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Learning TheDaf

Dec 22, 2022, 9:53:02 PM12/22/22
to The Daf Map
I would like to take a moment to share the story of how I got started with becoming the “EdiTorah” for “The Daf Map.”

Ben messaged me about a new website of his and I immediately asked how I can help. He mentioned that he needed some backend website help and I quickly realized that it is not in my skill set and I asked if he had anything else that he needed help with?

He responded that indeed he did need help with video editing for the Gemara’s. I started in the middle of Meseches Yevamos, with a program that was not at all easy to use, and then we discovered “Shotcut,” and I now use it for every video. It was during that time that I started learning how to edit the audio portion of the video that I simply added the appropriate daf to match and not much else. Later, I learned (thanks to Ben’s professional advice and when he felt I was ready to learn a specific aspect of the editing process) how to transition between different graphics and aspects of the audio-edit process. There’s a gradual improvement from the first videos I edited to the current ones. I try to make each one better than the previous.

Around Kesubos 68, I had a couple of weeks where I was able to focus more on the editing and less on my day job. During this time, I discovered that, because I have more time to spend, I could upgrade the quality of the videos. I discovered that by taking a screenshot of the side margin notes the “Nosay, Mivneh” for example and editing it in a program (Paint 3D is what I currently use), I could transform the notes that was limited by the margin space and recreate it visually by rearranging the text to be read in a clearer manner.

I also realized that I could do the same with the commentaries that the Magid Shiur is speaking about and present it visually so the viewer can see it nice and big to make it easier to read which is a contrast to the “Tzuras Hadaf” which is just there while matching the audio (by the way, on the gigantic wall screens, it is easy to see, even from a distance).

With each video, I try to make the next one better and add innovative ideas as they occur to me, with the Big Boss’ help.

The journey has been exciting, nerve-racking (did I do a good job?) and I’m thankful for all the positive feedback that I’m getting that it helps me to relax knowing that people like it.

I recently edited my 250th video and I’m happy to hear people say that they’re learning more because of it.

My next goal is, with The Big Boss’ help, to be consistently 10 dafim ahead!

Please share your thoughts, comments, and suggestions for future videos. What would you like to see in the video?

Yours Truly,

The EdiTorah

Learning TheDaf

Dec 22, 2022, 10:36:34 PM12/22/22
to The Daf Map
Happy 5th Day of Chanuka!

Here's the link to watch the videos:

If you haven't yet, please subscribe and share it with others. 

I really would like to hear your suggestions and comments, you can email me privately or post to this thread. 

Learning TheDaf

Dec 28, 2022, 7:05:38 PM12/28/22
to The Daf Map
We started adding a "WATCH NEXT" link to the YouTube video comments. Are there other things that you would like to see? Please let us know. 

Learning TheDaf

Jan 2, 2023, 2:26:37 PM1/2/23
to The Daf Map
There are some glitches when posting the "watch next" link where the comment disappears and it shows up as having X comments, with no comments posted. I thought this would be a good idea to post it on YouTube so that it would make it easier when viewing. The posting of comments in general, for me, at least, has been an ongoing issue for several months. We are looking into other ideas and when we have them, we will let you know.

For the time being, this will be on pause. If, anyone reading this, has a good solution for this issue, please let us know. 

In general, we are looking for people to help us out with The Daf Map project,  and if you're interested, please reach out to us.  

The EdiTorah
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