Catalogue of Books Published by Sri Satguru Publications

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Mar 15, 2006, 9:21:11 PM3/15/06

 Catalogue of Books Published by Sri Satguru Publications

Indian Books Centre

In the Service of the Scholarly World since 1976











10. RAGA-NRTYA SERIES Performing Arts - Music, Dance



13. INDIAN MEDICAL SCIENCE SERIES ( Ayurveda/ Siddha/ Unani & Tibetan Medicine)











ISBN prefix of our titles is ( 81-7030 )


1. The Buddha Mimansa-The Buddha's Relation to Vedic Religion/ Ed. Swami Maharaja Yogiraja of Bodha Gaya 1982 [039-8] US$ 20

2 Analysis of Kanjur/ Alexander Csoma de Koros, Preface by Professor J.W. De Jong 1982 [079-7] US$ 26

3. The Way to Nirvana:Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation/ L. de L. Vallee Pousin 1982 [038-X] US$ 15

4. A Grammar of the Tibetan Language/ Alexander Csoma de Koros 1983,[055-X],US$ 20

5. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary/ Alexander Csoma de Koros, Revised by Anil Gupta (Vol.1) 1980 [080-0] US$ 26

6. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary/ Alexander Csoma de Koros (Vol.II) 1982 [082-7] US$ 26

7. A Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism/ Sital Prasad 1995 [82-7] US$ 20

8. Samgharakkita's Vuttodaya:A Study of Pali Metre/ Pali Text, Translated i nto English by R. Siddhartha Preface by Prof. J.W. De Jong 1981 [083- 5] US$ 10

9. Buddhist Concepts: Old and New/ Ed. Buddhadasa P. Kirthesinghe 1983 [084-3] [085-1] US$ 13

10. Ratnakirti's Udayananirakaranam:Deciphered and Critically Ed. R.N. Pandey 1984 [052-5] US$ 13

11. Kaccayana's Pali Grammar with Chrestomathy & Vocabulary/ Francis Massion 1984 [049-5]

12. A Catalogue Index of the Tibetan Buddhist Canons

1983 [051-7] US$ 13

13. Dharma and Gospel:Two Ways of Seeing/ G.W. Houston 1984 [087-8]

14-19,22-24. Gilgit Manuscripts/

Nalinaksha Dutta, (4 Vols..9Parts) 1984 [086-X] US$ 266

20. Philosophy, Grammar and Indology:Prof. Gustav Roth Felicitation Volume/

Ed. H.S. Prasad 1992 [362-1] US$ 60

21. Indian Studies:Volume in Honour of Edwad James Rapson/

Ed. J. Bloch, J. Charpenter and R.L. Turner 1985 [045-2] US$ 16

25. A Glossary of Buddhist Terms/

A.C. March 1986 [025-8] US$ 10

26. The History of Buddhist in India and Tibet by Buston/

E. Obermiller 1999 [026-6] US$ 16

27. Indological and Buddhist Studies:Volume in Honour of Professor J.W. de Jong/

L.A. Hercus et al. 1984 [046-1] US$ 53

28. Magadhan Literature/

Harprasad Sastry 1986 [010-X] US$ 13

29. The History of the Buddha's Religion (Sasanavamsa)/

Trans. B.C. Law 2000 [011-8]

30. Perspectives on Indian Religions:Papers in Honour of Karel Werner/

Ed. Peter Connolly 1986 [028-2]

31. Insights into Buddhism/

Ed. S.K. Gupta 1986 [022-3] US$ 10

32. Indian Studies-Selected Papers of Gustav Roth/

Ed. Heinz Bechert 1986 [037-1] US$ 100

33. A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America/

J.W. de Jong (2nd Rev. Ed.) 1987 [023-1] US$ 13

34. A Philosophical Analysis of Buddhist Notions-The Buddha and Wittgenstein/

A.D.P. Kalansuriya 1987 [111-15] US$ 13

35. The Framework of Nagarjuna's Philosophy/

A.M. Padhya [124-6] US$ 20

36. Vadanyaya:The Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy/

Mangla R. Chinchore [125-4] US$ 10

37. Folklores in Buddhist & Jaina Literature/

S.C.Banerjee 1987 [116-5] US$ 10

38. The Buddhist Diet Book/

L.C. Holloway 1991 [126-2] US$ 5

39. The Mission of Wong Hiuen-Tse's in India/

B.C. Law 1987 [127-0] US$ 10

40. On the Chronicles of Ceylon/

B.C. Law 1987 [128-9] US$ 6

41. Nyayapravesa of Dignaga/

Ed. A.B. Dhruva 1987 [133-5] US$ 16

42. The Jewellery of Scriptures of Buston/

E. Obermiller 1998 [129-6] US$ 16

43. Prakrit Dhammapad/

B.M. Barua 1988 [137-8] US$ 20

44-45. Further Dialogues of Buddha/

Lord Chalmers, 2 Vols.1988[129-6],US$ 40 Set

46. Buddhist Literatures in China

/ Samuel Beal 1988 [142-4]

47. The Mahasudarsanavadana and the Mahasudarsanasutra/

Hisashi Matsumura 1988 [143-2] US$ 33

48. Manuscripts Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkistan- Facsimiles with Transcripts & Notes

/ (2 Parts with 22 plates) Ed. A.F. Rudolf-Hoernle 1988 [158-X] US$ 40

49. Eastern Monachism-Account of the Origin, Laws, Discipline, Sacred Writings, Mysterious Rites, Religious Ceremonies, and Present Circumstances of the Order of Mendicants founded by Gautama Buddha/

R.Spence Hardy 1989 [159-9] US$ 40

50. Jataka Mala or a Garland of Birth Stories/

Marie Musaeus Higgins 1989 [160- 2] US$ 26

51. The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists Compared with History & Science/

R.Spence Hardy 1989 [161-2] US$ 26

52. Tibetan Tales-Derived from Indian Sources, Translated from the Tibetan of Kah-Gyur

in German by F. Anto Von Schiefner, & from German into English by C.A.F. Rhys Davids [165-3] US$ 26

53-55. Hinduism and Buddhism/

Charles Elliot, 3 Vols.1988 [173-4] (Set) US$ 166

56. Treatise on Buddhist Philosophy of Abhidhamma/

C.L. De Silva 1988 [174-2] US$ 13

57-59. Aryamanjusrimulakalpa/

Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri ,3 Vols.,1989 US$ 60 (Set)

60. Tibetan Grammar/

H.A. Jaschke 1989 [187-4] US$ 10

61. The Imitation of Buddha/

Ernest M. Bowden 1989 [185-8] US$ 13

62. A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures/

Samuel Beal 1989 [183-1] US$ 33

63. Amala Prajna:Aspects of Buddhist Studies-Prof. P.V. Bapat Felicitation Volume

/ Eds. N.H. Samtani and H.S. Prasad 1989 [188-2] US$ 53

64. A Glossary of Pali Proper Name/

Eduard Muller 1989 [210-2] US$ 6

65. Mahayanasutralankara-A Study in Vijnana-vada Buddhism/

Y.S. Sastri 1989 [195-2] US$ 13

66. The Philosophy of Relations/

V.N. Jha 1990 [208-2] US$ 5

67. Vastuvidyasasta ascribed to Manjusri/

Text with Translation by E.W.Marasinghe, Vol.1, 1989 [199-8] US$ 20

68. A Tibetan-English Dictionary/

Sarat Chandra Das, 1989 [200-5] US$ 10

69. Tibetan Buddhist Historical Glossary/

S.C. Das 1989 [203-X] US$ 13

70. The Pioneers of Buddhist Revival in India/

D.C. Ahir 1989 [212-9] US$ 8

71. Guide to Tipitaka/

Comp. U.K. Lay 1990 9219-7] US$ 10

72. Twenty-Five Suttas from Mulapannasa /

1990 [220-X] US$ 26

73. The Dhammapada-Verses & Stories/

Daw Mya Tin 1990 [221-8] US$ 26

74. The Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas and pali Nikayas/

Chizen Akanuma 1990 [231-5] US$ 26

75. The Sutta Nipata/

Ed. P.V. Bapat 1990 [231-5] US$ 13

76. The Heart Sutra Explained-Indian and Tibetan Commentaries/

Donald S. Lopez. Jr. 1990 [238-2] **

77. Buddhism in Medieval Sri Lanka/

H.B.M. Ilangashinghe 1991,[245-5] US$ 23

78. Essays on Time in Buddhism/

Ed. H.S. Prasad 1991 [262-5] US$ 50

79. The Uttaratantra of Maitreya/

Containing E.H.Johnston's Text, E.Obermiller's Translation and a new Comprehensive Introduction by H.S. Prasad 1997 [263-3] US$ 26

81 The Citrakarmasastra ascribed to Manjusri/

E.W. Marasinghe, (Vol.2) 1991 [252-8] US$ 23

82. Buddhism in Modern India/

D.C. Ahir 1991 [254-4] US$ 13

83. Me and Mine:Selected Essays of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa/

Ed. And introduction by Donald K. Swearer 1991 [265-0] **

84. Twenty-Five Suttas from Majjhimapannasa/

1991 [261-7] US$ 26

85. A Grammar of the Tibetan Language/

H.B. Hannah 1991 [264-1] US$ 16

86. Kalynamitta:Professor Hajime Nakamura Felicitation Volume/

Ed.V.N. Jha 1991 [253-6] US$ 50

87. Buddhism & American Thinkers/

Kenneth K. Inada 1991 [276-5] **

88. Akshyanivi-Debala Mitra Felicitation Volume/

Ed. Gouriswar Bhattacharya 1991 [275-7] US$ 200

89. Samadhi-Self Development in Zen Swordsmanship and Psychotherapy/

Mike Sayama 1991 [277-3] **

90. Buddhist Faith & Sudden Enlightenment/

Sung Bae Park 1991 [278-1] **

91. The Central Conception of Buddhism/

Th. Stcherbatsky 1991 [280-3] US$ 10

92. Buddhism as Presented by the Brahmanical Systems/

C.V. Kher 1992 [293-5] US$ 50

93. Twenty-Five Suttas from Uparippanasa/

1992 [294-3] US$ 26

94. Mahyanasutralankara by Asanga/

Text, Eng. Trans. Surekha V. Limaye 2000, [347-8] US$ 50

95. Buddhist Symbolism of Wish-fulfilment/

S.G. Senadeera 1992 [298-6] US$ 53

96 Madhyanta-Vibhanga/

Trans. Th. Stcherbatsky 1992 [301-X] US$ 16

97. Prajna-Paramita-Ratna-Guna-Samccaya-Gatha/

Sanskrit and Tibetan Text, Ed. E. Obermiller 1992 [302-8] US$ 13

98. Mahavyupatti/

Ed. I.P. Minaev 1992 [303-6] US$ 14

99. Abhisamayalankara-Prajna-Paramita-Upadesa-Sastra-The Work of Boddhisattva Maitreya/

Eds. Th. Stcherbatsky, E. Obermiller 1992 [304-4] US$ 13

100. Zen Buddhism and Mysticism/

Surekha V. Limaye 1992 [327-3] US$ 20

101. A Study of Tao-Sheng Commentary on the Lotus Sutra/

Young Ho Kim 1992 [306-0] **

102. Jewels of the Doctrine-Stories of the Saddharma Ratnavaliya of Dharmasena Thera/

Tr. Ranjini Obeyesekera 1992 [307-9] **

103. Buddha Nature/

Salle B. King 1992 [ 308-7] **

104. The Buddha Within:Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shen- tong Interpretation of the Ratnagota-Vibhaga/

S.K. Hookham 1992 [309- 5] **

105. Madhyamika and Yogacara/

Gadgin M. Nagao, Trans. Leslie S. Kawamura 1992 [310-9] **

106. Existence and Enlightenment in the Lankavatarasutra/

Florin Giripescu Sutton 1992 [311-4] **

107. Inference and Fallacies as Discussed in Ancient Indian Logic/

Pradeep P. Gokhale 1992 [319-2] US$ 23

108. Ethics of Tibet-Boddhisattva Section of Tsong-Khapa's Lam Rin Chin Mo/

Trans. Alex Wayman, Foreword by the Dalai Lama 1992 [324-9] **

109. The Christ and the Boddhisattva/

Ed. Donald S. Lopez Jr., Steven C. Rockfeller 1992 [323-0] **

110. The Principles of Buddhist Psychology/

David J. Kalupahana 1992 [322-2] **

111. Buddhist Theory of Casuality and Einstein's Theory of Relativity/

Filita Bharucha 1992 [331-1] US$ 20

112. Buddhism in South India/

D.C. Ahir 1992 [332-X] US$ 13

113. Buddhism, Sexuality and Gender/

Jose Ignacio Cabezon 1992 [342-7] **

114. Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha/

Robert E. Buswell Jr. 1992 [341-9] **

115. Conversational English-Tibetan Dictionary/

Anil Gupta 1992 [352-4] US$ 10

116. The Classical Tibetan Language/

Stephen V. Beyar 1993 [357-5] **

117. Buddhist Sociology/

N. Ratnapala 1993 [363-X] US$ 26

118. The Eternal Food/

Ed. R.S. Khare 1993 [365-6] **

119. The Sovereign All Creating Mind-The Motherly Buddha/

S. Dargay Neumair 1993 [366-4] **

120. Nidana Samyutta/

English Translation 1993 [367-2] US$ 20

121. The Word Index of Abhidharma-Kosha/

Comp. S. Pradhan 1993 [369-9] US$ 20

122. Himalayan Buddhism:Past and Present/

D.C. Ahir 1993 [370-2] US$ 15

123. In the Mirror of Memory:Reflections on Mindfullness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhismb/

Janet Gyatso 1993 [374-5] **

124. Tibetan Buddhism:Reason and Revelation/

Steven D. Goodman, Ronald M. Davidson 1993 [376-1] **

125. A Dose of Emptiness:An Annotated Translation of the sTong thun chen mo of Mkhas Grub dGe legs dpal bzang/

Jose Ignacio Cabezon 1993 [375-3] **

126. Vadanyaya-The Logic of Debate/

Sanskrit Text and English Tr. Pradeep P. Gokhale 1993 [380-X] US$ 20

127. Nagarjuna:Mulamadhyamakakarika/

Kenneth K. Inada 1993 [385-0] US$ 20

129. In Search of Dharma:Memoirs of Modern Chinese Buddhist Pilgrim/

Chan Hua 1994 [392-3] **

130. A Dictionary of Buddhist Proper Terms/

Chizen Akanuma 1994 [400-8] US$ 50

131. The Uttara Tantra:A Treatise on Buddha Nature/

Trans. Ken and Katia Holmes 1994 [401-6] **

132. The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines and its Verse Summary/

Edward Conze 1994 [405-9] **

133. DzogChen Meditation/

Gareth Spartham 1994 [407-5] US$ 10

134. Buddha Gaya Through the Ages/

D.C. Ahir 1994 [409-1] US$ 15

135. Craving and Salvation/

Bruce Mathews 1994 [414-8] **

136. Hua-Yen Buddhism-The Jewel Net of Indra/

Francis H. Cook 1994 [415-6] **

137. The Four Ordinary Foundations of Buddhist Practice/

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche,1994,[461-4], **

138. The Bimbamana:The Buddhist Iconometry/

E.W. Marasinghe 1994 [417-2] US$ 8

139. Historical Dictionary of Buddhism/

Charles S. Prebish 1994 [418-0] **

140. Buddhism:A Modern Perspective/

Ed. Charles S. Prebish 1995 [419-9] **

141. The Dharma:That Illuminates All Beings Impartially like the Light of the Sun and the Moon/

Kalu Rinpoche 1995 [431-8] **

142. Ocean of Eloquence:Tsong Kha Pa's Commentary on the Yogacara Doctrine of Mind/

Gareth Sparham 1995 [432-6] **

143. Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained:Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet/

H.V. Guenther 1995 [433-4] **

144. On Understanding Buddhists:Essays on the Theravada Traditions in Sri Lanka/

John Ross Carter 1995 [434-4] **

145. The Law and Morality in Ancient China/

R.P. Peernboom 1995 [429-6] **

146. Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism/

Steve Odin,1995 [424-5] **

147. Mongolian Living Buddha/

Paul Heinz 1995 [423-7] **

148. Buddhism after Patriarchy/

Rita M. Gross 1995 [422-9] **

149. Mutual Casuality in Buddhism and General System Theory/

Joanna Macy 1995 [421-1] **

150-152. Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts/

Raghuvira and Lokesh Chandra, 3 Vols. 1995 [445-8] US$ 500 (Set)

153. Rupavatara of Dharmakirti/

K.S. Lalitambal 1995 [437-7] US$ 23

154. The Dawn of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Doctrine/

Kenneth K. Tanaka 1995 [446-6] **

155. The Canon of Supreme Mystery by Yang Hsiung:

A Translation with Commentary of the T'Al Hsuan Ching by Michael Nylan 1995 [447-7] **

156. Path to the Middle:Oral Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibet/

Anne Carolyn Klein 1995 [448-2] **

157. On Being Buddha:The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood/

Paul J. Griffiths 1995 [449-0] **

158. Anatta/ Anatmata-An Analysis of Buddhist Anti-Substantialist Crusade/

Mangala R. Chinchore 1995 [455-5] US$ 20

159. Aniccata/ Anityata:An Analysis of Buddhist Opposition to Permanence/ Stability and Alternative Foundation of Ontology and/ or Anthropology/

Mangala R. Chinchore 1995 [456-1] US$ 23

160. The Three Vehicles of Buddhist Practice by the Ven. Khenchen Thrangu, Rinpoche, Geshe, Rabjam & Abbot of Rumtek Monastery/

Trans. Ken Holmes 1995 [457-1] US$ 10

161. A Panorama of Indian Buddhism (Selections from the Maha Bodhi Journal (1982-1992)/

Ed. D.C. Ahir 1995 [462-8] US$ 33

162. Lives of the Nuns-Biographies of Chinese Buddhist Nuns from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries/

Trans. Kathryn Ann Tsai 1995 [465-2] **

163. T'ien-T'ai Buddhism and Early Madhyamika/

NG YuKwan 1995 [466-0] **

164. Nagarjunian Disputations-A Philosophical Journey through an Indian Looking-Glass/

Thomas E. Wood 1995 [467-9] **

165. When Did the Buddha Live?-The Controversy on the Dating of the Historical Buddha/

Ed. Heinz Bechert 1995 [469-5] US$ 80

166. Carrying Enemies on Your Shoulder:Indian Folk Wisdom in Tibet/

Hugh Meredith Flick. Jr. 1996 [479-2] US$ 15

167. Santana and Santanantara:An Analysis of the Buddhist Perspective Concerning Continuity, Transformation and Transcedence and the Basis of an Alternative Philosophical Psychology/

Mangala R. Chinchore 1996 [493-8] US$ 33

168. Buddhism and Sarvodaya-Sri Lankan Experience/

Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne, Ed. Nandasena Ratnapala 1996 [514-4] US$ 23

169. The Buddha and the Christ-Explorations in Buddhist and Christian Dialogue/

Leo D. Leferbure 1996 [489-X] **

170. The Emptying God-A Buddhist - Jewish - Christian Conversation/

Ed. John B. cobb. Jr. & Christopher Ives 1996 [490-3] **

171. The Status of the Laity in Buddhism/

D.C. Ahir 1996 [504-7] US$ 10

172. Entry into the Inconceivable-An Introduction to HuaYen Buddhism/

Thomas Cleary 1996 [505-5] **

173. Khanda Samyutta/

English Translation 1996 [506-3] US$ 32

174. How Master Mou Removes our Doubts/

John P. Keenan 1997 [516-0] **

175. Unfolding a Mandala/

Geri H. Malandara 1997 [517-9] **

176. Secrets of the Lotus/

Donald K. Swearer 1997 [528-4] **

177. Mind as Mirror and the Mirroring of Mind/

Steven D. Laycock 1997 [531-4] ,**

178. The Manuals of Buddhism/

Ledi Sayadaw 1997 [530-6] US$ 33

179. Tibetan-English Dictionary/

Stuart H. Buck 1997 [536-5] **

180. Liberting Intimacy/

Peter D Hershock 1997 [542-X] **

181. Sisters in Solitude/

Karma Leshke Tsome 1997 [541-1] **

182. The White Buddhist/

Stephen Prothero 1997 [551-9] **

183. Hetubindu of Dharmakirti-A Point on Probans/

P.P. Gokhale 1997 [559-4] US$ 20

184. Recognizing Reality-Dharmakirti's Philosophy and its Tibetan Interpretation/

Georges B.J. Dreyfus 1997 [561-6] **

185. The Five Aggregates-Understanding Theravada, Psychology and Soteriology/

Matheu Boiscert 1997 [562-4] **

186. The Boddhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism/

Leslie S. Kawamura 1997 [563-2] **

187. The Bhikkhuni Patimokha of the Six Schools/

Chatsumaran Kabil Singh 1998 [570-5] US$ 26

188. The Tibetan Vinaya-A Guide to Buddhist conduct/

Thrangu Rinpoche 1998 [571-3] US$ 10

189. Tibetan Manuscripts and Inscription of Ladakh/

Prem Singh Jina [574-8] US$ 26

190. The Lalitavistara (Ch.I-XIV)/

English Tanslation R.L. Mitra 1998 [576-4] US$ 40

191. Buddhism in North India and Pakistan/

D.C. Ahir 1998 [586-1] US$ 20

192. Sakyadhita; Daughters of the Buddha/

Ed. Karma Lekshe Tsomo 1998 [585-3] **

193. Buddhahood Embodies-Sources of Controversey in India and Tibet/

John J. Makransky 1998 [597] **

194. A Pali English Glossary/

1999 [600-0] US$ 26

195. Some Monasteries of Dringunag Pa Order in Central Ladakh/

P.S. Jina 1999 [601-9] US$ 30

196. On being Mindless-Buddhist Meditation and the Mind Bodhy Problem/

Paul J. Griffiths 1999 [606-X] **

197. Ten Suttas from Digha Nikaya-Long Discouses of the Buddha/

Ed. U. Myo Min. U.Ko.Lay 1999 [605-1] US$ 50

198-199. The Dhammasangani-Enumeration of the Ultimate Realities/

Tran. U. Kyaw Khine 1999, [610-8] US$ 80 (Set)

200. The English Pali Glossary/

1999 [611-6] US$ 26

201. Vipasana-A Buddhist Universal Meditational Technique/

D.C. Ahir 1999 [612-4] US$ 13

202. The Lotus Sutra/

Translated by Burton Smith, 1999 [632-9], **

203. Buddhist Women Across Culture-Realization/

Ed. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, 2000, [660-4], **

204. Glimpses of Sri Lankan Buddhism/

D.C. Ahir,[663-9], 2000, US$ 30

205. Meditation, Compassion & Lovingkindness:An Approach to Vipassana Practice/

Steve & Rosemary Weissman, [678-7],2000, **

206. Meeting the Monkey Halfway/

A Jahn Sumano Bhikkhu with Emily Popp,[679-5],2000, **

207. Buddhism in South East - Asia/

D.C.Ahir, [692-2], 2000, US$ 30

208. Relation as Real

:A Critique of Dharmakirti/ Raghunath Ghosh, [683-0], 2000, US$ 20

209. The Development of Buddhism in India/

Thrangu Rinpoche, Geshe Lharampa, Oral Translation by Ken and Katia Holmes, Retranslation by Cornelia Weishaar-Gunter,[696-5],2000, **

210. The Spiritual Biography of Marpa, the Translator/

Thrangu Rinpoche, Geshe Lharampa./ Trans. by Kenand Katia Holmes & Lama Yeshe Gyamtso, [697-3], 2000, **

211. The Uttara Tantra:A Treatise on Buddha Nature:A Translation of the Root Text and a Commentary on on the UttaraTantra Sastra of Maitreya and Asanga/

Thrangu Rinpoche,Geshe Lharampa, Ken and Katia Holmes,[698-1],2000, **

212. A Spiritual Biography of Rechungpa:Based on the radiance of Wisdom:The Life and Liberation of the Ven.Rechung DorjeDrak/

Thrangu Rinpoche, Geshe Lharampa, Trans. by Peter Roberts, [699-x],2000,**

213. Ten Teachings from the 100,000 songs of Milarepa/

Thrangu Rinpoche, Translated by Peter Roberts, US$ 10

214. Transcending Ego: Distinguishing Consicousness from Wisdom

/ Thrangu Rinpoche , 2001 , **

215. Religious History of Ladakh

/ Ed. Prem Singh Jina, 2001 , US$ 13

216. Pointing Out the Dharmakaya of the Ninth Karmpa Wangchung Dorje

/ Thrangu Rinpoche, 2001, **

217. Distinguishing Dharma and Dharmata Asanga and Maitreya/ Jules Levinsion 2001, **

218. Showing the Path of Liberation

/ Tharngu Rinpoche Geshe Lharampa, Shakya Dorje,2001, **

219. The Ornament of Clear Realization

/ Ken and Katia Holmes, Dr.Cornilia Weishaar-Gunter,2001, **

220. The Seven Points Mind Training/ Maruta Stern,Gaby Hollmann, Ed. by Victoria Huckenpahler,2001,**

221. A Guide Bodhisattva's Way of Life of Shantideva/

Tharangu Rinpoche, Ken Holmes, Thomas Doctor,2002, **

.222. The Saddharma-Pundarika or The Lotus of the True Law/ H.Kern, [623-X], 2002,US$ 20

223. The Life of Buddha: Translation of the Fo-Sho-Hing-King/ Samuel Beal, [742-2], 2002, US$ 20

224. Looking Directly at Mind: The Moonlight of Mahamudra/ Trans.Jules Levinson, [748-1], 2002,US$ 16

225. Tantrik Traditions in Tibet / Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao, [747-3],2002,US$ 26

226. Buddhist Sutras: Translated from Pali/ T.W.Rhys Davids, [751-1].,2003, US$ 20

227-229 Vinaya Texts: Translated from the Pali/ T.W.Rhys Davids, Hermann Oldenberg, [759-7 (set)], 2003,US$ 60 (3 vols.)

230. First Collection of Tibetan Historical Inscriptions on Rock and Stone Ladakh Himalaya/ A.H.Francke, Prem Singh Jina, [766-X], 2003,US$ 33

231.Buddhist Sites and Shrines in India-History,Architecture / D.C. Ahir,[774-0], 2003, US$ 80

232. SagatheVagga Samyutha--Division of Discourses with Verses/ Translated by U Tin U, US$ 33

233. Buddhist--Art, History and Culture--Essays by Prof. L.M. Joshi / Edited by D C. Ahir , US$ 20

234. Indian pandits in the Land of Snow S.C. Das / Edited by Nobin Chandra Das, US$ 13

235. Land of Lamas- Notes of a Journey through China, Mongolia aind Tibet / William Woodville Rockhill, US$ 20

237. Life of Buddha and the Early History of his Order / William Woodville Rockhill, US$ 20

238. Metaphysics & Mysticism Mahayana Buddhism- An Analytical Study of the Ratna Gotra Vibhago- Mahayanttara Tantra--Sastram / C. D. Sebastian, US$ 33

239. Defining The Image- Measurements in Image Making/ Charles Willemen, US$ 13



3. Indo--Tibetan Madhyamika Studies

,[487-3], US$ 15

5. Ecological Responsibility

- A Dialogue with Buddhism: A Collection of Essays and Talks / Ed. Julia Martin, [529-2], US$ 20



1. Pre-Dinnaga Buddhist Text on Logica from Chinese Sources/

Giuseppe Tucci 1981 US$ 40

2. The Foundational Standpoint of Madhyamaka Philosophy/

M. Gadjin Nagao, Tr. John P. Keenan 1990 [230-1] **



1. Mantramahodadhi Of Mahidhara With The Author's Comm. Nauka/ Preface by J.W. de Jong 1981 [061-4] US$ 40

2-3 The Valmiki Ramayana-According to Southern Recensions/ Ed. T.R. Krishnacharya (2 Vols) 1982 (V.I) [062-2] (V.II) [063-0]

4-5 Studies in South Indian Jainism/

M.S. Ramaswami Ayyangar and B. Seshagiri Rao, (2 Vols.) 1988 [144-0] , US$ 26 Set

6. Studies in Eastern Religions/

Alfred S. Geden 1983 [066-5] US$ 20

7. Pancavimsa Brahman-The Brahmana of Twenty Five Chapters/

English Trans by W. Caland 1982 [054-1] US$ 33

8. Slokavartika/

Translated from the Original Sanskrit with Extract from the Commentaries Kasika of Sucarita Misra and Nyayaratnakara of Parthasarthi Misra. Trans. By Ganganath Jha. 1983 [051-0] US$ 33

9-10. Kumarila Bhatta's Tantra Varttika-A Comm. On the Sabara's Bhasya on the Purva Mimansa Sutra of Jaimini/

Ganganath Jha

11. Sri Saraswati in Indian Art and Literature/

Niranjan Ghosh 1984 [057-6] US$ 16

12. Mantramahodadhi with the Commentary Nauka

/ Translated into English by a Board of Scholars 1998 [050-9] US$ 40

13. The Prasastapada Bhasya with Comm. Nyayakandali of Sridhara/

Ed. Vindhyeshwari Prasad Dvivedin [056-8] ,US$ 20

14. Dharmasindhu/

Kashinath Upadhyaya with an English Introduction by Judo Rocher 1986 [002-9] US$ 22

15. The Nyayasutras with Vatsyayana Bhasya/

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16. Brahmasiddhi of Acharya Mandana Misra with Comm. Sankhapani/

Ed. With an Introduction by Kuppuswami Sastri 1984 [067-3],

17. Early Inscriptions/

Ed. Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri 1984 [068-1] US$ 40

18. Inscriptions of Saluva Narasimha's Time/

Ed. Sadhu Subramanya Sastri and B. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [069-X] US$ 40

19. Inscriptions of Krishnaraya's Time/

Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [070-3] ,US$ 40

20. Inscriptions of Achyutaraya's Time/

Assisted by G.A. Narayan Ed. V. Vijayaraghvacharya 1984 [071-1] US$ 40

21. Inscriptions of Sadasivaraya's Time/

Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [072-X],US$ 40

22. Inscriptions of Venkatapatiraya's Time, Part-I/

Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya 1984 [073-8] US$ 40

23. Epigraphical Glossary in three Sections/

1984 [074-6] US$ 40

24. Report on the Inscriptions/

Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri 1984 [075-4] US$ 40

25. Nadagama-The First Sri Lankan Theatre/

M.H. Gonatilleka 1984 [076-2] US$ 20

27. The Mantrapatha or the Prayer Book of the Apastambin/

Ed. Maurice Winteritz 1985 [044-4] ,

28. Beyond the Mind/

David Frawley **

29. Asvalyana Grihyasutra with the Comm. Of Hardattacharya/

Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri 1985 [053-3]

30. Akshara:The Forgotten Chapter in the History of Indian Philosophy/

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31-32 The Manava Srautasutra belonging to the Maitrayani Samhita/

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33. Deyadharma-Studies in Memory of Dr. D.C. Sircar/

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34-35 The Khandanakhandakhadya of Sri Harsha/

Trans. Ganganath Jha, 2 Vols. 1986 (V.I) [017-7] (V.II) [018-5] US$ 40 ,Set

36. The Mimansa-Nyaya Prakash of Apadeva/

Trans. Francklin Edgerton 1986 [024-X]

37. The Imitation of Sankara/

M.N. Dwivedi 1988 [027-4] US$ 13

38. The Vedanta Doctrine of Sri Sankaracharya/

A. Mahadeva Sastri 1986 [029-0] US$ 13

39. Katyayana Mata-Sangraha/

N.C. Bandopadhyaya 1986 [030-4] US$ 13

40. An Encyclopaedia of Jainism/

Ed. P.C. Nahar & K.C. Ghosh 1996 [032-0] US$ 33

42. Sankhayana Grihya Sutra/

Ed. S.R. Sehgal, 2nd Rev. Ed. 1987 [019-3] US$ 20

43.The Brihat Samhita/

English Trans. by N.C. Ayer 1987 [094-0] US$ 26

44-45. Upanishad Vakya Mahakosh/

S. Shambu Gajanan Sadhale, 2 Vols. 1987 [095] , US$ 40 Set

46. The Logic of the Intermediate Casual Link /

V.N. Jha 1986 [102-5] US$ 10

47. The Vakyarthamatrka of Salikanatha Misra with his Own Vrtti/

Trans. Rajendra Nath Sarma 1987 [110-6] US$ 10

48. Yantras-Text and Plates/

S.K. Ramachandra Rao 1988 [118-1] US$ 10

49. Kanada's Doctrine of the Padarthas/

Veena S. Gajendragadkar 1988 [119-X] ,US$ 13

50-54, 66. Bhattadipika/

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55-56. Oriental & Linguistic Essays/

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57. Dravidic Studies/

C.P. Venkatarama Ayyar, K.V. Subbaya & S. Aavaratavinaya Pillai 1987 [1157] US$ 13

58. Sabda Pramana-An Epistemological Analysis/

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59. Naganandam of Sri Harsha/

Trans. V. Leela Devi 1988 [120-3] US$ 9

60. Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimansa/

R.N. Sarma 1989 [194-7] US$ 13

61. Bengali Religious Lyrics-Sakta/

Trans. Edward J. Thompson & Arthur Marshman Spencer 1986 [020-7] US$ 10

62. Religions and Comparative Thought-Essays in Honour of the Late Dr. Ian Kesarcodi-Watson/

Ed. Purusottama Bilimoria & Peter Fenner 1988 [123-8] US$ 33

63. Yoga-A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists/

J.F.C. Fuller 2000 [138-6] US$ 10

64-65. An Encyclopaedia of World Architecture/

Joseph Gwilat Revised by Wyatt Papworth (2 Vols) 1988 (Vol.1) [145-9] (Vol.2) [147-4] US$ 100, Set

67-74. Srimad Mahabharatam-According to Southern Recensions/

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75. Mimansa Theory of Meaning/

R. N. Sarma 1988 [157-2] US$ 10

76-77. A Universal History of the Religious Rites, Ceremonies and Customs of the Whole World/

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78. The Sanskrit Theatre and Stagecraft/

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79. Post-Sankaradeva Vaisnava Faith & Culture of Assam/

K.D. Goswami 1986 [167-X],US$ 20

80. Advaitamoda:A Study of Advaita & Visistadvaita/

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81. Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints/

F. Kingsbury and G.P. Philips,2000 [169-6] US$ 10

82. Sarada Tilaka Tantram/

Eng. Trans. By a Board of Scholars 1988 [175-0] US$ 20

83. Nalinikanta Shatavarshiki-Dr. N.K. Bhattasali Centenary Volume (1888-1988)/

Eds. Debala Mitra & Gouriswar Bhattacharya 1990 [191-2] US$ 200

84. Sanskrit & Related Studies-Contemporary Research and Reflections/

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85. Ksemendra:The Eleventh Century Kashmiri Poet-A Study of his Life and Works/

Uma Chakraborty 1993 [196-3] US$ 16

86. Conversational English-Nepali Dictionary/

Anil Gupta 1993 US$ 10

87. Sri Chakras:Text and Plates/

S.K. Ramachandra Rao 1989 [198-X] US$ 10

88. Vedic Gods & Some Hymns/

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90. A Reconstruction of the third School of Purvamimansa/

Ujjvala Panse 1989 [209-9],US$ 20

91. Meaning and Knowledge-An Interpretation of Indian and Contemporary Epistemological Concepts /

R.I. Ingalalli 1989 [205-6] US$ 26

92. The Vidura-Gita-Text & English Trans

. / V. Leela Devi 1989 [213-7] US$ 10

93. Philosophy of Religion in Hindu thought/

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94. Prameyakamalamartanda-Comm. On Shri Manik Nandi's Pareeksha Mukh Sutra/

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97. The Gita:A Philosophy in Human Action/

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98. Vishnu Samhita-Text/

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99. An Analysis of Dream in Indian Philosophy/

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100. Deliver Me, My Lord-Manavalamamuni's Artiprabhandham/

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101. Invariable Concomitance in Nayva-Nyaya/

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102. Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudan Saraswati/

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103. Advaitasiddhi-A Critical Study/

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105. Makarand-Professor James C. Harle Felicitation Volume/

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111. Time in Indian Philosophy/

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112. A Critique of Sabda:Based on Visvanath's Bhasapariccheda/

Ashok Kumar Goswami 1991 [247-1] US$ 30

113. Bhasa Bodhini-a Sanskrit Primer/

Malaya Gangopadhyaya 1991 [248-X] US$ 10

114. Christianity in Indian Dance Forms/

F. Barboza 1991 [249-8] US$ 20

115. Relations in Knowledge Representation:Studies in Nyaya, Mimansa, Vyakarna, Tantra, Modern Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence in Computer Application/

K.C. Dash 1991 [266-8] US$ 20

116. Nature in Asian Traditions of thought/

Ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames 1991 [260-9] **

117. Jung and Eastern thought/

Harold Coward 1991 [285-7] **

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Swami Lakshman Joo 1991 [257-9] **

119. The Iconography of Ritual of Shiva at Elephanta/

Charles D. Collins 1991 [257-9] **

120. Jainism as Meta-Philosophy/

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121-122.Nyayakumudacandra of Prabhacandracarya Comm. On Bhattakalankadeva's Laghiya- Straya/

Pt. Mahendra Kumar Nyayacharya, (2 Vols) 1991 [271-4] (Set) US$ 46

123. Mimansa-The Ancient Indian Science of Sentence Interpretation/

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125. Derrida and Indian Philosophy/

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A. Hiltebeitel 1991 [279-X] **

127. Modern Indian Interpreters of Bhagvadgita/

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129. A Sanskrit Primer/

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130. Various Interpretation of the Rbhu hymns in the Rgveda/

G.V. Davane 1991 [292-7],US$ 30

131. The Light of Consciousness-Explorations in Transpersonal Psychology/

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132. Encountering the Goddess-Translation of the Devi Mahatmya and its Interpretation/

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Wilhelm Halbfass 1992 [300-1] **

134. The Triumph of the Goddess-The Canonical Models and Theological Visions of the Devi-Bhagavata Purana/

C. Mackenzie Brown 1992 [305-2] **

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139. Songs of Kabir from the Adi Granth/

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140. Kabir Legends and Ananta-Das's Kabir Parachai/

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142. Pre-Paninian Grammatical Traditions Part I-A Linguistic Analysis of the Rgveda-Padapatha/

V.N. Jha 1992 [320-6] US$ 26

143. Neo-Platonism and Indian Thought/

Ed. R. Baine Harris 1992 [321-4] **

144. The Myths of Narasimha and Vamana-Two Avatars of Cosmological Perspective/

Deborah A Soifer 1992 [325-7] **

145. Sacred Word and Sacred Text-Scripture in World Religions/

Harold Coward 1992 [326-1] **

146. The Vakyapadiyam of Bhartrhari:Brahmakanda/

Eng. Trans. K. Subrahmanyam 1992 [328-1] US$ 9

147. Relations in Indian Philosophy/

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148-154. Mimamsakosah/

Kevalanada Saraswati, (7 Vols) 1992 [340-1] (Set) US$ 466

155. Vac-The Concepts of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras/

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157. Transformative Philosophy-A Study of Sankara, Fichte and Heidegger/

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A Study of the Prana Concept in Vedic Literatute and its Development in the Vedanta, Samkhya and Pancaratra Traditions/ Peter Connolly 1992 [348-6] US$ 20

160. Vidya-Vratin:Prof. A.M. Ghatage Felicitation Volume/

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163. Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism:Studies in Honour of Andre Padoux/

Ed. T. Goudrain 1993 [356-7] **

164. Ethics/

R. Leela Devi 1992 [358-3] US$ 10

165. Memory in Indian Epistemology/

S.V. Bhandare 1993 [359-1] US$ 12

166. Glimpses of Ancient Indian Poetics/

V.N. Jha 1993 [360-5] US$ 13

167. The Sankhya Philosophy/

S.G.M. Weersinghe 1993 [361-3] US$ 30

168. On Being and What there is/

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172. Role of Space time in Jaina's Syadavada & Quantum Theory/

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175. The Vivarnaprameyasangraha/

Tr. G. Thibaut 1993 [391-5] US$ 20

176. Conversational English-Hindi Dictionary/

Anil Gupta 1994 [393-1] US$ 13

177. Dhavanyaloka Concordance/

Anand Amaldass 1994 [399-1] US$ 26

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V. Sishupala Panicker 1995 [436-9] US$ 20

189. The Goddesses' Mirror:Visions of the Divine from East and West/

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190. Nyayamanjari of Jayant Bhatta, Ahnika I./

Trans. V.N. Jha 1995 [459-1] US$ 15

191. A Glossary of Tantra, Mantra and Yantra/

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192. Pre-Paninian Grammatical Traditions, Part II-A Grammatical Analysis of the Taittiriya-Padapatha/

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193. The Limits of Scripture-Vivekananda's Reinterpretation of the Vedas/

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236. Dispelling Illusion-Gaudapada's "Alatasanti"

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243. Validity of Knowledge /

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247 The Ramayana of Valmiki : Vol. V :Sundarakanda/

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Kamalakar Mishra, 1999,[632-9], **

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C. Mackenzi Brown, 1999 [634-5], **

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Ed. John E. Cort, 1999[ 635-3], **

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V.Balu, Shakuntala Balu, 1999,[640-X], US$ 13

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A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Saiva Philosophy/ David Peter Lawrence, 2000, [659-0], **

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S. Abhayananda, [674-4], 2000, **

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A.G.Mohan, [703-1], **

261. Unveilig the Light in the Vedas/

R.L. Kashyap, [701-5], US$ 26

262- 267. The Rg-Veda with an Introduction by Prof. V.N.Jha, 6vols set

./ H.H.Wilson,2002, US$ 200 (6 vols. set)

268. Vishnu-Smrti: The Institutes of Vishnu

/ Julius Jolly, [743-0], ,2002,US$ 20

269-270 Vedic Hymns: Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vayu and Vata

/ F.Max Muller, [755-4](set), 2003, US$ 40 (2 Vols)

271. Mimamsa Philosophy of Language

/ Ujjwala Jha, [761- 9], 2002, US$ 10

272. The Artful Universe: An Introduction to the Vedic Religious Imagination

/ William K. Mahony, [767-8], 2002, **

273. Living Liberation in Hindu Thought

/ Andrew O.Fort & Patricia Y.Mumme, [768-6], 2002, **

274. Freedom Through Inner Renunciation: Sankara's Philosophy in a New Light

/ Roger Marcaurelle, [769-4], 2002, **

275-277. Encyclopedia of Indian Iconography Hinduism-Buddhism-Jainism

/ Prof. S.K.Ramachandra Rao [764-3 (set)],2003, US$ 333 (3 Vols)

278. Bhasabodhini

-A Sanskrit Reader/ Malaya Gangopadhyay, Vol.2, [775-9], US$ 10

279-280. Jaina Sutras

-Translated from Prakrit/ Hermann Jacobi, 2 Vols, (Set) US$ 40

281. Minor Law Books

- Narada Brihaspati/ Julius Jolly, [782-1], US$ 20

282. Human Mind and Machine

/ Ed. V.N. Jha, [784-8], US$ 10

283. Intentionality and Verbal Understanding

/ Ed. V.N. Jha, [785-6], US$ 8

284. Perception : East and West

/ Ed. V.N. Jha, [786-4], US$ 5

285. Indian Aesthetics and Poetics

/ Ed. V.N. Jha, [787-2], US$ 8

286. Dharma--In Early Brahmanic, Buddhist and Jain Traditions

/ Vincent Sekhar S.J., [791-0], US$ 26

287. Nyaya Sutras: A New Commentary on an Old Text

/ Prof. Daya Krishna , [800-3], US$ 33

288. Siva Samhita

/ S.C. Vasu , [825-9], US$ 8

289-300. Agama Encyclopaedia

/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao 12 Vols. [823-2], US$ 16 / - per vol.

I- Introduction, II- Saiva & Sakta Agamas, III- Vaikhanasa Agamas, IV- Pancaratragama, V- Devyagama, VI- Alaya & Aradhana, VII- Preparation for Puja, VIII- Mudras in Puja, IX- Consecration, X- Nityarcana, XI- Utsavas, XII- Source Book

301. Compendium on Ganesha

/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao, [828-3], US$ 33

302. Ghreanda Samhita

/ S.C. Vasu, [807-0], US$ 8

303. Hatha Yoga Pradipika

/ Pancham Singh, [808-9], US$ 8

304. Srividya Kosa

/ Prof. S.K Ramachandra Rao, [832-1], US$ 40

305. Introduction to Indian Astrology

/ Rama R. Rao, [835-6], US$ 13

306. The Tantric Practices in Sri Vidya

/ S.K Ramachandra Rao, [836-4], US$ 20

307-308. Navgraha Kosa

/ S.K Ramachandra Rao 2 Vols, [839-9], US$ 26 per vol.

309. The Concept of Vac in the Vedic Literature

/ Pratibha M.Pingle, [841-0], US$ 33



1. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali-An Analysis of the Sanskrit with Accompanying English Translation/

Christopher Chappel and Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly Jr.) 1990 [244-7] US$ 10

2. The Other Side of Death-Upanisadic Eschatology/

William A. Borman 1990 [233-2] US$ 7

3. An Advaita Vedanta Perspective on Language/

John Grimes 1991 [250-1] US$ 20

4. The Power of Sacred Name/

Ed. William J. Jackson 1994 [395-8] US$ 30

5. Approaches to Personhood in Indian thought/

Ian Kesarcodi Watson, Edited with Foreword by J.G. Arapura 1994 [398-2] US$ 20

6. New Essays in the Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan/

Ed. S.S. Rama Rao Pappu 1996 [461-X] US$ 50

7. Indian Philosophy:A New Perspective/

Daya Krishan 1997 [553-5] US$ 33



1. Excavation in Swat and Exploration in the Oxus Territories of Afghanisatn/

Evert Berger and Philip Wright 1985 [090-8] US$ 23

2. Inscriptions of Harappa and Mohenjodaro/

Pran Nath 1996 [012-6] US$ 16

3. Nalanda and its Epigraphic Materials/

Hiranand Sastri 1986 [013-4] US$ 26

4. Iconographic Dictionary of Indian Religions:Hinduism-Buddhism-Jainism/

Gosta Liebert 1986 [098-3] US$ 50

5. A Glossary of Indian Art and Archaeology

1995 [453-9] US$ 15



1. Jainism as Meta Philosophy/

S. Gopalan 1991 [265-X] US$ 5

2. A Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism/

Brahmachari Sital Prasad 1982 [82-7] US$ 20

3. Role of Space-Time in Jaina's Syadvada & Quantum Theory/

Filita Bharucha 1993 [384-2] US$ 8

4. Non-Violence to Animals, Earth and Self in Asian Traditions/

Christopher Key Chapple 1995 [426-1] **

5. Studies on Eastern Religions/

Alfred S. Geden 1982 [066-5] US$ 20

6. Purana Perennis-Reciprocity and Transformation in Hindu and Jaina Texts/

Ed. Wendy Doniger 1993 [379-6] **

7. Iconographic Dictionary of the Indian Religions-Hinduism-Buddhism-Jainism/

Gosta Liebert 1986 [098-3] US$ 50

8. Studies in South Indian Jainism 2 Parts/

B. Seshagiri Rao & M.S. Ramaswami Ayyanger 1988 [144-0] US$ 26

9. Ardha Magadhi Reader/

B.D. Jain 1982 [040-1] US$ 13

10. Prameyakamala-Martanda by Shri Prabha Chandra (A Commentary on Shri Manik Nandi's Pareeksha Mukh Sutra/

Ed. With Intro Index etc. by Pt. Mahendra Kumar Shastri, Foreword Dr. V.N. Jha 1989 [206-4] US$ 33

11. Nyaya Kumda Candra of Srimat Prabhacandracarya-A Comm. On Bhatta-kalankadeva's Laghiyastrayana. 2 Vol. Set./

Pt. Mahendra Kumar Nyayacharya. Foreword by Prof. V.N. Jha 1991 [271-4] US$ 47

12. An Encyclopaedia of Jainism/

Ed. P.C. Nahar and K.C. Ghosh 1986 [032-0] US$ 33

13. The Unknown Pilgrims:History, Life and Spirituality of the Jaina Women Ascetics/

N. Shanta 1997 [535-7] US$ 50



1. Shankara and Indian Philosophy/

Natalia Isayeva 1993 [373-7] **

2. Theology after Vedanta-An Experiment in Comparative Theology/

Francis X. Clooney S.J. 1993 [372-9] **

3. Purana Perennis-Reciprocity and Transformation in Hindu and Jaina Texts/

Ed. Wendy Doniger 1993 [379-6] **

4. The Life and Teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi/

Antonio Rigopoulos 1993 [378-8] **

5. The Vidhi Viveka of Mandana Misra/

K. Natrajan 1995 [438-5] US$ 15

6. Philosophy of Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi/

Nagesh D. Sonde 1996 [472-5] US$ 7

7. Bhanudas-The Poet Saint of Maharashtra:Translation from the Bhaktivijaya/

Justin E. abbot 1996 [498-9] US$ 12

8. Tukaram-The Poet Sain of Maharashtra:Trans. From Mahipati's Bhaktililamrita/

Justin E. abbot 1996 [497-0] US$ 20



1. Sri Subodhini-

Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 1 to 4/ English Translation by T.Ramanan ,[770-8], Vol. 1, 2003, US$ 43

2. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 5 to 8/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 2), US$ 40

3. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 9 to 11/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 3), US$ 33

4. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 12 to 17/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 4), US$ 43

5. Sri Subodhini

- Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 18 to 22/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 5), US$ 43

6. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 23 to 28/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 6), US$ 43

7. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 29 to 35/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 7), US$ 63

8. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 36 to 42/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 8), US$ 50

9. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 43 to 49/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 9), US$ 63

10. Sri Subodhini

-Commentry on Srimad Bbagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 50 to 56/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 10), US$ 50

11. Sri Subodhini

-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 57 to 63/ T.Ramanan, [824-0] (Vol. 11), US$ 50

12. Sri Subodhini

-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 64 to 70/ T.Ramanan, [829-1] (Vol. 12), US$ 50

13. Sri Subodhini

-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 71 to 77/ T.Ramanan, [830-5] (Vol. 13), US$ 50

14. Sri Subodhini

-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 78 to 84/ T.Ramanan, [833-X] (Vol. 14), US$ 50

15. Sri Subodhini

-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 85 to 90/ T.Ramanan, [834-8] (Vol. 15), US$ 63

16. Sri Subodhini

-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Eleven Chapters 1 to 5 (includes Vritrasura Chatusloki) / T.Ramanan, [843-7] (Vol. 16), US$ 50


10. RAGA-NRTYA SERIES Performing Arts - Music, Dance

1. Indian Music/

Bh. Pingle 1989 [193-9] US$ 26

2. Natyasastra/

English Translation by a Board of Scholars 1996 [143-3] US$ 33

3. Encyclopaedia of Indian Music with Special Reference to Ragas, 3 Vols.

Bound in one 1988 [007-X] US$ 26

4. A Companion to Indian Music and Dance/

S.C. Banerji 1990 [240-4] US$ 18

5. Kuchipudi Bharatam of Kuchipudi Dance:South Indian Classical Dance Tradition/

K. Uma Rama Rao 1992 [291-9] US$ 20

6. A Panorama of Indian Dances/

U.S. Krishna Rao, U.K. chandrabhaga Devi 1993 [330-3] US$ 60

7. A Glossary of Natya-Sastra/

Naresh Gupta 1994 [394-X] US$ 8

8. The Dance Vocabulary of Classical India/

Mandakranta Bose 1995 [439-3] US$ 30

9. Saman Chants-In Theory and Present Practice (With an Audio Cassette) /

G.H. Tarlekar 1996 [440-7] US$ 26



1. Nadagama-The first Sri Lankan Theatre/

M.H. Goonatileka 1984 [000-0] US$ 20

2. Christianity in Indian Dance Forms/

Francis Peter Barboza 1990 [294-8] US$ 20



1. Libraries in Sri Lanka:Their Origin and History/

T.G. Piyadasa 1985 [000-2] US$ 20

2. Sri Lankan Monastic Architecture/

H.T. Basnayake 1986 [009-6] US$ 66

3. President J.R. Jayawardene on National and International Affairs, his Biography and Selected Speeches/

Ed. And Compiled by S.P. Senadhira 1985 [003-7] US$ 20

4. Manners, Customs & Ceremonies of Sri Lanka/

Miniwan P. Tillakaratne 1986 [014-2] US$ 53

5. Ceylon Lectures/

B.M. Barua 1986 [006-1] US$ 20

6. Ceylon and the Portuguese 1555-1658/

P.E. Pieris 1986 [008-8] US$ 20

7. Ceylon, its History, People, Commerce, Industries and Resources/

Ed. By a Board of Scholars 1986 [033-9] US$ 33

8. Modern Sri Lankan Stories-An anthology/

Ed. D.C. R.A. Goonatilleke 1986 [088-6] US$ 20

9. Social & Cultural History of Ancient Sri Lanka /

S.B. Hettiarchi 1988 [123-8] US$ 20

10. A Sinhalese-English Dictionary/

T. Moscrop 1987 [132-7] US$ 13

11. Modern Sri Lankan Poetry-An Anthology/

Ed. D.C.R.A. Goonatilleke 1987 [135-1] US$ 20

13. Ceylon:Coins & Currency/

H.W. Codrington 1989 [189-0] US$ 66

14. Sri Durga Devi Temple of Tellipalai/

M. Kandiah 1990 [224-2] US$ 9

15. Modern Sri Lankan Drama/

Ed. D.C.R.A. Goonatilleka 1991 [151-X] US$ 20

16. The History of Ceylon/

William Kinghton 1993 [381-8] US$ 23

18. Mysterious Stories of Sri Lanka

/ Susunaga Weeraperuma,[662-0], US$ 13


13. Indian Medical Science Series   ( Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Tibetan Medicine)

1.Hindu Practice of Medicine/

K.R.L. Gupta, US$ 13

2.Hindu Anatomy, Physiology, Therapeutics, History of Medicine and Practice of Physics/

K.R.L. Gupta, US$ 13

3.Clinical Application of Ayurvedic Remedies and a List of Ayurvedic Preparations/

Panel of Vaidyas, US$ 13

4.Indian Therapeutics-Dealing with the Comparative Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Materia Medica, Dieterics, Prescriptions etc./

D.B. Sandu, US$ 13

5.Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India/

G. Orta, US$ 53

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K.R.L. Gupta, US$ 10

7.Madhava Nidana/

Trans. K.R.L. Gupta, US$ 13

8.A Manual of Family Medicine and Hygiene for India/

W. Moore, US$ 40

9.Ayurveda or Hindu System of Medical Science

, US$ 8

10.Astanga Sangraha-Sarira Sthana/

Ed. Ramachandra Sastri Kinjavadekara and New Introduction in English by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 26

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Ed. Ramachandra Sastri Kinjavadekara and New Introduction in English by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 26

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Ed. Ramacandra Sastri Kinjavadekara and New Introduction in English by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 26

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Vaidya Bhagawan Dash & Ven. Doboom Tulku, US$ 10

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Dr.Gyanendra Pandey, US$ 13

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Sumitra Pandey, US$ 10

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Abhimanyu Kumar, US$ 30

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Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 40

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Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 80

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Sebastian Kneipp, US$ 20

20-34.Encyclopaedia of Tibetan Medicine/

Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, 1994 Vol.1 to 4 & 6 each Vol. US$ 40 and Vol.5 & 7 each US$ 63

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Dr.Gyanendra Pandey, US$ 40

36- 37.Pharmacopoeial Standards of Herbal Plants/

Dr.C.R. Karnick, 2 Vols., US$ 46 Set


Tr. N.N. Sarkar, Roma Sircar, US$ 26

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A. Vinaya Kumar, US$ 26

40.Medicinal Plants of Himalayas/

Dr.Gyanendra Pandey, Vol.-1, US$ 43

41- 45.The Caraka Samhita- English Translation

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Dr.C.R. Karnick, US$ 8

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Dr.C.R. Karnick, US$ 8

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Dr.C.R. Karnick, US$ 26

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R. Narain, US$ 16

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Thomas J. Graham, 2 Vols., US$ 80 Set

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V.M. Kulkarni, US$ 13

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Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 15

55.Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine/

Hakim Mohammad Said, US$ 133

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Dr. Vivekanand Pandey, Book is in Hindi Language, US$ 40

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Dr.G.P. Upadhyaya, US$ 15

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Asha Ram, US$ 13

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P.K. Chitale, US$ 23

60.Ayurvedic Clinical Medicine/

A. Vinaya Kumar, US$ 30

62.Traditional Medicine of South-East Asia and Indian Medical Science/

Dr. Gyanendra Pandey, US$ 40

63- 64.The Wealth of Indian Alchemy and its Medicinal uses/ Being and English Trans. Of Rasajalanidhi/ B. Mukherji, 2 Vols., US$ 66 Set

65.The Herbs of Life-Health and Healing using Western and Chinese Techniques/

Lesley Tierra, L.Ac. Herbalist, **

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James Green, **

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Diane Stein, **

68.The Ayurveda Encyclopaedia - Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention and Longevity II Edition/

Swami Sada Shiva Tirth, **

70- 71.The Ayurvedic System of Medicine (Second Revised Ed.)/

Kaviraj Nagendra Nath Sengupta, 2 Vols., US$ 133 Set

72. A Glossay of Ayurveda, Tibetan and Unani Medicines,

US$ 40

73.Ayurvedic Treatment of Common Diseases

/ M.H. Paranjape, US$ 10

80.Instant and Fast Acting Ayurvedic Treatment /

Vaidya S.D.Jalukar, US$ 20

85.Fundamentals of Ayurved Medicine (Revised and Enlarged Edition)/

Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, US$ 26

98.Natural Healing for Babies & Children/

Aviva Jill Romm, **

99.Medicinal Flowers of Himalaya/

Dr.Gyanandra Pandey, Vol.2, US$ 40

100.Ayurveda Nidan/

Prof.Dr. P.H. Kulkarni, US$ 10

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Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

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Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

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Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

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Prof.Dr. P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

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Prof.Dr. P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

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Prof.Dr. P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

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Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

108.Ayurveda Chikitsa/

Prof.Dr. P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

109.Secrets of Ayurvedic Massage/

Atreya, **

110.Ayurveda Therapy/

Prof.Dr.P.H. Kulkarni, US$ 36

111.The Handbook of Herbal Medicine and Natural Foods/

Jethro Kloss, **

112. Tibetan Medicine/ Ven.Rechung Rinpoche, Jampal Kunzang, US$ 53

113. Ayurveda Vistas

/ Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 16

114. Musing Ayurved

/ Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

115. Heartcare in Ayurved

/ Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

116. Handbook of Clinical Ayurveda Practice

/ Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

117. Panchakarma in Ayurveda

/ Ed.Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

118. Joint Disorders Care in Ayurveda

/ Ed.Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

119. Bronchial Asthma Care in Ayurveda and Holistic Systems

/ Ed.Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 10

120. Ayurvedic Therapeutics

/ Ed. by Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

121. Ayurved and Hepatic Disorders

/ Ed.Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

122. Secrets of Mind-Body Health Through Holistic Care

/ Ed.Prof.Dr.P.H.Kulkarni, US$ 13

123. Child Care in Ancient India from the Perspectives of Development Psychology and Paediatrics

/ Malavika Kapur, Hemalata Mukundan, US$ 13

124. Anticancer Herbal Drugs of India

/ Dr.Gyanendra Pandey, US$ 13

125. Piles Care and Treatment in Ayurveda

/ Dr.M.Bhaskar Rao, US$ 20

126. Ayurveda for Women

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127. Common Symptoms Effective Remedies

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128. Know Ayurveda

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132. Ayurvedic Plants

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150. Anti Aging Herbal Drugs of Ayurveda

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151. The Pancakarma Treatment in Ayurveda including Keraliya Ayurveda

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152- 154. Encyclopaedia of Ayurveda

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/ Ed. Prof. P.H. Kulakarni. US$ 20

157. Ayurveda and Diabetic Disorders

/ Ed. Prof. P.H Kulakarni, US$ 20

158. Complementary Medicine

/ Ed. Prof. P.H Kulakarni, US$ 20


14. Alternative Medicine Series

1. Aromatherapy- A Complete Guide to the Healing Art/ Kathi Keville and Mindy Green, **

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/ Lesley Tierra, **

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/ David Schiller & Carol Schiller, **

Other Related Titles

1. Monk's Cookbook

- Vegetarian Recipes from Kauai's Hindu Monastery- A Collection of Jaffna-Style and Indian Dishes from around the World for Daily Meals and Elaborate Feativals/ Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. **

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