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The Daf Map

Jan 3, 2023, 2:06:27 PM1/3/23
to The Daf Map
To my dear supporters of The Daf Map Program

In my computer setup, I use a dual monitor system. last night, one of the monitors died and now my workflow has significantly slowed because everything is done on one screen. I need to purchase a new monitor and I hope that someone out there may be willing to help me out financially. 

To be clear, I use the dual monitor setup for The Daf Map program for web design and assisting with video editing and other aspects of The Daf Map. However, I also use the second monitor for my parnasah as a graphic artist.

Thank you to all of you for your continued support of this project. Please continue to spread the word about The Daf Map. We want to accomplish much more with HaRav Yehonosan Berger, Shlita's program.

Ben Jakob
The Daf Map

Learning TheDaf

Jan 3, 2023, 2:24:55 PM1/3/23
to The Daf Map
I just donated 25.00 on to help towards this purchase. 
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