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Dec 18, 2023, 11:36:40 AM12/18/23
to TheDBCommunity
Liz M. created this group so that we have a place to discuss Paradox use and programming once theDBCommunity news server goes read-only and then offline. IMO, our activity level is low enough that we only need one group.  Given that we only have this one, please make sure your subject line is helpful. :)

Google groups allows you to subscribe to notifications and reply by email (you'll see details and options when you join the group).

I have set it up to maintain privacy so group members will not be able to see each others' email addresses.  I'm happy to show all the details of the group configuration, if you want to see it.

Please let me know if you have questions or problems.  Please reply with your thoughts on whether this will work as a replacement.


Kevin Zawicki

Dec 19, 2023, 9:37:27 AM12/19/23
to TheDBCommunity
I support various Paradox based systems. I think this will work, have to get a few conversations going to see how it plays out.

Kevin Z. 


Dec 19, 2023, 11:56:31 PM12/19/23
to TheDBCommunity
:) Glad to see you here, Kevin!  Thanks for helping test.

Mark Bannister

Dec 20, 2023, 9:45:21 AM12/20/23
to TheDBCommunity
Hey, I figured it out!


Dec 20, 2023, 2:13:34 PM12/20/23
to TheDBCommunity
Hooray!  Happy to see you here, Mark.

Steven Green

Dec 21, 2023, 12:33:43 PM12/21/23
to TheDBCommunity
ok.. so it thinks I'm my gmail account.. that's ok


Dec 21, 2023, 8:02:41 PM12/21/23
to TheDBCommunity
:) Welcome, Steve!  Glad you've joined us.
-- Liz


May 12, 2024, 2:17:55 AM5/12/24
to TheDBCommunity
My 1st posting (wanna see, how it's looks like)

i've this "problem" with DynArray

  dy  DynArray[] String

dy["a"] = "1"
dy["A"] = "2"
msgInfo(dy["a"], dy["A"])

shows the following result:    2        2
but I need (expect):                 1        2

is it possible to use within a DynArray case sensitive keys?



somebode shoult announce this new pnews-location in all threads in the old TheDbCommunity

Steven Green

May 12, 2024, 8:58:40 AM5/12/24
to TheDBCommunity
> is it possible to use within a DynArray case sensitive keys?

as far as I know, no.. if you're counting  upper/lower letters like that, I'd make a "UA" for "upper a, "la" for lower a, or something like that.. or use the ascii char for the dyn element name.. numbers, then uppers, then lowers

> Hint: somebode shoult announce this new pnews-location in all threads in the old TheDbCommunity

good idea


May 12, 2024, 9:22:47 AM5/12/24
to TheDBCommunity
It looks like Larry will have to do it - when I try to post to multiple groups, the server prompts me for a login, but I don't have a login.  Even when I exclude those groups that I think might be read-only (announcements and faq), it still prompts me for a login (not only that, but once it's done that once, I can't even read newsgroups without it prompting me to log in).

(And my attempts to email Larry in the past have always gone unanswered, so I don't know how to contact him directly.)


Kevin Zawicki

May 12, 2024, 11:31:41 AM5/12/24
to TheDBCommunity


If you do this:

  dy  DynArray[] String

dy["a"] = "1"

dy["A"] = "2"

you will see you have replaced element “a” with 2.

If you really need to do that you could use a table or inMemory tcursor.


May 12, 2024, 2:37:16 PM5/12/24
to TheDBCommunity
At the beginning i wanto to do it with one UTF8-dynArray - and get the mentioned problen. Search some hours, why it don't work like I wanted it (the problem could be everywhere).

As I found the case sensitivity problem, then it was easier to solve that problem.

I did it nearly the same way, as you've mentioned (two dynArrays (for upper and lower letters [incl. all special chars])). ascii chars are not of interest, because they are the same within ANSI and UTF8 codings.
I need it for a "translation" from UTF8 text to ANSI text (eg. code page 1250, 1252, ...) and then import it to a pdox table.
and within UTF8 the lower cases have different codes to upper cases. Therefore, I did it like this:
- have 2 dynArrays and go through both of them.
- if a UTF8 seqence is found within the text, then I know to which special ANSI-char in a dynArray it belongs, and i'd replace any UTF8-codes in the whole text with the ANSI letter.
- after all chars in both dynArrays are finished, all UTF8 sequences are replaced with ANSI chars and I've a ANSI-text usable within DB-tables.

ps: of course, there are other solutions (I've another one with Visual Studio C#), but in this solution I can use it directly within a script and library ... for my purposes it's a little bit easier solution.


Dátum: nedeľa 12. mája 2024, čas: 14:58:40 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Steven Green

Larry DiGiovanni

Jul 30, 2024, 1:10:49 PM7/30/24
to TheDBCommunity
This will take some getting used to....  :-)


Jul 30, 2024, 1:12:54 PM7/30/24
to TheDBCommunity
Hey look!  It's Larry! :D

Larry DiGiovanni

Jul 31, 2024, 9:40:38 AM7/31/24
to TheDBCommunity
It is I!

Let me know when's a good time to shut down pnews.  I'm happy to leave it up for a few weeks or months, given that I went AWOL.  :-)

I'll try to figure out a plan to pull the news articles in raw form for anyone who's interested.  

For the website, I believe I'd promised a dump of the CMS SQL, which I'll try to provide as well.

Steven Green

Jul 31, 2024, 9:53:40 AM7/31/24
to TheDBCommunity
I have everything back to 2002 in thunderbird.. I'll do a backup, if there's a way to convert it all to something we can use, or if somebody wants to attach it to their thunderbird.. and it's all gonna still be there, in my thunderbird

Michael Sharpe

Jul 31, 2024, 10:31:39 AM7/31/24
to TheDBCommunity
Thunderbird allows for various exports including to html (with attachments) so while I also have it all in Thunderbird I have the exports in html as well.

Steven Green

Jul 31, 2024, 11:10:23 AM7/31/24
to TheDBCommunity
Michael.. awesome !!


Jul 31, 2024, 8:16:52 PM7/31/24
to TheDBCommunity
Apparently there are folks who refuse to use google groups, but I don't know what else to do for them, since no one else is willing / able to propose a viable long-term alternative.  Anywho, since you're the admin, could you post to all groups (I get login prompts when I try to do that) with your schedule and the link back to here, so folks know what's coming?

If you send me a link to download the dumps you create, I can put them up on theDBCommunity.com once I take back the DNS control and add it to my hosting.  Then they'll be available to all who want them.


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