live faithfully by the spirit of the law and at the same time interact diplomatically and effectively with a diverse range of people who hold conflicting perspectives on the letter of the law: across all religious, racial, ethnic, and ideological lines.    

It is so rare a skill-set, that the mine-field of politics is littered with the bodies (and reputations) of Christians who failed to navigate it safely, and the shame of their moral compromise has brought reproach upon the church.

Which in turn has convinced much of the church to avoid politics altogether.

Which in turn has allowed the enemies of God -- and of basic human goodness -- to gain control of our political processes, through which all the rules we all must live by are made.

Which in turn has resulted in the "Culture of Death" we suffer today all across America, but especially in New England where the church has retreated further into itself than anywhere else in the country.        

By God's grace, and His orchestration of my life's path, I hold that skill-set:

  • Grounded in childhood in the firm confidence He exists as Sovereign over all.

  • Sifted by Satan like Job from the age of twelve, through sixteen years of grave sin and its consequences as an alcoholic and drug addicted transient -- wandering through my own Valley of the Shadow of Death across the face of the earth. 

  • Delivered miraculously and completely in a prayer of surrender to His will in 1986.

  • Trained in the essence of the Biblical worldview through deep, diverse and cross- disciplinary studies of theology, law, history, culture and politics: diverse both in the broad range of academic contexts and in hands-on practical observation and application in more than fifty countries on five continents.

  • Refined in the crucible of persecution for a 30-year John-the-Baptist ministry challenging the Herod of our day, the LGBT movement, and suffering its smoldering wrath in the form of global character assassination by some of the greatest media powers on earth and a series of five major lawsuits, the last in US federal court defining my simple Biblical witness in Africa to be a "crime against humanity": like Paul in the grip of the Romans, with world-wide legal and political implications for the church.  Yet, like Paul, never recanting the truth spoken in love, and finally released by the Hand of God. 

  • Led by the Holy Spirit to boldly enter this mission field proclaiming into the darkness of the political realm that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, intimidated by the scorn of the world, nor daunted by the challenge of governing a secular society with tolerance and respect for all citizens.

The men and women who best exemplified the skill-set with which I have been gifted by God, are our Founders.  Their genius provided the legal, political and ideological foundations and framework of this nation in our US and Massachusetts constitutions.

All we need to do is give those documents the same controlling authority they had prior to the anti-American Marxist revolution of the 1960s and we WILL be restored to our former security, prosperity and morality.

I am leading a campaign to achieve that, risking all that I am and have to do so in a manner that honors God and assures the electorate I do not seek a theocracy, but merely a secular system administered ethically -- as the Founders intended.  

If you, the clergy and believers across New England, give strength to this campaign through your prayers and practical support, it can become a revolution and perhaps even a revival.

I ask for your support.

Dr. Scott Lively

PS.  Specific Prayer Request: for His grace and power at the GOP convention April 28th. 

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