Fwd: Special Speaker Next Week: Testimony of a Muslim Convert's Face to Face Encounter with Jesus Christ

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Deb Tudor

Oct 4, 2017, 9:29:23 PM10/4/17
to thegloryofgo...@googlegroups.com, thegloryofg...@googlegroups.com
My name is Deborah Tudor. My husband, Bill, and I split our time between Hoosick Falls, NY where we are members of Community Alliance Church and here in West Hyannisport where we attend Osterville Baptist.
In the spring of 2015 we were in Hawaii on vacation. Randomly, we chose from a google search a church to attend on the Sunday morning we were in Lihue. During the time of announcements, we were told that a young woman, who had converted from Islam to Christianity, would be speaking that evening. We decided to come back to hear what she had to say. Her name was Samaa Habib. She is both an author (Face to Face With Jesus) and an accomplished speaker.  Her testimony was riveting and inspiring and authentic.   I would strongly encourage all of you to make a concerted effort to come out to one of the meetings this coming week and bring a friend, family member or neighbor to hear her speak. I would also add, Samaa would be especially inspiring for teens in your fellowship. You all will be blessed. 

-----Original Message-----
From: The Glory of God on Cape Cod <nor...@blastbox.com>
To: dhtteach <dhtt...@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 3, 2017 5:30 am
Subject: Special Speaker Next Week: Testimony of a Muslim Convert's Face to Face Encounter with Jesus Christ

Dear friends,
We live in unprecedented times in which millions of Muslims are coming to Christ, many of them through supernatural encounters with Jesus Christ in dreams and visions. The word of God promised this would happen:
"And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams..." (Acts 2:17)
 Furthermore, Isaiah specifically prophesied regarding the descendants of Ishmael, that multitudes of them will come to know the Lord:
"The multitude of camels shall cover your land,The dromedaries of Midian and Ephah;
All those from Sheba shall come; They shall bring gold and incense, And they shall proclaim the praises of the Lord.7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together to you,
The rams of Nebaioth shall minister to you;They shall ascend with acceptance on My altar,

 And I will glorify the house of My glory." (Isaiah 60:6,7)

Nebaioth was the firstborn of Ishmael, and Kedar was his second born. The descendants of Ishmael settled in the area known in the modern world as the Arabian Peninsula (Geniesis 25: 13,18). You can find more about what God is doing in the Muslim world here.
One such former Muslim who experienced a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ is Samaa Habib.
Samaa Habib was born in the Middle East and is the author of Face to Face with Jesus. A Muslim convert who had dreams and visions of Jesus and encountered His love, after her baptism, she suffered severe trials and persecution. In a terrorist bomb attack on her church she was severely injured and had a death experience. She had face to face heavenly supernatural encounter with Jesus  which marked her for eternity. That encounter ended with Jesus commissioning her to come back and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and His soon return. Jesus raised her from the dead, healed her miraculously, and gave her grace to forgive those who persecuted her, to pray, bless and share the love of Christ with them. She travels throughout the world sharing her story and encouraging believers to proclaim and bring the Kingdom of God into the world. Her greatest passion is to live in the manifest presence of God and to carry His glory to the ends of the earth. Samaa inspires believers to fall passionately in love with Jesus and burn for Him, by sharing His love with their neighbors and even their enemies. She is committed to raising up a multitude of uncompromising bold and courageous followers of Christ who will take up the cross and deny themselves and follow Him even unto death.  Samaa inspires and mobilizes believers in evangelism and discipleship to the Muslim world and to the persecuted church, awakening them to their calling in Christ.
The following churches invite you to come hear Samaa in person. You will be inspired and encouraged in your walk with the Lord as you hear of God's mighty hand in her story. This is also a great evangelistic opportunity for you to invite an unbelieving family or friend to hear the gospel.
The following is her speaking schedule:
1. Sunday October 8th  at Hilltop Church in Cambridge, MA at  both 9:30 am and 11:00 am services: http://www.hilltopboston.com
2. Wednesday October 11th at  7 pm: Mashpee Baptist Church, in Mashpee, MA

3. Friday October 13th at 7 pm :New Testament Church in Plymouth, MA:

 4. Thursday October 12th at 7 pm : Anglican Church of the Resurrection in Brewster, MA

 5. Sunday October 15th at 10:00 am: Mid-Cape Worship Center in Dennisport, MA
Here is what others say about Samaa and her story:
From Foursquare Church:
From Breathecast:
From God Reports:
From Joel's Trumpet:
From Rocking God's House:

We look forward to seeing at at these services! Samaa will be sharing her testimony at all the sevices and she will be delivering a different message as well in each service, as the Lord leads her.

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