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Wire Replacement for DPA microphones

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Benjamin Anderson

Aug 1, 2024, 7:54:16 PM8/1/24
to theatre-sound
Hi brains trust, I have a number of DPA's with wire that has gone hard and thus is slowly splitting to reveal the shilding etc. I build custom earsets so it is possible to easily create a join that is apart of the earpiece and not recive any pressure or abuse and I have a few that I have done this to and they are yet to fail. So i would like to do this to get rid of all of the DPA lead that has gone hard. 

The challenge is wire - until now I have used DPA wire from other mics with dead elements but these are now quite old and going hard/stiff - and I am out.

Does anyone know of a decent replacement wire I could usefor this? (In beige). Google is coming up short.

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