Remote connections to DB

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Ivan Joyce

Aug 15, 2024, 9:35:09 PM8/15/24
to TheDBCommunity
We've been using a field service application, firstly developed in ObjectPal in the late 90s. It's been working perfectly for us, but it lacks remote access via mobile phone for service jobs, invoicing, and inventory records etc. We've searched for a suitable replacement, but although there are some nifty new features, nothing approaches the workflow, simplicity, and ease of use of our own.
Consequently, we're forced to consider the further development of our app, but as our knowledge doesn't extend to this level, I'm wondering if the group has any thoughts? Are we flogging a dead horse? Is this even an option worth considering?
Any comments will be most appreciated.

Kevin Zawicki

Aug 15, 2024, 11:21:43 PM8/15/24
to TheDBCommunity

Are you located in Australia?

We traded emails about 14 months ago, on another issue, I think.



Due diligence…

Paradox is stagnant, no new version or features. Having supported and still supporting several paradox systems I would still suggest / recommend this (having been asked many times what to do on the scenario):



1.       explore off-the shelf products first. See if you can meet your requirements. Seems like you have done that and not seen anything that meets your needs.

2.       Rebuild in new technology. There are many choices, Visual Studio / SQL, web based, many options. It sounds like you would need a developer to do that, it is often not a small cost (But ongoing paradox support – there are not many of us left, is not without cost either.) But it can be customized and run on many devices and platforms. You can likely recreate any features you currently have.



I support several businesses that require small enhancements, maintenance, bug fixes, etc. Most of them are small-scale, small business. Often only looking to keep it running until they retire, etc. Several of us here have keep systems running for a while now. Some needed the existing system to run for a few years while new system was being built, the new builder not need or having much knowledge of Paradox.

                You can post any Paradox question here and often and get several answers, but



Some items to consider:

-          Every time a new version of Windows rolls out or a new Windows update, there is a change of losing the capability of running Paradox. But it has not happened yet.

-          If your system is on stand alone PC or small simple network that is one thing, but the larger the topology the more complex it can be to keep it running.

-          A Paradox system can be enhanced by third party tools, but your core system will remain outdated.

-          How much longer do you expect it to be in use?

-          You can d a hybrid where you start a new system and parallel until ready to switch.

Example: Move the data to SQL and rework the rest to use that SQL, then move the front end.

-          If you move to new system, can afford the cost and time, it would be best to start clean and migrate the data from old to new.

-          “remote access via mobile phone for service jobs, invoicing, and inventory records etc. “… that is not going to happen with pure Paradox. But you could develop an app for mobile devices in new technology and share the data across systems.


Having said all that, I (and others here) do support Paradox systems. My consulting business continues to support Paradox.

If you want to email me privately, I can take look and offer some detailed free advice.

Ivan Joyce

Aug 16, 2024, 7:43:07 AM8/16/24
to TheDBCommunity
Hi Kevin,

Yes, we did trade emails for some drag and drop code that was causing me grief. Unfortunately, some personal challenges forced me to downsize and stop further development... until now, as my son is taking over the business.

Wow, much to consider. My heart very much says to remain (at least in part) with Paradox, as I've come to love the old dear; plus, it works exactly the way we work. However, as you've clearly laid out, I recognise the challenges ahead, not the least of which is my personal and ongoing responsibility to maintain the system.

Your option 2 (Rebuild in New Technology) has the most appeal, and yet that comes with its own challenges as well: learning a new language and lack of time (and mental capacity) to develop a full featured app.

Thanks so much for your comments, which are most enlightening. Thanks also for your kind offer. I still have a couple of off the shelf options to review, but if I don't have any luck, I'll be making contact.

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