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Ben Jakob

Sep 21, 2023, 7:07:33 PM9/21/23
to The Daf Map

To The Daf Map members and friends, 

We wish everyone a Gemar Chasima Tova (A healthy and happy New Year). I would also like to thank all our supporters who have generously donated their time and money to help bring this project to fruition. However, we are far from reaching our goals and need your help.  

We have many new and exciting ideas that we are currently working on for The Daf Map. Your continued support both financially and with your time is greatly needed at this juncture. If you would like specific information about some of the projects we are planning, please visit our website or send us an email 

If you would like to donate to sponsor a specific daf, perek or mesechta, please let us know. We are also accepting donations for the video editor who is working hard on editing the audios and creating the videos from HaRav Berger, Shlita’s lectures. The maintenance and updating of the website take a significant amount of time and if you would like to donate to the webmaster for his efforts, that would also be appreciated. 

When donating at one of our donation sites, please mention the purpose of the donation so that we may disperse the funds appropriately and give you proper credit. 

Thank you for your continued support of this project. Please continue to spread the word about The Daf Map. There is so much more we want to accomplish with HaRav Yehonosan Berger, Shlita's program. 

The Daf Map for the Daf Yomi • A podcast 
 Hatzlacha and may HaShem bless you with all good.  

Ben Jakob 


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