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The Daf Map

May 10, 2023, 10:05:43 PM5/10/23
to The Daf Map

Dear Talmidim of Rabbi Yehonasan Berger, Shlita, AMUSH,

I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health.

I am reaching out to you for your help in growing The Daf Map system and educating other people about the benefits of The Daf Map system. As you may have heard, I am HaRav Berger’s first student and I only heard about the system a year ago.

During this past year, I have built a comprehensive website with all the Rav’s shiurim (both pdf’s and corresponding English and Hebrew audio), where someone can download for free all the material from the Rav. I have put together a Spotify channel, and with some help, a YouTube channel, a Whatsapp channel, a Forum, and much more. I also made a store where people can purchase complete mesechtos in either digital or printed formats.

I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude to some of you who have been so kind and donated to The Daf Map to help cover some of my expenses. Tizku Lemitzvos and may you be zoche to everything good from the Big Boss.

You have benefited from HaRav Yehonasan Berger, Shlita’s system and as I mentioned above, I have been promoting it to the best of my ability for the past year. It is at this point that I turn to you for your advice and assistance.

The following is a list of areas that we would like to explore and feel that as a student of Rabbi Berger’s system, you (or someone you would recommend) would be able to help us achieve these goals.

The following is a list of some of the areas in which your help would be appreciated. Any area(s) that you can contribute to would be much appreciated. However, if you have any other ideas that are not on this list, I am certainly open to your suggestions. We are putting together this material to encourage others to join and benefit from this system. Although I mention videos below, I am happy to use any format that you may want to send (Word document, jpg, gif, etc.).

  • ·         You have used the system to one extent or another and know how it helped you. There have probably been multiple ways that it has helped you learn Gemara on a deeper level and retain the material. Can you make a few five-minute videos explaining how different aspects of the system have been of benefit to you? (One video per topic)
  • ·         Make a short video explaining how you specifically used the system.
  • ·         Make a short video explaining how you have grown from it.
  • ·         Make a short video explaining how this system is different from Artscroll – how you would use both together, or one over the other – not disparaging Artscroll, just how this may have worked for you. (Others have asked this question.)
  • ·         What is the “Nosay”, what is its purpose, and how did it come about?
  • ·         What is the “Mivneh”, what is its purpose, and how did it come about?
  • ·         Any other topics that you may know that can help educate other people as to why the system is for them.

We are looking for volunteers to help The Daf Map grow and thrive. Here are some of the ways you may be able to assist us.

  • ·         Spreading the Word - Contacting other individuals and organizations who can benefit from The Daf Map
  • ·         Help set up a 501c3 – non-profit organization
  • ·         Fundraising/donations
  • ·         Business sponsorship (advertisements)
  • ·         Daily sponsors
  • ·         Proofer for the website
  • ·         Moderating the Forum
  • ·         Adobe Illustrator – to create the geometric shapes for printing the Gemara *
  • ·         Daily postings on multiple social media
  • ·         Photoshop – to edit photos to remove artifacts *
  • ·         Audio editing of the shiurim in preparation for the video editing *
  • ·         Video editing of the shiurim *

With much appreciation and thanks, I extend to you beracha and hatzlacha.

Ben Jakob




                * We may be able to help you learn these skills so you can help us

Jake Counne

Jun 1, 2023, 8:13:37 PM6/1/23
to The Daf Map
Did you end up finding help for opening a 501c3? I have someone that can help you.

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