At the beginning i wanto to do it with one UTF8-dynArray - and get the mentioned problen. Search some hours, why it don't work like I wanted it (the problem could be everywhere).
As I found the case sensitivity problem, then it was easier to solve that problem.
I did it nearly the same way, as you've mentioned (two dynArrays (for upper and lower letters [incl. all special chars])). ascii chars are not of interest, because they are the same within ANSI and UTF8 codings.
I need it for a "translation" from UTF8 text to ANSI text (eg. code page 1250, 1252, ...) and then import it to a pdox table.
and within UTF8 the lower cases have different codes to upper cases. Therefore, I did it like this:
- have 2 dynArrays and go through both of them.
- if a UTF8 seqence is found within the text, then I know to which special ANSI-char in a dynArray it belongs, and i'd replace any UTF8-codes in the whole text with the ANSI letter.
- after all chars in both dynArrays are finished, all UTF8 sequences are replaced with ANSI chars and I've a ANSI-text usable within DB-tables.
ps: of course, there are other solutions (I've another one with Visual Studio C#), but in this solution I can use it directly within a script and library ... for my purposes it's a little bit easier solution.
Dátum: nedeľa 12. mája 2024, čas: 14:58:40 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Steven Green