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Stage Edge Floor Monitor

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Art Zemon

Oct 21, 2024, 9:48:57 PM10/21/24
to theatre-sound-list
In musicals, our actors often complain that they cannot hear the piano. I am thinking of using one of those small thin home theater sound bars as a floor monitor at the edge of the stage. Any thoughts or alternative suggestions? I don't really want to go with a full size floor wedge because I'm afraid folks won't want something that big and visually distracting.

Community theater budget, of course.

    -- Art Z.

In a place where there are no humans, strive to be human. [Pirkei Avot 2:5]

Jonathan Woytek

Oct 23, 2024, 1:54:20 PM10/23/24
I tend to stash a couple of monitors at the front corners of the stage. I don't have the luxury of flying them, though that's another possibility if you have flyable components and competent riggers available (as well as the appropriate anchor points, of course). For some shows, I've also added support on stage hidden in set pieces when needed for specific numbers. 

There are some good options for small format speakers at reasonable budget levels. I have a couple of EV ZXA1's that get a lot of use at this duty. They are powered and can be found used for reasonable prices. They are small enough that you could fit one center stage or a spaced set of two and they won't have a large visual impact. The EV PXM-12MP is a bit larger but also sounds better and is a more flexible package. It's a wedge-format powered unit with coaxially mounted 12" and HF drivers. These would probably be harder to find used as they're still relatively new, but the price point is pretty good. They're still small enough to be pretty low-impact visually, and pack a surprising amount of power. 

I promise I'm not just an EV fanboy. I do own both of these and have had experience doing exactly what you're trying to do with them, and can say that they both are quite capable. There are many similar options. I don't think I would consider a TV sound bar for this application. I suspect it will run out of clarity pretty quickly when pushed to the levels needed. 


On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 9:48 PM Art Zemon <> wrote:
In musicals, our actors often complain that they cannot hear the piano. I am thinking of using one of those small thin home theater sound bars as a floor monitor at the edge of the stage. Any thoughts or alternative suggestions? I don't really want to go with a full size floor wedge because I'm afraid folks won't want something that big and visually distracting.

Jonathan Woytek
PGP:  462C 5F50 144D 6B09 3B65  FCE8 C1DC DEC4 E8B6 AABC

page daniel

Oct 23, 2024, 2:08:57 PM10/23/24

Flyable (Fly points built in) ETX series version has plywood cabinets
and of course the flypoints. I have a set (7) of ETX 10P that might not
be the best, but I am pleased with them. Probably too large for your
application, but they can be used as nice floor wedges too. For really
small speakers I use those designed as recording monitors. Mackie
SRM150's are also in my inventory.


Simon Eves

Oct 23, 2024, 2:52:39 PM10/23/24
We have four of these (except in black) which we find very useful. I inherited them from somebody else and have no idea where they came from originally.

We leave two mounted on the downstage corners of our usual venue, and a third is high up on the back wall for upstage sound effects.

The only issue is that they are a little too omni for my liking. Quite a lot of sound into the audience too.

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Art Zemon

Oct 23, 2024, 11:32:04 PM10/23/24
to theatre-sound-list
Thanks guys. Jonathan in particular, I like your idea of stashing a couple of speakers at the corners of the stage. I might try that next time.

This time, I got a cheap soundbar from Target and am trying it at the front center. We might get away with hanging it from the lightbar above the front of the stage because it is small enough that the landlord might not notice it. The soundbar has plenty of oomph. I just wish that it was more directional.


If this doesn't pan out, it will go back to Target and I'll try tucking speakers into the corners.

    -- Art Z.

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