Democracy Murdered By Protest — Ukraine Falls To Intrigue and violence

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Blue Pilgrim

Feb 24, 2014, 1:13:46 AM2/24/14
As one commenter on an RT news story said of the
US and Europe "You wanted a bicycle; now learn to ride it"

I made a comment there too:
"Understand that Putin is smarter by half than
Obama and his imperialist neolib gang, including
the Euro-fascists. He is subtle. Do not underestimate him!

Perhaps he considers shedding the West of
Ukraine and it's neonazis as an advantage, as per
a *Jabowntski sacrifice, which he used
effectively with Syria and it's chemical weapons.
The constructed greater Ukraine, with the western
part added, was as much a drain as an asset, and
will prove to be a drain to the western empire,
as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They have enough rope to hang themselves. "

(*This is a term I've seen used in reference to
Putin, but I can find no other reference to it.
It is supposed to mean sacrificing a low
functional chess piece to create space and or
time for maneuvering elsewhere. That's been a
common mode of sacrifice (gambit)
forever. Perhaps someone misspelled the name, or just made it up.)

The censors are busy. Can't get this through the
spam filter with the links intact. Have to break
them. You can easily get the one in the article
by going to the original post at his site.

http://ww ulcraig
-murdered-protest-ukraine-falls-int rigue-viole nce/

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Democracy Murdered By Protest — Ukraine Falls To Intrigue and violence
February 23, 2014 | Categories: Articles &
Columns | Tags: Muzychko, Right Sector, Russia,
Ukraine, Yarosh, | Print This Article

Democracy Murdered By Protest
Ukraine Falls To Intrigue and violence

Paul Craig Roberts

Who’s in charge? Certainly not the
bought-and-paid-for-moderates that Washington and
the EU hoped to install as the new government of
Ukraine. The agreement that the Washington and EU
supported opposition concluded with President
Yanukovich to end the crisis did not last an
hour. Even the former boxing champion, Vitaly
Klitschko, who was riding high as an opposition
leader until a few hours ago has been booed by
the rioters and shoved aside. The newly appointed
president by what is perhaps an irrelevant
parliament, Oleksandr Turchynov, has no support
base among those who overthrew the government. As
the BBC reports, “like all of the mainstream
opposition politicians, Mr. Turchynov is not
entirely trusted or respected by the protesters
in Kiev’s Independence Square.”

In western Ukraine the only organized and armed
force is the ultra-nationalist Right Sector. From
the way this group’s leaders speak, they assume
that they are in charge. One of the group’s
leaders, Aleksandr Muzychko, has pledged to fight
against “Jews and Russians until I die.”
Asserting the Right Sector’s authority over the
situation, Muzychko declared that now that the
democratically elected government has been
overthrown, “there will be order and discipline”
or “Right Sector squads will shoot the bastards on the spot.”

The bastards are any protesters who dare to protest the Right Sector’s control.

Muzychko declared, “The next president of Ukraine will be from Right Sector.”

Another Right Sector leader, Dmitry Yarosh,
declared: “the Right Sector will not lay down its
arms.” He declared the deal made between the
opposition and the President to be “unacceptable”
and demanded the liquidation of President Yanukovich’s political party.

The Right Sector’s roots go back to the
Ukrainians who fought for Adolf Hitler against
the Soviet Union during World War 2. It was the
Right Sector that introduced armed fighters and
turned the tide of the protests in Kiev from
peaceful protests in favor of joining the EU to
violent attacks on police with the view of
overthrowing the democratically elected
government, which the Right Sector succeeded in doing.

The Right Sector did not overthrow the Ukraine
government in order to deliver it into the hands
of the Washington and EU paid “opposition.”

There is a tendency to discount the Right Sector
as a small fringe group, but the Right Sector not
only took control of the protests away from the
Western supported moderates, as moderate leaders
themselves admitted, but also the Right Sector
has enough public support to destroy the national
monument to the Red Army soldiers who died
liberating Ukraine from Nazi Germany.

Unlike the US orchestrated toppling of the
stature of Saddam Hussein, which was a PR event
for the presstitutes in which Iraqis themselves
were not involved, Ukrainian rightists’
destruction of the monument commemorating the Red
Army’s liberation of the Ukraine had public
support. If the Right Sector hates Russians for
defeating the Nazis, the Right Sector also hates
the US, France, and England for the same reason.
The Right Sector is an unlikely political party to take Ukraine into the EU.

The Russian parts of Ukraine clearly understand
that the Right Sector’s destruction of the
monument commemorating the stand of the Red Army
against the German troops is a threat against the
Russian population of Ukraine. Provincial
governments in eastern and southern Ukraine that
formerly were part of Russia are organizing
militias against the ultra-nationalist threat
unleashed by Washington’s stupidity and
incompetence and by the naive and gullible Kiev protesters.

Having interfered in Ukraine’s internal affairs
and lost control, Washington is now issuing
ultimatums to Russia not to interfere in Ukraine.
Does the idiot Susan Rice, Obama’s
neoconservative National Security Advisor, think
Putin is going to pay any attention to her
ultimatums or to any instruction from a
government so militarily incompetent that it was
unable to successfully occupy Baghdad after 8
years or to defeat a few thousand lightly armed
Taliban after 12 years? In only took a few hours
for Russian troops to destroy the American and
Israeli trained and armed Georgian army that
Washington sent to invade South Ossetia.

Where does Obama find morons like Susan Rice and
Victoria Nuland? These two belong in a
kindergarten for mentally handicapped children,
not in the government of a superpower where their
ignorance and arrogance can start World War 3.

Ukraine is far more important to Russia than it
is to the US or EU. If the situation in Ukraine
spirals out of control and right-wing extremists
seize control, Russian intervention is certain.
The arrogant and stupid Obama regime has
carelessly and recklessly created a direct
strategic threat to the existence of Russia.

According to the Moscow Times, this is what a
senior Russian official has to say: “If Ukraine
breaks apart, it will trigger a war.” Ukraine
“will lose Crimera first,” because Russia “will
go in just as we did in Georgia.” Another Russian
official said: “ We will not allow Europe and the
US to take Ukraine from us. The states of the
former Soviet Union, we are one family. They
think Russia is still as weak as in the early 1990s but we are not.”

The Ukrainian right-wing is in a stronger
position than Washington’s paid Ukrainian
puppets, essentially weak and irrelevant persons
who sold out their country for Washington’s
money. The Right Sector is organized. It is
armed. It is indigenous. It is not dependent on
money funneled in from Washington and EU financed
NGOs. It has an ideology, and it is focused. The
Right Sector doesn’t have to pay its protesters
to take to the streets like Washington had to do.

Most importantly, well-meaning but stupid
protesters­especially the Kiev students­and an
Ukrainian parliament playing to the protesters
destroyed Ukrainian democracy. The opposition
controlled parliament removed an elected
president from office without an election, an
obvious illegal and undemocratic action. The
opposition controlled parliament issued illegal
arrest warrants for members of the president’s
government. The opposition controlled parliament
illegally released criminals from prison. As the
opposition has created a regime of illegality in
place of law and constitutional procedures, the
field is wide open for the Right Sector. Expect
everything the opposition did to Yanukovich to be
done to them by the Right Sector. By their own
illegal and unconstitutional actions, the
opposition has set the precedent for their own demise.

Just as the February 1917 revolution against the
Russian Tsar set the stage for the October 1917
Bolshevik Revolution, surprising the stupid
“reformers,” the overthrow of the Ukrainian
political order has set the stage for the Right
Sector. We can only hope that the Right Sector blows its chance.

The American media is a useless news source. It
serves as a Ministry for Government Lies. The
corrupt propagandists are portraying the
undemocratic removal of Yanukovich as a victory
for freedom and democracy. When it begins to leak
out that everything has gone wrong, the
presstitutes will blame it all on Russia and
Putin. The Western media is a plague upon humanity.

Americans have no idea that the neoconservative
regime of the White House Fool is leading them
into a Great Power Confrontation that could end
in destruction of life on earth.

Ironic, isn’t it. America’s “first black
president,” the person liberals thought would
restore justice, morality, and reason to Western
civilization, is instead now positioned as the
person who will have to accept humiliating defeat
or risk the destruction of life on earth.


http://r /news/ukraine-right-secto r-militants-210/

http://r nument-toppled- ukraine-351/

http://rt. co m/news/ukra ine-acting-president-y anukovich-339/

http://rt. com/news/ukraine-o pposition-ya nukovich-coup-273/

http:// www.the
s/article/russia-pledges-to-fight- for-crimea-if-ukraine-splits/495034.html

http://ww urope-26312008

http://ww w.channel4.c om/news/kiev-s
voboda-far-right-pro tests-right-sector-r iot-police

About Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor
of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for
Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and
Creators Syndicate. He has had many university
appointments. His internet columns have attracted
a worldwide following. His latest book, The
Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic
Dissolution of the West is now available.

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