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The Ethercon or not to Ethercon

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Steven Devino

Sep 9, 2024, 1:31:41 PM9/9/24
I’d like to hear from those who have ventured down the ethercon path and have formed opinions as to when and where you value the ethercon format over just plugging in an RJ45 connector.

Steve Devino

Jonathan Woytek

Sep 9, 2024, 1:54:01 PM9/9/24
I use Ethercon on my snake runs and for patch cables between my network racks and my I/O racks and console. While I use standard network switches, I have patch panels mounted in the racks that present the ports as Ethercon on the back panel. I've seen enough failures of locking tabs and damaged RJ-45 ends in my day-job roles. I do use the little rubber boots to cover the cable-mounted Ethercons to keep out dirt and debris on the in and out, and for any ends not in use. 

My gear moves in and out with me for every show. If I was looking at an installation, I might still use Ethercon for any portable I/O units, but for units in fixed installations, I probably wouldn't use them. 

The cable-mount shells are a little finicky to install, but the last generation I bought a few years ago were less so. It is easy to lose part of the two-part plastic bushing that fits into the strain relief during assembly and maintenance. The bits that fit around the RJ-45 shell are also easy to lose, but I think those are less problematic than they were several years ago. Once installed, I haven't had any serious issues with them. They're not indestructible, but they're more robust than plain RJ ends. 


On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 1:31 PM Steven Devino <> wrote:
I’d like to hear from those who have ventured down the ethercon path and have formed opinions as to when and where you value the ethercon format over just plugging in an RJ45 connector.

Jonathan Woytek
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Nick Kourtides

Sep 10, 2024, 1:21:43 PM9/10/24
Yes always, excpet for in-rack interconnects, but for Ethercons, the shielded Cat6 versions are like the kids with chicken pox in a sea of otherwise UTP Cat5e. 


Nick Kourtides
Sound Design

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Rhys Dawson

Sep 10, 2024, 1:21:43 PM9/10/24
Touring applications and any time you're concerned about ip rating.

On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 1:31 PM Steven Devino <> wrote:

Seablade -

Sep 10, 2024, 5:52:20 PM9/10/24
Number one thing I hate about ethercons, Neutrik's decision that Cat6 and 5e should not intermate.

Causes me no end of headaches in my current venue which has both.  Biding my time before I can replace all of the Cat6 connections with Cat6a connections which do intermate.


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